Why does the Republic Navy work in threes?
Posted: 2010-04-20 08:47pm
I was watching The Clone Wars the other day and I realized, the Republic Navy almost always appears in a triangular formation (groups of 3) as opposed to the Grand Army of the Republic which has a square formation (groupings of four). I also tend to see many CIS vessels, but generally speaking only ever see 3 or 6 Republic vessels. I know the Republic vessels aren't always powerful enough to defeat CIS vessels who are quantitatively superior to them. So how do they seem to win all the time? How could they win the war if it takes a flotilla of them to team up on one Lucrehulk?
So, my questions are:
Why does the Navy operate in threes and the Army in fours?
Should it take three Republic cruisers (figure Venators for the purposes of the question) to take out one Lucrehulk?
I'm assuming a flotilla is either 3, or a multiple of 3, vessels. I'm also assuming that the CIS has more Lucrehulks than the Republic has Jedi, since it further appears that each Jedi commands his own group of 3 cruisers/destroyers. Even if they didn't have more Lucrehulks, I'd say that having a few dozen (approximately 36 and same source as above) participate in one battle is more than the 33 Jedi that survived Geonosis.Each ship was also now so powerful due to the increased amount of power devoted to offensive and defensive systems that a whole flotilla of Republic Star Destroyers was needed just to bring down its shields.
So, my questions are:
Why does the Navy operate in threes and the Army in fours?
Should it take three Republic cruisers (figure Venators for the purposes of the question) to take out one Lucrehulk?