OK, I'm not a member there so I couldn't reply there...
The quantity of information they have is less important then the quality.
Star Wars clearly has more quantity. Quality wise, what we see in the movies isn't all that impressive.
The wounds Luke received would have had him up an about in a few hours at most had he been treated on a UFP starship.
Couple things here. Luke was not on the flagship of the leading power in the galaxy. He was in a makeshift rebel base that was equipped with gear the was not top of the line. Also, we don't know how extensive Luke's injuries were and unless we have seen ST heal up some serious hypothermia, (as I think it was) there is no basis for this comparison or claim.
Dermal regenerators close cuts within seconds.
Speed is not the defining factor of being good. Luke's cybernetic hand showed no visible scarring where it was attached. Also, that hand was able to transfer touch, sensitivity and feeling perfectly to Luke's brain, which indicates tech that I don't think that Star Trek even comes close to.
They can mend a broken bone within minutes, and it will barely be sore the next day (Worf's wrist in a TNG episode).
We have no movie evidence of what Star Wars can do here. EU lovers can chime in on this.
Burns are treated and in a few minutes, they're not even there.
The only burn evidence we have is Vader. The argument can be made that his injuries were left that way purposely, but the idea that Vader himself, would not want to heal them is ridiculous as they led to a direct weakness. I would say here that ST may have shown superior ability, however, we have never seen anywhere
near the injuries that Anakin suffered in ST that I am aware of. So again, the comparison may not be applicable.
And these procedures leave no scars...
Again, point to Luke's wrist.
I will give you that since they have the medical knowledge of the SW galaxy (or what parts of the Galaxy the Empire, and the Old Republic before it, covered), they can treat more races then in ST, but that's simply because they have more races in the Empire.
This is retarded. The idea that SW can only treat more races because they have more races is dumb. ST has shown to have just as many, if not more races than SW. Also the idea that ST has more medical expertise only being 300 years ahead of us, as compared to 40,000 years of an intergalactic spanning civilization is monumentally stupid. Just the cloning facilities on Kamino demonstrate more advanced medical tech then the Federation has.
Anyway, the point is that there's basically nothing, except for cybernetic implants, that SW docs can do that the Federation cannot do better or faster...
Cloning, unless you are going to say that the Federation's ban on cloning extends to the Romulan Star Empire or the Borg? Only the Founders show parity with Star Wars cloning tech, and may even be more advanced as the Jem Hadar age much faster, but that is not Federation tech.
As for cloning, the only reason it isn't done in the Federation is also because it has been made illegal because of ethical concerns...
This may be true, but until there is an example of Federation cloning, it isn't a viable comparison.