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Cruise-Missile Trooper

Posted: 2010-06-25 04:43pm
by Bottlestein
I'm sorry if this has been discussed before, but I was wondering:

What is a cruise-missile trooper? What EU book is it from? I've played many of the video games, and don't think its from any of those. I know it's not recent - the toy I have is from the late 90's...

It's what appears to be an AT-AT driver lying prone in a small extremely wegde shaped and streamlined starfighter, ventral lasers, engine pods rotating out from the aft of the aircraft.

Is this a starfighter, or something like a scout's speeder? The way that its named suggests its just an "equipment pack" for a type of stormtrooper ??!! :wtf:

Re: Cruise-Missile Trooper

Posted: 2010-06-25 05:35pm
by Srelex

Re: Cruise-Missile Trooper

Posted: 2010-06-25 05:52pm
by Bottlestein
^ Thanks. That's unfortunate - it looks cool.