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Best ubership?

Posted: 2010-03-16 05:13pm
by Srelex
By that I mean the various Star Dreadnaught-league ships throughout the course of Star Wars canon, from the Malevolence, the Executor, the Eclipse, the Viscount, and so on--which is the most effective and effecient, and which you like to put focus on manufacturing given the chance?

For me personally, I'd go with the classic Executor. Now, I know the Eclipse has the greater total firepower, but the Executor does apparently possess a larger number of actual weapons emplacements that would be far more practical in a space battle than a bigass superlaser that can only really be effective against one enemy at a time, and no doubt isn't friendly for the power supply. But what is your choice?

Re: Best ubership?

Posted: 2010-03-16 05:19pm
by The Romulan Republic
Eclipse. It looks incredibly menacing, has a superlaser but without the shear overkill of the Death Star (thus presumably making it more inexpensive and easier to mass-produce), and best (or worst) of all, it has gravity well generators. This means that if you attack it, or are attacked by it, there is no easy retreat.

Re: Best ubership?

Posted: 2010-03-16 05:26pm
by fractalsponge1
Sovereign. Gravity-well generators, a superlaser, and it looks like it might actually have engines, unlike the Eclipse.

But really, we know so little about most of these ships it's hard to make meaningful comparisons. If we're going by looks alone, Executor, no question :)

Re: Best ubership?

Posted: 2010-03-16 05:28pm
by Thanas
The Romulan Republic wrote:Eclipse. It looks incredibly menacing, has a superlaser but without the shear overkill of the Death Star (thus presumably making it more inexpensive and easier to mass-produce), and best (or worst) of all, it has gravity well generators. This means that if you attack it, or are attacked by it, there is no easy retreat.
The sovereign has the same, costs less and is far more useful in actual ship to ship combat. The eclipse has crappy acceleration and is a lame duck against any competently led dreadnought.

Re: Best ubership?

Posted: 2010-03-17 02:42pm
by The Romulan Republic
In that case, maybe I'll switch my vote to Sovereign. I honestly didn't know anything about it other than the name and that it was vaguely Eclipse-like.

Re: Best ubership?

Posted: 2010-03-17 03:03pm
by VT-16
I like the Subjugator-class for its move away from pure Dreadnaught bulk and tactics. It's built for speed and quick strikes, moving far from escort and safe harbours, like a real cruiser.

Keep it real. :mrgreen:

Re: Best ubership?

Posted: 2010-03-17 03:42pm
by Oskuro
Idiotic nitpick but, since it was capable of movement, wouldn't the DEATH STAR count as a über ship? :D

Re: Best ubership?

Posted: 2010-03-17 03:53pm
by starfury
I like the Subjugator-class for its move away from pure Dreadnaught bulk and tactics. It's built for speed and quick strikes, moving far from escort and safe harbours, like a real cruiser.

Keep it real.
Considering how much smaller it was compared to most of the other uberships, it was really a Cruiser to the Battleships of the other uberships.

Re: Best ubership?

Posted: 2010-03-17 04:17pm
by AMT
Sun Crusher.
As someone once said "size matters not"

Re: Best ubership?

Posted: 2010-03-17 07:03pm
by Lord Pounder
AMT wrote:Sun Crusher.
As someone once said "size matters not"
From the OP
By that I mean the various Star Dreadnaught-league ships throughout the course of Star Wars canon, from the Malevolence, the Executor, the Eclipse, the Viscount, and so on--which is the most effective and effecient, and which you like to put focus on manufacturing given the chance?
Reading the OP fail :roll:

For sheer looks and impact the Executor Class is unmatched.

While we are on the subject of Star Dreadnaughts where does the Star Defender come in it, I've seen sources that say it matches Executor Class ships, I remember the Legacy Of The Force books describing the Corellian Star Defenders as barely bigger than Imperial Class Star Destroyers.

Re: Best ubership?

Posted: 2010-03-17 07:06pm
by fractalsponge1
Star Defender, near as I can tell, is the New Republic equivalent to the nebulous "super star destroyer" designation. Pretty much a politically friendly way of saying anything bigger than a destroyer. The standard New Republic line destroyers seem to be smaller; the Republic and Nebula classes are both Victory-Venator sized ships.

That said, just like Super Star Destroyer goes all the way from the Allegiance to the Eclipse, there's the Viscount, which is 17km and supposedly a match for an Executor (nothing more quantitative than that really, and no idea how it would fare vs a Sovereign or Eclipse).

Re: Best ubership?

Posted: 2010-03-17 08:27pm
by Noble713
Another vote for the Sovereign. In the Dark Empire Sourcebook, it is listed as being designed as an Eclipse optimized/downsized (slightly) for mass-production.

Re: Best ubership?

Posted: 2010-03-18 01:00am
by Azron_Stoma
If it was canon I'd say Assertor, but I'd have to agree with liking the Sovereign most out of the canon ships.

And of course just for laughs, ... perium.png

I know I know, Freudian Nightmare and all that :lol: