Bottlestein wrote:^Thanks.
I think the proton-torpedo warhead SRAM may be the best solution, with some handwaving as to cost.
Sounds good to me. An AT-AT or Juggernaut should be pretty high value targets for it to blow up anyway.
Essentially, this should be a "One size fits all" CAS gunship. It should be able to handle reinforced threats that infantry would encounter. In my thinking, I had this divided into unshielded bunker, durasteel / "permacrete ?" reinforced bunker, walker / IFV , gun / missile /sensor array emplacement / "ruins" (yavin etc.)
I’m not sure I totally get how you are splitting those categories up, but it sounds good. Ruins might be considered a ‘deep bunker’ kind of target. Something that isn’t that resistant to impacts, but very massive so you need a real long fuse delay to get the warhead to explode inside it.
I had originally thought the gunship would use chemical weapons to get through the bunker, but so many factions use NBC protected personal suits that its too risky. With thermobaric rounds - again there's so many different ways that different factions might counter the overpressure wave - they have "inertial dampers" everywhere, so who knows what they've put in the bunker.
That’s good thinking. If they had droids running the bunker, then they could suck out the air too. That would mean less destructive overpressure, since all gas must come from the bomb itself, and a thermobaric bomb couldn’t even ignite.
This is how I came to the conclusion of just outright massive energy depositing weapons, since something like that may also deal with walkers, ruins and emplacements if used correctly.
Yeah nothing can replace raw intensive firepower for assured target destruction. Star Wars certainly presents a lot of hard targets. Are you familiar with the relatively new field of reactive metal warheads? It’s a fairly new spinoff of thermobaric bomb design that’s gaining ground like crazy, in which you coat metal fuels with a powder coating of oxidizer metal. This turns the metals into an explosive with far more energy then any normal bulk high explosive. Like a thermobaric bomb the blast isn’t as intensive, its more hot then bang, but its not dependent on consuming outside air and the heat levels can be as high as 8,000 degrees. That’s with stuff they’ve already done in real life, but the field has only scratched the surface of the possible compounds.
With Star Wars technology and random Star Wars materials, you could dream up a super effective reactive metal warhead that’s more powerful then any current high explosive, but not on par with nuclear warheads/proton torpedoes. Something like a Duraluminum/potassium superoxide bomb. Half it is real, the other half has the power of handwavium!
The gunship will have communication equipment that can go through enemy jamming, and probe droids going with infantry will act as target designators. Some battlefield observation modified TIE's, as well as FAC's within the infantry can also act in this role. The missiles will have sufficient image-processing ability that once the target has been designated, it'll complete the final approach and detonation autonomously (i.e. hit the bunker, walker, whatever at the spot that the threat library says should be the most effective).
Sounds good, the gunship can carry more of the probe droids too and drop them into battle as needed.
The anti - "soft target" weapons are a real pain to design - this is actually giving me some grief now. You're right about not worrying about the weight, but now I've actually started worrying about power consumption even more!! My first design had required too many turrets dedicated to anti- soft targets, so I'm redoing the saucer design. I guess the repulsor drive / damper fields may be extremely fuel efficient, so aerodynamics may be chucked out the window and I don't have to worry about the surface area of the turrets...
If you want a way to deal with soft targets, which I should note could include some fairly well protected battle droids or armored stormtroopers, you aren’t just limited to blasters to mow them down. Nothing stops a missile from delivering cluster bombs or dispensing a cloud of flechettes. In fact the US military has mere 70mm rockets which can deliver both types of warheads, besides the basic high explosive warhead.
Given highly advanced technology you could have small missiles which reach high supersonic or hypersonic speed over a very short distance, and then spray out 10,000 metal flechettes onto the target area. Each flechette would strike with the kind of force a modern autocannon round would, and could also include an incendiary base so it can set fire to vehicles and buildings.
Aerodynamics still matter a little. The Star Wars vehicle design style suggests that anyway. Not because you need them for lift, but because clean aerodynamics help with flight control. Even if the flight control itself is based on the repulsor, it will work better if it isn’t fighting the air like mad. Also what are you considering for propulsion? Some star wars craft are purely repulsor, but others have additional forward engines. Will this gunship be able to fly into space for assaults, or is it purely atmospheric?