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22 Meter Tall AT-AT? WTF?!
Posted: 2010-03-27 06:56am
by Havok
OK so I was on Wookiepiedia, yeah yeah I know, but they listed the AT-AT at 22.5 meters and I was all like 'What the fuck chuck! No way!' So I grabbed this screen cap and did some eyeballing...
Now, Luke is about 1.7something meters. With his helmet on he gets closer to 1.8 meters. I am being generous and saying that, with his arm extended up, that the little Luke in this picture is 2 meters, even though he is undoubtedly longer than that. Now just with my original eyeball, I counted 14.5 Lukes from the spot where the rear right leg touches the snow to the middle of the top of the hump, given that it spits the difference between the high and low sides and is approximately the top if we were looking at the AT-AT straight on from the side with no angle.
Now I am no math whiz, but if little Luke, with his arm up is 2 meters and I counted 14.5 little Lukes, that makes the AT-AT 29 meters tall.
So how the fuck is the official measurement only 22.5 meters when it is clearly bullshit? How do those numb nuts miss three Shaqs worth of AT-AT?
P.S. My actual measurement was little Luke @ 4mm and the AT-AT @ 5.8cm, so my eyeball was pretty spot on.
Re: 22 Meter Tall AT-AT? WTF?!
Posted: 2010-03-27 07:20am
by adam_grif
Maybe 22.5m is their height when they're kneeling in their hyper efficient space saving mode giving rimjobs to the cargo bay hydraulics between deployments on populace intimidation missions.
Either that or somebody fucked up the scaling. Whichever fits better I guess.
Re: 22 Meter Tall AT-AT? WTF?!
Posted: 2010-03-27 07:50am
by Azron_Stoma
My guess is that it was put at 22.5 as a "compromise" between the 15m tall AT-AT crowd (The same people who believe the Executor is 7-12km long and the globes on SDs are shield generators) and the 29/30m tall AT-AT Crowd (people who have a brain) thus equally and unbiasedly pissing off both sides.
Re: 22 Meter Tall AT-AT? WTF?!
Posted: 2010-03-27 12:10pm
by Havok
Oh like Obama. :rimshot:
No but seriously folks... fix that shit.
Re: 22 Meter Tall AT-AT? WTF?!
Posted: 2010-03-27 03:42pm
by g_core18
Its the same with alot of facts on that website. I got banned because I changed Home One from 1200m to 3800m and Awings from 9.6m to 4.8m. They said they were and online encyclopedia and not a fansite...
Re: 22 Meter Tall AT-AT? WTF?!
Posted: 2010-03-27 04:00pm
by Srelex
Well, if one wants to resort to outright fanon, you could say that for some reason that AT-AT was a couple of meters bigger than the norm...someone put the decimal point at the factory in the wrong place?
Re: 22 Meter Tall AT-AT? WTF?!
Posted: 2010-03-27 11:55pm
by Jim Raynor
22.5 meters came from one of Saxton's books, the first official number greater than that 15 meter crap that was used for so long. On SWTC, Saxton stated an estimated height of 22.6 +/- 0.8 meters (7% precision). I don't know how he made the calculations, but that's what he came up with. The official number is now in line with what he came up with.
Re: 22 Meter Tall AT-AT? WTF?!
Posted: 2010-03-28 07:19am
by Azron_Stoma
I was always under the impression that Saxton was the one who purported the 29/30m tall thing.
Re: 22 Meter Tall AT-AT? WTF?!
Posted: 2010-03-28 07:49am
by AniThyng
Azron_Stoma wrote:I was always under the impression that Saxton was the one who purported the 29/30m tall thing.
Well, wherever he did that, it's not on his own website. See for yourself:
# Long-range views of Luke Skywalker ascending a cable beneath an AT-AT indicate a height of 22.6m, with a precision of seven percent.
Well, Saxton isn't a God and this does look like a slip up, since looking at Havok's pic it does seem pretty clear that eyeballing it the AT-AT's got to be at least 28-30 meters...hmm...but 22 does seem right for measuring up to the top of the cockpit.
Re: 22 Meter Tall AT-AT? WTF?!
Posted: 2010-03-28 11:24am
by Dooey Jo
Well it's pretty simple actually. That's not Luke's arm; it's his head. He holds his arms close to his body when he goes up. And if you measured directly to the hump thing, you did it wrong, because the low perspective would make that appear higher than it actually is, and Luke is not directly under it. A better estimate would probably be that place where the hump starts. I measured Luke as 23 pixels tall and the AT-AT to that point about 293 pixels. If Luke is 1.8 meters tall, that would make the AT-AT ~22.9 meters.
Re: 22 Meter Tall AT-AT? WTF?!
Posted: 2010-03-28 02:19pm
by Shroom Man 777
Damn, those AT-AT underbellies are so woefully undefended and their firing coverage is so totally just frontal. Man. What a terrible war machine.
Re: 22 Meter Tall AT-AT? WTF?!
Posted: 2010-03-28 05:39pm
by Azron_Stoma
Would love to see what the Empire could do using their technology and a Baneblade design.
Re: 22 Meter Tall AT-AT? WTF?!
Posted: 2010-03-28 06:23pm
by Eleventh Century Remnant
Power core off something like a Sienar 344/Guardian customs frigate, a semi-consistent guess at the thing's power output based on the known output of larger and smaller craft would be around the 1-2E17 W range; that would be the equivalent of a hundred and thirty to two hundred and seventy trillion horsepower.
Most of that would go on weapons, of course. This is actually a problem with any heavy energy weapon armed vehicle; the weapons require so much generating capacity that the motive power available is ludicrously far in excess of anything that makes intuitive sense now. The upper limits of the materials that make the drive train- and, I suppose, the ground- are the only limits.
Worth pointing out that AT-ATs are actually nowhere near this, and I doubt if any conventional ground fighting vehicle is. Artillery may be comparable to naval weapon powers, but most ground vehicles seem to be a few orders of magnitude less.
Although that is still hundreds of millions up to billions of horsepower. AT-ATs really ought to be able to do Road Runner and Wile. E. Coyote impressions.
Anyway, this Baneblade equivalent- probably SPHA-T in the turret, hull front weapon, hm, possibly short barrel LTL like those fitted to the Assault Shuttle? Single TIE fighter lasers in the sponsons. Shielded, of course.
Re: 22 Meter Tall AT-AT? WTF?!
Posted: 2010-03-28 07:33pm
by AniThyng
Dooey Jo wrote:Well it's pretty simple actually. That's not Luke's arm; it's his head. He holds his arms close to his body when he goes up. And if you measured directly to the hump thing, you did it wrong, because the low perspective would make that appear higher than it actually is, and Luke is not directly under it. A better estimate would probably be that place where the hump starts. I measured Luke as 23 pixels tall and the AT-AT to that point about 293 pixels. If Luke is 1.8 meters tall, that would make the AT-AT ~22.9 meters.
Point taken. ITT, we learn that kneejerking to lambast wookiepedia ("29 meters is the value people with a brain support!!!!") is bad, and that eyeballing = might be inaccurate.
EDIT: What we can do is scale the foot from the luke figure, then apply it where we have a dead on front view of an AT-AT, or to that one at the back that wouldn't suffer so much from the low perspective...
Re: 22 Meter Tall AT-AT? WTF?!
Posted: 2010-03-29 12:44am
by Elfdart
Maybe they measure walkers at the shoulder, like horses.