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Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-28 10:42pm
by LMSx
The bad news: The Phantom Menace will be released first.

'Star Wars' saga set for 3D release starting 2012
Films will roll out in order, starting with 'Phantom Menace'

By Jay A. Fernandez and Kim Masters

Sept 28, 2010, 08:49 PM ET
Big news on the 3D front.

Sources indicate that George Lucas is set to re-release the entire "Star Wars" franchise in new 3D conversions beginning in 2012. Though the 3D versions have been rumored for some time, Lucas was purportedly waiting until there were enough 3D screens available to make the release a sizable enough event.

Fox, which released all six of the original "Star Wars" films, would also release the 3D versions.

Part 1, "The Phantom Menace," would be first out of star-dock in the early months of 2012. After that, each of the films would be released in order at the same time each consecutive year, depending on how well the first re-release does.

Each conversion takes at least a year to complete, with Lucas personally overseeing the process to make sure each one is as perfected as possible. Lucas has said that the "Avatar" experience convinced him that "Star Wars" was ready for the state-of-the-art 3D treatment.

Also pushing the timetable is a potential breakthrough in 3D television technology. With Samsung penetrating the market with 50,000-plus 3D-equipped televisions, and Sony planning to send its version to market in the coming months, the home-viewing experience could be primed for 3D DVD versions of the classic films by the time the new 3D series runs its course.

Lucas is purportedly queuing up the theatrical re-releases as a lead-in to the ultimate home viewing experience. Beyond that, the property would launch to all other 3D media.

Alex Ben Block and Borys Kit contributed to this report.
Lucas finds a way to drag out the franchises' relevance for another decade. I wonder if there are any particular scenes that might need to be re-edited/cut/done to fit the 3-D "playbook". (depth of field, speed of cuts, etc.) Or if he wants to have another go at actually revising the special effects for greater use of the effect.

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-29 02:29pm
by Prometheus Unbound
Oh for god's sake. :banghead:

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-29 04:19pm
by tim31
Awesome, I can take my kids to see IV/V/VI at the cinema!!

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-29 04:51pm
by Ronsu
Ughhh, this is propably going to blow dog. Most movies so far that have been "converted" to 3D only in post-production have looked like shit (Alice in Wonderland and The Last Airbender for example) since it´s at basic just creating cardboard cut-out layers, with the process dimming the light and contrast of the finished picture. Avatar and Toy Story 3 looked so fantastic in 3D only because it took a lot of time, money and purposeful design to produce the effect at that level and immersion. Converting late 70´s, early 80´s films must be a different beast already compared to modern digitally stored and manipulated movies.

I can´t imagine Lucas bothering to dish out the money for this release, not after the rushed butchery of the 2004 DVD-set´s colour and audio mix. The Star Wars-brand is guaranteed to bring in the megabucks anyway, regardless of quality.

Now, bring on the legion of digitally inserted, bleep-blooping, farting and bumbling aliens and droids to every single scene in the original trilogy! :twisted:

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-29 06:11pm
by Jim Raynor
The original trilogy that made use of blatant puppets and Gumby-like stop-motion? As someone who didn't grow up in the 1970s, I have never seen the originals' effects as a sacred cow, and I have no problem saying that some of those effects are outdated. I may or may not decide to spend the money to see these movies again on the big screen, but I also don't care one bit if Lucas decides to edit the movies again for anybody who does want to go. Either way I still have the previous versions of the movies that I've watched before.

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-29 06:21pm
by El Moose Monstero
My problem is with 3D in general, not particularly any one film, so I'm narked about this more because it marks the continuation of a pointless trend rather than because of any resistance to milking of the SW cashcow.

I've yet to see any 3D film, including Avatar and Toy Story 3, where the 3D did not throw me right out of a film. When I'm watching a film, I want to be immersed in the story, not suddenly jolted out of it by 'wow, that was a cool 3D effect' or 'ugh, that didn't work'. I spent half my time in Avatar being unimpressed with the 3D, and the only scene where I was impressed had so little relevance to the film that I had to question the point of it. Is it worth having to sit wearing a pair of obtrusive specs and an hour of hit and miss 3D to get to one scene where a bunch of waving grasses in the fore ground happen to look pretty damn realistic? For me, I don't think it is, though YMMV. In Toy Story, I admit, it was unobtrusive, but it was also largely forgettable and I don't think it did anything for the film that the quality of the plot and characters was doing already.

That said though, why shouldn't a new generation of kids get to watch SW on the big screen? I don't mind if they periodically rerelease SW to cinemas, as long as they stop dicking around with it! :)

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-29 08:09pm
by Oskuro
I have to agree though that the space battle scenes, particularly the Death Star run, will be awesome in 3D.

And I'm a bit tired of this sacred-cowness regarding Star Wars, the whole series is long overdue for a proper reboot.

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-29 08:20pm
by tim31
Lucas coyly added stuff in the Special Editions that will work well in 3D. X-Wings flying at cameras? Neato!

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-30 01:27pm
by Temujin
'Star Wars' fans angered by 3-D release plans
Dislike for prequels, distrust of converted movies play a role in response

LOS ANGELES — Like a lightsaber to the midsection, reactions to news that George Lucas is planning to rerelease 3-D versions of the "Star Wars" sextet have been swift and, more often than not, deadly.

But when the Force actually is with them, will fans be able to stay away?

For every "I'll be first in line," there are another 20-30 Web comments along the lines of "SW is just a machine now," "I'll stay away in droves," "Lucas is beating a dead horse" or "Never have I seen something so amazing be systematically destroyed."

Lucas and Fox plan to rerelease the "Star Wars" franchise in state-of-the-art 3-D conversions beginning in 2012 with one film annually led by the much-mocked prequels. That means the original "Star Wars" and its two sequels won't start rolling out until 2015.

The rolling theatrical releases inevitably would set up 3-D DVD versions that would facilitate the ultimate home-viewing experience once 3-D-capable televisions have become fixtures in four to six years.

A specific date for the first release, "The Phantom Menace," has not been announced, but sources said Fox and Lucas are looking at a mid-February launch.

On paper, the news should be every fanboy's dream. The groundbreaking nature and scope of Lucas's original trilogy, launched in 1977, have practically begged for a 3-D treatment to match its ambitions. But for many of the die-hards, that starship has long since sailed.

A lot has happened in the three decades between the theatrical release of "Return of the Jedi" in 1983 and what will be the first of the new 3-D versions. For one thing, Lucas made three other movies in the saga, which were almost universally panned. He also has already done several rereleases and recuts of the original trilogy that updated the effects and added new or deleted footage in ways that many found sacrilegious (see: the widespread "Han Shot First" campaign, or Alexandre O. Philippe's documentary "The People vs. George Lucas," which had its world premiere at SXSW this year).

Conversions seen as money-grubbing

For those with a negative view of the post-1983 "Star Wars" output, the idea of yet another iteration -- especially using a conversion process many have found lacking in recent releases such as "Clash of the Titans" and "The Last Airbender" -- is cause for great despair.

"People are just too down on conversions," said Jeremy Smith, West Coast editor of Ain't It Cool News. "It doesn't even matter what the film is -- with the exception of animation. The conversations have gone from 'F--- conversion' to 'George Lucas is a money-grubbing whatever.'

"There has been some enthusiasm for the new development. A lot of parents, who grew up during the original fever, are excited for their kids (and grandkids) to see the original films in the theater. And some just can't get enough "Star Wars," no matter what the reservations.

For those on the fence, their loyalty remains partially intact but devoted only to the original trilogy. (NotMalcolmRee'sd comment on Ain't It Cool News is typical: "i will not sit thru the prequels again even in 10 dimensions.")

Many wish Lucas would do something new rather than keep futzing with the existing movies -- even make a seventh film in the series or a whole new trilogy with new characters, in 3-D or otherwise. But in the absence of that, just how many fans would be willing to bypass the chance to see what Lucas would do with 3-D?

"My gut feeling is that it will do well, on the level of what the '97 releases did," Smith said. "They'll get the die-hards out, they'll get people taking their kids. These kids are as into 'Star Wars' as their parents. And kids don't have the hatred toward 'Star Wars' as people in my generation."

The 1997 "special edition" rereleases of "Star Wars," "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi" grossed $138 million, $68 million and $45 million, respectively. Notable is the decline in interest as the trilogy progresses (most loyalists place the first two as the only genuine classics), with the second trilogy -- the prequels -- drawing limitless derision despite having grossed more during release.

Returns on a 3-D rerelease of "Phantom Menace," the first scheduled, are likely to be significantly less than a 3-D rerelease of "Star Wars" or "Empire" and thus a questionable test case for future conversions.
It seems Lucas has gone to the well once too often for the fans, and the public is starting to wise up to the 3-D (lets make lots of money) bullshit. It would be nice if he would make something original instead of focusing on continually trying to redo his original work like a perfectionist with OCD who keeps changing his mind.

What I would have really liked to see from him is to set up a studio so serious movie makers (not unlike himself and his colleagues from his early days) could actually produce the movies they want, rather than than get bogged down fighting the corporate studios to get their pictures/shows made. He certainly has the money and pull to make it work, and then maybe we'd actually have some better movie and TV shows getting produced then the mediocre crap Hollywood keeps churning out.

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-30 02:10pm
by Jaevric
As someone who considers himself a moderate "Star Wars" fan, my reaction to a 3-D release is a resounding "Meh." The OT special effects are dated as hell, and I'm not sure a 3-D conversion is going to do them any favors. As for the PT, I enjoyed (parts) of Return of the Sith but cringed through most of Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones.

I'll be saving my money and skipping the re-release. I don't blame George Lucas for milking his cash cows, but old special effects and lousy acting in 3-D are still old special effects and lousy acting.

I'd be willing to give a live-action TV series a chance. I'd even be willing to give a genuinely new movie or trilogy, set either way before or way after the PT/OT era, a chance. But unless a lot of people whose opinions I've agreed with in the past come back from the re-releases raving about how awesome they were, I'm going to save my money and avoid the theaters on this one.

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-30 02:16pm
by Havok
tim31 wrote:Awesome, I can take my kids to see IV/V/VI at the cinema!!
Aaaaand Tim is the only one in the thread that gets it.

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-30 02:20pm
by Guardsman Bass
Havok wrote:
tim31 wrote:Awesome, I can take my kids to see IV/V/VI at the cinema!!
Aaaaand Tim is the only one in the thread that gets it.
That's more or less what I figured as well. It's like what Disney did for a long time, where they kept re-releasing their movies to a new generation of kids in theaters. I'm certain the theater-owners are happy as well, seeing as how they get to keep the 3D ticket premium.

There's an IMAX theater not far from my house, so when this does come out, I'm definitely going to be there to see ANH in 3D.

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-30 05:11pm
by Lord Insanity
Havok wrote:
tim31 wrote:Awesome, I can take my kids to see IV/V/VI at the cinema!!
Aaaaand Tim is the only one in the thread that gets it.
Not really. My kid will be 4ish when the TPM will hit theaters. I will totally go see all 6 in the theater with my kid. I mean seriously the pod race is cool by itself, making it 3D would rock. I also fully expect Lucas to do the 3D conversion right and not the cheap after thought that was done for Clash of the Titans and Last Airbender. I guess time will tell how that plays out.

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-30 06:00pm
by LMSx
For those with a negative view of the post-1983 "Star Wars" output, the idea of yet another iteration -- especially using a conversion process many have found lacking in recent releases such as "Clash of the Titans" and "The Last Airbender" -- is cause for great despair.
Like Lord Insanity said, both films are examples of movies that finished filming and then just before release the studio decided to rush a quick 3-D transfer. I'm not intimately familiar with the process, but it doesn't take much to imagine that a film transfer, done at the behest of a rich benefactor over the course of a year and with no particular set release date could be done quite well. At that point, what's the problem? Yay Star Wars in theaters.

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-30 06:51pm
by Oskuro
I'd even say that, like it or not, George Lucas has done a lot for the advancement of digital technologies with his experimentation on the prequels. Having him working on these conversions might actually yield a good result, or at least n improved way of doing it.

If that happens I see a lot of older movies being remade as 3d to be re-released to the home market. It could be a good thing for certain movies, as well as a massive cash-grab for the rest.

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-30 06:56pm
by Jim Raynor
All the online bitching about Lucas "milking the cash cow" is so lame to me. It comes across as a bunch of bandwagoning fanboys doing their best to seem hip and "cool" (by geek standards) by taking a supposedly principled stand against the big bad corporation. One that many of them willingly give money to for all sorts of lame spinoff material.

If you don't want to go to the theaters again and spend your money...then don't. It's not hurting you any. You still have previous versions of the movies that you've clearly liked and obsessed over before.

I don't see any alternative ideas from most of the anti-corporate whiners out there. What do they propose Lucas do, just do nothing? They're not ever getting a live action blockbuster movie sequel to Star Wars. They've already gotten SIX. They've gotten more than one animated TV series, and a live action series coming up. So I can't say I agree with the people who say that Lucas is just sitting on his ass milking the cow instead of ever producing new material.

Lucas could do what every other director/producer out there does, which is just leave a 30 year old movie alone. Know what happens to 30+ year old movies that don't get new releases and updates? They die and sink into oblivion. Their fans age and dwindle away, while younger generations don't care to come onboard. I'm aware of a lot of "classic" movies from the past (probably more than most since I'm a geek who spends too much time reading about various subjects), but I haven't watched many of them. My 21 year old sister knows even less, and a lot of those movies probably don't even register with kids or teenagers these days. Show some of these "classics" to a younger person and they might laugh at the cheap and horrible effects.

I'd bet that if the clunky AT-ATs on Hoth, or Luke's extremely fake fall through Cloud City were done with the same exact quality level using CGI, fanboys would be bitching up a storm. But because the effects are old they're awesome and so much better.

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-30 08:21pm
by Seele
LMSx wrote:
For those with a negative view of the post-1983 "Star Wars" output, the idea of yet another iteration -- especially using a conversion process many have found lacking in recent releases such as "Clash of the Titans" and "The Last Airbender" -- is cause for great despair.
Like Lord Insanity said, both films are examples of movies that finished filming and then just before release the studio decided to rush a quick 3-D transfer. I'm not intimately familiar with the process, but it doesn't take much to imagine that a film transfer, done at the behest of a rich benefactor over the course of a year and with no particular set release date could be done quite well. At that point, what's the problem? Yay Star Wars in theaters.

Piranha 3D was a post conversion but it wasn't a rush job since doing it in 3d was the plan back when the movie was green lighted. It was just deemed cheaper to convert it after the fact than to actually film it in 3D. And the 3D in that turned out pretty decently, not as good as something shot in 3D but far more effective than the half-ass 3D transfers that Clash of the Titans, Last Airbender & Alice in Wonderland tried to do.

So I agree that Lucas with his resources & the timeframes he wants to spend on this, would be able to pull off a rather impressive 3d transfer of his movies.

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-09-30 09:56pm
by Temujin
I should say that I for one actually enjoyed (and continue to enjoy) the prequels tremendously. Mike has previously said something to the effect that the only thing the prequels really needed was a good editing job, and I agree. With the exception of a few changes, I also enjoyed the Special Editions. Though I'm really not concerned if he makes more Star Wars or not.

In an interview with Bill Moyers (from the Power of Myth?), Joseph Campbell said that George Lucas was his greatest student, exemplified by his successful use of mythological archetypes in Star Wars. I would like to see him apply that skill to some other ideas, whether completely original or based on existing works. Lucas originally wanted to do Flash Gordon, but the rights weren't available. While I love the cheesy 1980 film, Flash (or even Buck Rogers) is begging for serious a big budget adaptation. And I can't think of anyone more suited than Lucas.

It also seems that he is working on some original stuff outside of Star Wars.
Red Tails Finishes Casting and Begins Production

The Lucasfilm Ltd. production of Red Tails -- a fictional story inspired by the historic and heroic exploits of America's first all black aerial combat unit -- has completed casting and will soon begin principal photography in Europe. Produced by Rick McCallum and Charles Floyd Johnson, directed by Anthony Hemingway (The Wire, Battlestar Galactica) and written by John Ridley (Three Kings) from a story by executive producer George Lucas, Red Tails will star Oscar winner Cuba Gooding Jr. (Jerry Maguire), Oscar nominee Terrence Howard (Crash), Emmy winner Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad), Nate Parker (The Secret Life of Bees), David Oyelowo (The Last King of Scotland), Tristan Wilds (The Wire), Cliff Smith aka Method Man (The Wire), Kevin Phillips (Pride), Rick Otto (The Wire), Lee Tergesen (Monster), Andre Royo (Heroes), Grammy award winner Ne-Yo (Stomp the Yard), Elijah Kelley (Hairspray), Marcus T. Paulk (Take the Lead), Leslie Odom Jr. (Grey's Anatomy), Michael B. Jordan (The Wire), Grammy nominated singer Jazmine Sullivan, Edwina Finley (Law and Order), Daniela Ruah (Midnight Passion) and Stacie Davis (The Wire).

"I've been wanting to do Red Tails for 20 years, and we've finally got the means to showcase the skill of the Tuskegee pilots," said Lucas. "We're working on techniques which will give us the first true look at the aerial dogfighting of the era. And our top-notch cast will really make this story special."

"I'm thrilled to have such a fantastic cast of actors and such a talented director to work with," said McCallum. "The story of the Tuskegee Airmen represents a milestone in American history, and we're all proud to be paying tribute to their heroic efforts. That cultural significance is not lost on anyone in this great young cast."


1944. World War II rages and the fate of the free world hangs in the balance. Meanwhile the black pilots of the experimental Tuskegee training program are courageously waging two wars at once -- one against enemies overseas, and the other against discrimination within the military and back home. Racial prejudices have long held ace airman Martin "Easy" Julian (Nate Parker) and his black pilots back at base -- leaving them with little to do but further hone their flying skills -- while their white counterparts are shipped out to combat after a mere three months of training. Mistakenly deemed inferior and assigned only second-rate planes and missions, the pilots of Tuskegee have mastered the skies with ease but have not been granted the opportunity to truly spread their wings. Until now.

As the war in Europe continues to take its dire toll on Allied forces, Pentagon brass has no recourse but to reconsider these under-utilized pilots for combat duty. Just as the young Tuskegee men are on the brink of being shut down and shipped back home, Col. A.J. Bullard (Terrence Howard) awards them the ultimate chance to prove their mettle high above. Undaunted by the prospect of providing safe escort to bombers in broad daylight -- a mission so dangerous that the RAF has refused it and the white fighter groups have sustained substantial losses -- Easy's pilots at last join the fiery aerial fray. Against all the odds, with something to prove and everything to lose, these intrepid young airmen take to the skies in a heroic endeavor to combat the enemy -- and the discrimination that has kept them down for so long.
George Lucas producing a CGI musical! Featuring ... fairies?

George Lucas is tackling his first musical.

The untitled, top-secret CGI-animated film is in preproduction at Lucas’ Skywalker Ranch in Marin County.

The project marks a rare foray outside the “Star Wars” universe for Lucas who, while not directing a movie since “Revenge of the Sith” in 2005, is putting the finishing touches on “Red Tails,” the adventure movie that tells the World War II story of the Tuskegee Airmen, America’s first black pilots. Lucas wrote the screenplay for “Tails” and is exec producing.

Kevin Munroe is directing the CGI film, which is expected to feature music from a variety of sources. Munroe hails from the animated world and made his directorial debut in 2007 with the fourth Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, “TMNT.” He recently wrapped production on his live-action debut, the adaptation of the “Dead of Night” comic that stars Brandon Routh and Taye Diggs.

David Berenbaum, who wrote the Will Ferrell comedy “Elf” and children’s fantasy “The Spiderwick Chronicles,” penned the screenplay. Plot details are locked tighter than the plans for the Death Star, but one element known is that the script features fairies.

It is not known whether Berenbaum is working from a story by Lucas, who tends to originate much of Lucasfilm’s intellectual property.

A Lucasfilm spokesperson said it was too early to comment on the details of the project.

Munroe is repped by ICM, Berenbaum by WME.

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-10-04 12:21am
by Darth Ruinus
Pretty cool, this'll give me a chance to go watch the entire series in theatres, since I've only seen The Phantom Menace that way. I like all the movies, so I won't mind seeing the prequels.

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-10-04 04:43am
by Metahive
I have a radical suggestion. Instead of flaying the corpse of the OT for the, what, fifth time, remake them. Yeah, it's much, much more expensive and requires way more effort than splicing new effects in, but hey, it seems that Lucas won't be satisfied until he has given the OT a complete makeover anyway.

O, they can remake the the PT right then and there too. Maybe this time with plots that make sense and a better character direction.

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-10-04 11:01am
by Vympel
Wow, can you say historical revisionism? Since when were all the prequel films "almost universally panned"? That's such nerd-rage-bitter-old-SW-fan bullshit.

Anyway, there's a video of John Knoll on talking about the 3D conversion and how they're going to take the time to do it right, so I'm optimistic. And it'll be really fun to see them in cinemas again, since the last time was 1997.

That said, airing TPM first is a bad idea.

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-10-04 03:53pm
by Oskuro

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-10-04 03:59pm
by Srelex
Some of the TGWTG comments are just sad.



Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-10-04 06:28pm
by Freefall
Angryjoe has actually ranted about 3D in general on at least a few occasions; he views it as essentially a cheap gimmick used to raise ticket prices that doesn't actually add substantially to the movie going experience and in many cases actually detracts from it. If they were just going to do a normal theatrical re-release, I doubt he'd have any complaints. I personally have no interest in paying to see any of the prequels in theaters because I just didn't think they were very good movies, but if the 3D conversion turns out to be very good, then it might be fun to see the OT in theaters again.

On the idea of remaking the movies, I actually kind of second that. One of the things that bugs me about the prequels is that they are so heavily digital that the actors and practical effects actually look out of place in many scenes. I think it would look better if they just went back and did all of it in CG so that everything "matched." This would also, to me, allow for better Jedi stunts, rather than being limited by the physical abilities of the actors (sorry, but as cool as Sam Jackson is otherwise, he is simply does not look at all formidable as a fighter; neither does Ian McDiarmid). Even the original trilogy would be interesting to see with modern CG AT-ATs instead of stop-motion, and as mentioned, the older versions would still be around for the people who really love seeing them in their original incarnations.

Re: Star Wars saga 3D release confirmed, starting in 2012

Posted: 2010-10-04 06:40pm
by Srelex
If a remake is ever attempted of either trilogies, it'd have to wait at least a few decades, probably after Lucas is dead or retired. Personally, I'd rather tread new ground rather than risk missing the same target twice--something KOTOR-related? Who knows. Besides, such a thing would likely raise a shitstorm from fans who see the films as holy and critics who view it as another cash-in--for now, of course.

Anyway, I think all the frothing hate we sometimes see for 3D these days will probably die down once the prices start to go down. Given how companies are focusing more towards 3D these days, if it is another fad, it's not one that's dying any time soon, whatever rantings Angry Joe or anyone else might spew.