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Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-08-29 06:38am
by Battlehymn Republic
So, Dark Horse's Legacy series is finally over with issue 50.

Any thoughts on the comic series? On the ending? On the direction of the far-future Star Wars due to Legacy's ending?

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-08-29 07:11am
by Patroklos
Does this mean we can start the reboot?!?

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-08-29 03:03pm
by Raesene
It's not over yet, as there's the six-part Legacy: War to come out starting in Nov/Dec 2010.

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-08-30 04:08am
by Darth Yan
I liked Isen's death, and that Cade finally grew up. The art was a bit wierd, but it was not a horrible issue. Krayt became powerful in a believable way (I always liked how they tied karness muur in with the main story.) Draco's final stand was also genuinely badass. And for once cade's motivation is not selfish (Isen is a monster who callously murders billions, and Cade wants him to go down for his crime.)

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-08-30 12:16pm
by General Mung Beans
How did it end exactly? There's no real update on Wookiepedia for the last few issues.

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-08-30 01:50pm
by Darth Yan
cade stops isen and kills him, Krayt comes back from the grave, cade has a vision of fighting krayt, finally accepts his destiny blah blah blach

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-08-30 01:50pm
by VT-16
Cade kills Isen, the evil scientist/mass murderer. Cade's buddies fend off assassins gunning for Admiral Stazi, Krayt (having come back from the dead earlier) reveals his secret weapons factory and prepares for a civil war. That will be the basis of War, a full-scale, four-way conflict. I like how the blurb implies now that Krayt isn't affected by Vong tech anymore, he starts to act more like earlier Sith (using his followers as tools rather than as the previously twisted version of a "family").

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-08-30 09:27pm
by Thanas
Too bad my favorite character died and essentially fighting a new bad guy of the week. Meh.

Also, I do not like Spoiler
how Krayt survives. I really wished he'd stayed dead, especially considering how great and sith-like his first "death" was.

If he is so easily reborn, why would he need Cade's healing in the first place?

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-08-31 12:15am
by RogueIce
So what became of the Fel Empire and the Imperial Knights? These were my favorite aspects of the Legacy issues I caught.

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-08-31 07:17am
by Thanas
RogueIce wrote:So what became of the Fel Empire and the Imperial Knights? These were my favorite aspects of the Legacy issues I caught.
Fel Empire:
still fighting against the Sith, war not decided
Imperial Knights:
Antares is dead along with the majority of the knights. Only Rae, Krieg, Sinde and Marasiah Fel survive.

Antares death was extremely bad - essentially he went all "THOU SHALT NOT PASS" on the sith, only to be killed with trivial ease by villain of the week.

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-08-31 04:48pm
by Darth Yan
Kotor Demon was far more conclusive. The villains went down hard, the characters were able to finally have a romance the fans were begging for, and the slavers were essentially crippled. Chantique's increasing madness and demagol's realization that he wasted his life were impressive and well done.

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-08-31 08:05pm
by Battlehymn Republic
I really didn't care for Spoiler
Krayt's original death
because it was part of some multi-series arc from Dark Horse about some KOTOR-era crystal MacGuffin so it seemed hokey as fuck to me.

I think Spoiler
the Imperial Knights are in greater surviving numbers than you suggest, though.

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-09-01 02:49pm
by Darksider
Did the Legacy comic ever explain why Krayt and the sith attempted to exterminate the Mon Calamari species with a pathetically slow bioweapon that gave the Galactic Alliance remnant a significant amount of time to evacuate the populace rather than just BDZ'ing the shit out of the planet? That always confused me.

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-09-01 02:58pm
by Thanas
Yes, they wanted to goad the alliance into a rescue attempt and trap them, which would have worked had it not been for Fel's empire coming to help.

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-09-01 04:04pm
by Havok
You sound like an episode of Scooby Doo. :D

Thoughts? Yeay.

You know what would have made me happy? Cade falling to the dark side completely and loving it. Destroying the new Sith and restoring the Rule of two and finally having a Skywalker on the throne. Accomplishing what his great great great (?) grandfather could not.

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-09-01 04:45pm
by Darth Yan
loved when cade killed isen. even though it's technically wrong, it's easy to take because isen's a monster.

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-09-02 02:54pm
by Battlehymn Republic
As petulant and black-eyeliner and fake gritty edgy as Cade is, I like the fact that he is just in order to highlight the fact of how far the Skywalker clan has fallen.

Legacy doesn't really need to have a big hero (though the Galactic Alliance remnants are surprisingly kickass, and so are the Jedi survivors like the dual-bladed lightsaber male Rutian twi'lek), and Cade's more of a guide to the universe to me than anything. I don't feel a need to be emotionally invested to him, as long as he goes to interesting places and kills interesting people in the post-Firefly Star Wars universe.

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-09-12 03:58am
by Tychu

Honestly I liked the series. (I pretty much like any Star Wars but....)
The problem is throughout the 50+ issues (there were a couple 1/2's) nothing really happened. It seems they ended it because they wanted to start that really nicely illustrated Blood Ties mini-series.

In the beginning we had this
Sith Imperial Empire
Fell Imperial Empire
Galactic Alliance Fleet
Cade Skywalker and Company
Jedi Order
A habitable Mon Calamari (now Dac apparently)
Those Cool Imperial Knights
Darth Krayt

At the End of Issue 50
Sith Imperial Empire
Fell Imperial Empire
Galactic Alliance Fleet
Cade Skywalker and Company plus some more Friends
Jedi Order
A non-habitable Mon Calamari
A little less Cool Imperial Knights
Darth Krayt without a few lesser Sith

My problem was that in the beginning of the Series it was pretty much explained that Cade has a power (seems he found out about Darth Plagieus). He doesn't really like to use it because it hurts him mentally and physically, plus he doesn't like the Sith and it takes him to a dark path. Then we see he starts using it all willy nillylllyy (Karl Pilkinton). Every time a prominent character, Sith, Jedi, Empire or friend die they are brought back to life. This series had ties to the Legacy of the Force books, those books had characters that stayed dead. I don't remember how many times Darth Talon was "killed" one month and then a few months latter she was back on the cover.

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-09-15 05:45pm
by OsirisLord
I Never cared for Star Wars Legacy in the first place. I actually can never get over how much the Star Wars timeline is trapped in a never ending cycle of Force Users turning on each other and tearing the galaxy apart. The First Schism. The Sith return with Naga Sadow. Exar-Kun. Revan and Malak's empire. The True Sith Empire. The Last Schism. The Galactic Civil War. Star Wars Legacy.

What was the point of Anakin bringing balance to the Force if we were just going to do this whole song and dance again in 200 years?

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-09-18 01:52am
by Tychu
If you read the Revenge of the Sith novelization it explains more about the Chosen One Prophecy.
Kind of says, the Prophecy was read wrong and depends on who your talking to about it........

But you could also say that Anakin did bring balance to the force and it still is balanced.

Before Anakin
5k Jedi
2+ Sith

Original Trilogy

2ish Jedi
2ish Sith

500 Jedi
500 Sith
(not exact numbers but you get the point)

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-09-27 10:48pm
by jollyreaper
OsirisLord wrote:I Never cared for Star Wars Legacy in the first place. I actually can never get over how much the Star Wars timeline is trapped in a never ending cycle of Force Users turning on each other and tearing the galaxy apart. The First Schism. The Sith return with Naga Sadow. Exar-Kun. Revan and Malak's empire. The True Sith Empire. The Last Schism. The Galactic Civil War. Star Wars Legacy.

What was the point of Anakin bringing balance to the Force if we were just going to do this whole song and dance again in 200 years?

It's kind of hard to have Star Wars without wars. But yes, it does become very demoralizing to run with the cyclical history idea. Makes everything seem pointless. But you get this same problem with any long-running shared setting. Lord of the Rings, you have the War of the Ring and it's over. Peace lasts a very long time. But if LOTR was being run by a company looking to continue making money, there's no way peace will last. Who wants to watch hobbits sitting in the Shire drinking beer all day? We'll find out Sauron wasn't really killed, he'll come back in a clone body. And then when he gets whacked we'll have the Gondorian Civil War, then after that will be the rise of Sauron's lieutenant General Grimdark, and we're back to giant orc armies three years after Frodo buggered off to the Undying Lands.

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-09-28 02:23am
by Darth Yan
problem is the wars don't have to be galaxy spanning. The NJO was as big as you could get, and the send off was awesome.

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-09-30 01:49am
by OsirisLord
Tychu wrote:If you read the Revenge of the Sith novelization it explains more about the Chosen One Prophecy.
Kind of says, the Prophecy was read wrong and depends on who your talking to about it........

But you could also say that Anakin did bring balance to the force and it still is balanced.

Before Anakin
5k Jedi
2+ Sith

Original Trilogy

2ish Jedi
2ish Sith

500 Jedi
500 Sith
(not exact numbers but you get the point)
Except thanks to the Expanded Universe you have a bunch of Jedi survivors hiding across the galaxy, and Emperor Palpatine running Force Sensitives like Mara Jade in secret.

Can't we just agree that this whole "prophecy" thing was a bunch of bullshit Lucas pulled out of his ass in a misguided attempt to remake Anakin into some kind of Messiah figure, so he's eventual falls becomes more tragic?

Re: Star Wars Legacy is over- thoughts?

Posted: 2010-09-30 04:01am
by Tiriol
OsirisLord wrote:
Tychu wrote:If you read the Revenge of the Sith novelization it explains more about the Chosen One Prophecy.
Kind of says, the Prophecy was read wrong and depends on who your talking to about it........

But you could also say that Anakin did bring balance to the force and it still is balanced.

Before Anakin
5k Jedi
2+ Sith

Original Trilogy

2ish Jedi
2ish Sith

500 Jedi
500 Sith
(not exact numbers but you get the point)
Except thanks to the Expanded Universe you have a bunch of Jedi survivors hiding across the galaxy, and Emperor Palpatine running Force Sensitives like Mara Jade in secret.

Can't we just agree that this whole "prophecy" thing was a bunch of bullshit Lucas pulled out of his ass in a misguided attempt to remake Anakin into some kind of Messiah figure, so he's eventual falls becomes more tragic?
Or maybe the prophecy was never about absolute numbers?

And "agreeing" on something that would violate one of the central premises of the Prequels, which are, even though many seem to think of them as something akin to abodomination on nerddom, and as such G-canon. You are oc fource free to ignore that, but in debates and discussions concerning the official Star Wars canon and timeline, we can't throw the prophecy angle out. We can debate what it really means, though, since even Master Yoda suspected the prophecy might have been misinterpreted (and thanks to post-Endor EU, it probably was).