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A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-18 08:24pm
by Srelex ... ids-series
Get ready for the Muppet Babies version of Star Wars. Lucas is rumored to be gearing up for yet another Star Wars show, but this time it's for the even younger kids. We believe it's called "Lucas Wants More Money."
IESB is reporting that George Lucas beginning pre-production on another animated SW series. But this time it's for pre-scoolers and Kindergarteners. Rumor has it, the toy line Star Wars: Galactic Heroes is what they are basing the premise around. And the working title is "Squishies."
So yay we may be seeing baby Jabba fight with Baby Han over who gets to ride in the kids seat in the new speeder. Gross.
Let's hope this is all just talk, but knowing Lucas and his passion for the green, we wouldn't be surprised.
I don't buy it. The CG CW series is quite successful, as far as I can tell, and then there's the liveaction series.
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-18 08:38pm
by Batman
The Ewok movies.Nuff said.
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-19 09:00pm
by Bellosh101
Meh, perhaps the SW fandom should save its nerd rage until we actually get some official word on what this new RUMORED animated project is all about. For all we know, it could just be like those old Clone Wars cartoon shorts except done with an animation style based off the Star Wars: Galactic Heroes toy line. Heck, we already have video games based off Lego product lines so there's already some precedent for such a project as far as the current SW franchise is concerned.
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-19 09:57pm
by KhyronTheBackstabber
I fail to see what the big deal is.
So what if they make a Star Wars show for kids.
This is just more internet bitching for the sake of bitching.
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-19 11:48pm
by General Brock
Ohhhh, Star Wars meets Teletubbies!
Fortunately I don't own a television.
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-20 09:02pm
by JME2
Star Wars is basically dead to me at this point, so I really don't care.
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-20 09:08pm
by Ghost Rider
KhyronTheBackstabber wrote:I fail to see what the big deal is.
So what if they make a Star Wars show for kids.
This is just more internet bitching for the sake of bitching.
Because we must make a statement of Lucas raping our childhood!
Star Wars is for every age. That is why it was such a classic to children and adults. All the said article is nothing more then internet screaming over nothing.
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-20 09:20pm
by Batman
Given all the raping Star Wars a lot of the allegedly NOT kiddie-oriented EU did (and I haven't even READ any of Traviss' stuff) I'm inclined to say-Um, so what? Lucas ALREADY pandered to the kiddie crowd with the Ewok movies and (to an extent) the Young Jedi Knights books.
Until and unless this new series proves to be notably worse than KJA's stuff I reserve the right to be 'You're right, it isn't any good. Um-yeah, so what?' about it.
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-21 01:52pm
by Tsyroc
I guess people don't remember the cartoons Droids and Ewok Adventures (I think that was what it was called).
Droids wan't all that kiddie oriented but I think the Ewok cartoons hung around on tv longer.
So there is some precedent for Lucas having stuff targeted for younger kids. Not that my 5 year old nephew hasn't been enjoying the prequels and the CW cartoons for a while, but I can see where some people might like something a little less violent for their younger kids.
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-21 03:51pm
by Tiriol
Tsyroc wrote:I guess people don't remember the cartoons Droids and Ewok Adventures (I think that was what it was called).
Droids wan't all that kiddie oriented but I think the Ewok cartoons hung around on tv longer.
So there is some precedent for Lucas having stuff targeted for younger kids. Not that my 5 year old nephew hasn't been enjoying the prequels and the CW cartoons for a while, but I can see where some people might like something a little less violent for their younger kids.
You don't understand the mentality: unless it's GRIMDARK AND ADULT AND SHIT it isn't good enough for "serious" Star Wars fans; and if Lucas is involved, it's shitty from the start, no exceptions.
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-24 03:12am
by Elfdart
JME2 wrote:Star Wars is basically dead to me at this point, so I really don't care.
So that's why you posted about it, right?
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-24 12:03pm
by takemeout_totheblack
Really, Star Wars is just Star Wars. It was family friendly enough to be enjoyable to 'sensitive' people but had enough action and sexy violence to appeal to the more mature audiences as well. When G-man starts doing things like this and tries to excise the 'mature themes' i.e. the action, space battles, complex characters, in favor of a more 'kid friendly' i.e. stupid, feel to sell more toys, you're going to piss off a lot of people and utter underwhelm many more. Also, Star Wars without the 'Wars' part would be pretty fucking boring!
This just smacks of Lucas shamelessly pandering to every possible demographic in order to fill his Olympic swimming pool with antique thousand dollar bills so that he can Scrooge McDuck the fucker. I'm just waiting for him to flip the coin and produce a 'darker and edgier' GrimDark series to try and appeal to the action fans out there. It's like he doesn't really know what makes Star Wars good anymore.
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-24 12:07pm
by Srelex
takemeout_totheblack wrote:Really, Star Wars is just Star Wars. It was family friendly enough to be enjoyable to 'sensitive' people but had enough action and sexy violence to appeal to the more mature audiences as well. When G-man starts doing things like this and tries to excise the 'mature themes' i.e. the action, space battles, complex characters, in favor of a more 'kid friendly' i.e. stupid, feel to sell more toys, you're going to piss off a lot of people and utter underwhelm many more. Also, Star Wars without the 'Wars' part would be pretty fucking boring!
This just smacks of Lucas shamelessly pandering to every possible demographic in order to fill his Olympic swimming pool with antique thousand dollar bills so that he can Scrooge McDuck the fucker. I'm just waiting for him to flip the coin and produce a 'darker and edgier' GrimDark series to try and appeal to the action fans out there. It's like he doesn't really know what makes Star Wars good anymore.
As has been pointed out, this just amounts to a rumor, and a bullshit one made up for the sake of Lucas-bashing IMO.
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-24 02:51pm
by Havok
I love how the retards always tout merchandising as some tremendous evil that Lucas perpetuates on the masses. As if people wouldn't be clamoring for toys if he all of a sudden issued an order to stop making them.
OMG HE IS A BRILLIANT MERCHANDISER HE IS HITLER!!!. I mean what a reprehensible BASTARD for making money off what he went to school for and loves doing. He should be killed.
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-24 02:55pm
by Havok
Tsyroc wrote:So there is some precedent for Lucas having stuff targeted for younger kids.
Yeah... it is called Star Wars.
You know, the sci fi fantasy adventure that Lucas created as a direct descendant to, and to become a new modern day myth.
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-25 01:33am
by Channel72
takemeout_totheblack wrote:Really, Star Wars is just Star Wars. It was family friendly enough to be enjoyable to 'sensitive' people but had enough action and sexy violence to appeal to the more mature audiences as well. When G-man starts doing things like this and tries to excise the 'mature themes' i.e. the action, space battles, complex characters, in favor of a more 'kid friendly' i.e. stupid, feel to sell more toys, you're going to piss off a lot of people and utter underwhelm many more. Also, Star Wars without the 'Wars' part would be pretty fucking boring!
I agree completely. Frankly, the argument that
Star Wars has always been for children is missing the point. There's a huge difference between "kid-friendly" and "panders to toddlers." The Original Trilogy was "for kids" in the sense that kids thought it was fucking awesome. Lucas was able to appeal to children without including things that alienate adults, like constant slapstick nonsense or 8-year olds shouting "Yippee!" The Original Star Wars is similar to Indiana Jones; it's an adventure story that appeals to people of all ages. This is precisely why
Return of the Jedi was criticized when it first came out; the inclusion of the Ewoks imported a juvenile element which felt out-of-place in the saga. But the juvenalia was only amped up when the Prequels finally came around. It's one thing to create movies which children can enjoy, it's another thing to create movies which actively alienate anyone over the age of 12.
There's also a bizarre sense of demographic-dissonance prevelant in the Prequel Trilogy. Consider
Revenge of the Sith: this movie includes silly droid buffoonery and cutesy nonsense which is obviously aimed at children, and is sure to make most adults roll their eyes. At the same time, the movie contains a scene depicting a man getting dismembered and graphically burned alive, earning the movie a PG-13 rating. So who exactly is this movie aimed at? Lucas says they're all "for the kids", but it's clear he's trying to tell a story that appeals to a broad audience, and the kid-stuff often just gets in the way.
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-25 02:28am
by Vympel
There's also a bizarre sense of demographic-dissonance prevelant in the Prequel Trilogy. Consider Revenge of the Sith: this movie includes silly droid buffoonery and cutesy nonsense which is obviously aimed at children, and is sure to make most adults roll their eyes. At the same time, the movie contains a scene depicting a man getting dismembered and graphically burned alive, earning the movie a PG-13 rating. So who exactly is this movie aimed at? Lucas says they're all "for the kids", but it's clear he's trying to tell a story that appeals to a broad audience, and the kid-stuff often just gets in the way.
The most bizarre manifestation of this conflict is during the duel scene on Mustafar where that damn robot appears and waggles and beeps. To this day, I don't know why the fuck that is there.
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-26 04:44am
by Sarevok
Someome needs to edit that robot out in the next release of ROTS. It absolutely ruins the gravitas of what should be one of the most pivotal sequence of the star wars saga.
Re: A kiddy SW TV series?
Posted: 2010-03-29 12:43am
by General Brock
Hehe. Lucas 'screws up' so well, I can't help but wonder if he really does know what he's doing.
No-one really remembers that the Prequel Trilogy is a re-telling of the virgin birth/nativity myth. Anakin's birth is foretold, he is born 'from the Force' and his personal (virgin) birth is to be reborn as Darth Vader. Lucas borrowed the literal and metaphorical meanings of one of history's most compelling and jealously guarded myths.