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Republic Commando (RAS Prosecutor) questions

Posted: 2010-07-04 11:55pm
by Adam Reynolds
Regarding the RAS Prosecutor section of the game there are several elements that seem not to fit with what is known about the Acclamator.
1. How is it that the Trandoshans were able to overcome the 16,000 strong clone infantry contingent of this ship?
2. How could they have gotten on board in the first place given that the ship was apparently on escort duty and therefore should have been better prepared?
3. Also why did these ships feature such heavily automated anti-boarding defenses that were easily compormised by the Trandoshans? This seems an extremely ineffective system.
3. How were two Acclamator class assault ships able to defeat a Trade Federation battleship when the TF battleship is stated to have shields three times stronger that the total reactor output of an Acclamator. From the AOTC ICS -
Acclamaotr reactor output: 2E23 W TF Core ships shielding: 6E23 W

Regarding number one, I was thinking it could be possible that the Republic was using Acclamators that lacked their clone contingents and were only manned by the 700 strong crew without infantry . This would fit with is stated mission of escort duty. However we did see clone infantry units fighting back and that they were still being overwhelmed as Delta Squad began boarding the ship.

Also regarding number four I was thinking that the Core ships could possibly have stronger shielding than the overall ship due to the increase in surface area. However that would require the full reactor was contained inside the core, which would not seem to fit with what we saw in TPM when Anakin blew up the droid control ship.

Re: Republic Commando (RAS Prosecutor) questions

Posted: 2010-07-05 04:59am
by Darth Tanner
How is it that the Trandoshans were able to overcome the 16,000 strong clone infantry contingent of this ship?
Maybe the ship was not carrying its full troop load or had just dropped them off to invade/defend somewhere and was flying about with only its operating crew.
How could they have gotten on board in the first place given that the ship was apparently on escort duty and therefore should have been better prepared?
Suprise? Ion cannons? Ambush? For all the wank over clones there is no reason to assume that their lack of combat experience prior to the clone wars would not render them vulnerable to more experienced foe, like the Trandoshans who have been in proxi war with the wookies for generations.
3. How were two Acclamator class assault ships able to defeat a Trade Federation battleship
Likely it was not a battleship and just a non converted transport ship. Or its just game mechanics.
However that would require the full reactor was contained inside the core, which would not seem to fit with what we saw in TPM when Anakin blew up the droid control ship.
From what I can remember of the ICS there is a reactor in the core and a second larger reactor that powers the engines in the rear of the ring.

Re: Republic Commando (RAS Prosecutor) questions

Posted: 2010-07-05 06:23am
by dworkin
The answer for the first three is simple: The Trandoshans had a bigger ship, they had more dudes and used sneaky-buggery. It's not like clone troopers are invincible, spartan knock-offs who know only victory and fight unquestioning to the death, for that is the way of the warrior!.

For the fourth the CIS were thinking they were picking up a captured prize vessel. They were not really expecting it to fire back and so were not at full combat readiness. The surprise attack took them by, uh, surprise and the appearance of a second ship resulted in a total collapse of proper coordination which was exploited by the Republic Forces.

Re: Republic Commando (RAS Prosecutor) questions

Posted: 2010-07-05 01:29pm
by fractalsponge1
Also, if the ship was on escort duty it probably doesn't have its normal ground complement, and Accalamtors are pretty lean-manned for their size - only 700 men.