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Alternate Star Wars DVD covers/posters

Posted: 2010-08-22 11:14pm
by LMSx
I found a forum topic at dedicated to composing fake Criterion Collection DVD covers. The whole (165 pages, as of now) thread is worth perusing as it's brimming with quality, but in particular Luke Boyce came up with some nifty OT concepts:

The first one is maybe a little too evocative of a cover of "Dune" I have, and you can't read who directed ESB, but overall the stark composition is a nifty contrast with the image overload of the prequel trilogy and OT DVD posters.

The classics, however, are still solid gold as far as I'm concerned. And I might as well throw in one of the recent Mondo tees design as one of note, too.

How do you feel about the poster/image design of the series?

Re: Alternate Star Wars DVD covers/posters

Posted: 2010-08-22 11:40pm
by Vympel
I never liked the OT DVD covers, however I'm a big fan of the prequel posters, which themselves evoke the OT posters. I want them to be used for the blu-rays. I don't really like those ones just showing the planets.

Re: Alternate Star Wars DVD covers/posters

Posted: 2010-08-31 05:45am
by Darth Fanboy
Those are terrible. Look more like covers for nature films than Star Wars, which should at the very least feature, well, stars.

Re: Alternate Star Wars DVD covers/posters

Posted: 2010-09-01 03:03am
by Kuja
Darth Fanboy wrote:Those are terrible. Look more like covers for nature films than Star Wars, which should at the very least feature, well, stars.
I agree with Spike. Those are pretty pictures, but they'd make shit covers for Star Wars DVDs. There's not even anything that's really popping or eye-catching about them beyond being pretty nature pictures. They don't even have the roman numerals of the Star Wars movies.

EDIT: Whoops, actually they do have them, I just couldn't see them the first time around.