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Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-09-29 09:27pm
by Darth Fanboy
So I saw the comic version of TFU II available at my local comic shop today, I flipped through the pages real quick. Talk about Vader hating.
It seemed to me like Vader gets beaten AGAIN by Wanktastic Clone of Wanktastic Jedi and then is CAPTURED BY THE REBELLION? Also there is a healthy dose of Boba Fett.
I went on record as being cautiously optimistic about Force Unleashed I and that was an abortion for multiple reasons, thank goodness I only read the book and didn't shell out for the game or any other related merch. I am convinced Gary Stu Marek is the lovechild of Boba Fett and Quinlan Vos at this point.
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-09-29 10:08pm
by Burak Gazan
So, TFU II , brought to you by Rebel Alliance Holovision (propaganda division) then eh?
DARTH fraking VADER captured by the rebels? I gotta get me some of those drugs
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-09-29 10:22pm
by Vympel
It sounds extremely stupid to me. I actually read on TFN that's how the game ends - on a cliff-hanger. Which is hilarious, given that TFU3 was cancelled.
(in particular, I read that the Rebels plan to take Vader to Dantooine. Unless the writers are fucking retarted - and given they think this was a good plot idea - that's likely - clearly, Vader never reaches Dantooine, else he would've seen through Leia's lie in ANH)
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-09-29 11:54pm
by Galvatron
Did anyone ever reconcile the fact that Bail Organa was outed as a member of the Rebel Alliance in TFU even though this was clearly unknown to the Empire in ANH? Perhaps everyone who knew about it gets Force-amnesia in TFU2?
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-09-30 12:16am
by Ryan Thunder
I intend to forget about all that and just enjoy the fireworks, myself.
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-09-30 12:37am
by Darksider
Yeah. It looks like the gameplay is going to be pretty fun, but i'm seriously hoping they declare this "Infinities." Especially if the game ends on a cliffhanger with Darth Vader being captured by the rebellion and no third installment.
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-09-30 01:36am
by Darth Fanboy
Galvatron wrote:Did anyone ever reconcile the fact that Bail Organa was outed as a member of the Rebel Alliance in TFU even though this was clearly unknown to the Empire in ANH? Perhaps everyone who knew about it gets Force-amnesia in TFU2?
I think the idea is that Vader and Palpatine kept it secret because
they didn't want anyone to know that they were dumbshits and inadvertantly founded the Rebellion they wanted their enemies all in one place!
Vympel wrote:clearly, Vader never reaches Dantooine, else he would've seen through Leia's lie in ANH
But if he was on Dantooine and was held at a Rebel Base would that not confirm the possibility? When the Empire checked out Dantooine they said the base had been abandoned, not that there hadn't been anything there.
Either way this is all just fucking bad.
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-09-30 11:22am
by Anguirus
It's occurred to me in the past that Star Wars fans EU writers seem to have a much better grasp on utter trivia from the films than on important bits of in-character knowledge.
For instance, many, many people made a stink that Qui-Gon Jinn failed to "fade away" upon his death in Episode I. This is, of course, because Vader didn't know how Kenobi disappeared in ANH, so it's clearly not the "typical Jedi thing." However, in the EU EVERY dead-ass Jedi faded away before Episode I, and a few after (I may be wrong but I remember that some comic rolled an epic botch and had a Jedi Master fade away right in front of Anakin!)
Now the story to TFU has always sounded like fun bullshit that requires some real shoving and twisting, at best. But taking Vader to Dantooine? That's a classic example of what I was talking about (as is the Bail Organa thing). It's implicit in ANH that he didn't know to investigate Dantooine until Leia told him, or he'd have already done it!
The writers of this game probably consider themselves "real fans" for remembering that there was an abandoned Rebel base on Dantooine in ANH, but they managed to strip it of all context.
I'll let the absurdity of Vader being captured by the Rebellion at any time stand on its own.
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-09-30 11:52am
by Patroklos
Galvatron wrote:Did anyone ever reconcile the fact that Bail Organa was outed as a member of the Rebel Alliance in TFU even though this was clearly unknown to the Empire in ANH? Perhaps everyone who knew about it gets Force-amnesia in TFU2?
I don't think there is anything to reconcile. Its been demonstrated many times that the Empire knew about Alderaan's official support of the Rebellion, its just that they were not public about it and with their status as a Great Power the Empire didn't want to challenge them and perhaps evoke the wrath of the rest of the established, powerful, and wealthy core worlds. With the Death Star, the existance of which was to allow the Empire to crack any rival regardless of their wealth and power, there was no longer any need to put up with such things.
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-09-30 05:10pm
by Stark
Why is anyone even talking about reconciling it when its clearly outside the regular continuity?
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-09-30 07:47pm
by Darth Fanboy
Stark wrote:Why is anyone even talking about reconciling it when its clearly outside the regular continuity?
This is probably my favorite post in PSW ever.
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-09-30 07:53pm
by Vympel
But if he was on Dantooine and was held at a Rebel Base would that not confirm the possibility? When the Empire checked out Dantooine they said the base had been abandoned, not that there hadn't been anything there.
Either way this is all just fucking bad
If Vader had gone to Dantooine, then the moment he got off it the Rebels would've known it was compromised and abandoned it, and Vader would've sent forces to take it. He wouldn't sit there listening to obvious bullshit from Leia on the DS1.
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-10-01 10:46am
by Darth Fanboy
Depends on if you think Vader would let Tarkin follow the bullshit in an attempt to discredit him, but I tend to agree with what you're saying.
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-10-01 01:15pm
by Darth Yan
several issues; Bail had a lot of friends and they still hadnt disbanded the senate. moving against bail could be risky. since revealling evidence may have also meant revealling that they failed to stop a single 20 year old guy from breaking into their most secure facility, beating the crap out of Darth vader, and blowing up a substantial part of their secret weapon's tower which no one is even supposed to know about in a kamikaze explosion. It would be a PR nightmare. two.) Zaarin captured palpatine, so why can't vader be captured; three. Starkiller was trained for sixteen years to push the force farther then most were willing to. It's also very heavily implied that palpy deliberately threw the fight. So yeah, intesne combat regimine and being forced to push the force farther then most were encouraged too may even the odds without being a total stu.
I enjoyed the first game so I'm definitely getting this one.
And also, they had to change some plot details at GL's insistence (originally the climax would involve the battle of toprawa were the rebels got the death star plans, but lucas said no. he's also the one who suggested that they make palpy the big bad.) So it's partially GL's fault.
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-10-01 06:48pm
by Galvatron
Stark wrote:Why is anyone even talking about reconciling it when its clearly outside the regular continuity?
It is?
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-10-01 07:42pm
by Stark
Are you serious? The idea of nerds trying to fit such a superhero game into the EU is fucking hilarious.
I guess you just figure the powers are 'game mechanics'? And the never-referenced changes-nothing events are just weaseled out of somehow? The outrageously out-of-character characterisations are just PMS?
Honestly I look forward to TFU2 being as crazy as it sounds, because anyone stupid enough to try to fit it into the movie continuity deserves the migraine it gives them.
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-10-01 07:48pm
by TC Pilot
Stark wrote:Are you serious? The idea of nerds trying to fit such a superhero game into the EU is fucking hilarious.
These are fans who even tried to get a coherent narrative out of every "steal the Death Star plans" mission we're talking about.
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-10-01 07:52pm
by Srelex
Well, there were differences between the original TFU comic and game, right?
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-10-02 02:53am
by Darth Fanboy
Darth Yan wrote:Zaarin captured palpatine, so why can't vader be captured;
Tried and failed thanks to the intervention of Marek Steele and Vader in TIE Defenders. We have no depiction if Palpatine was ever in any actual danger, given the likelihood that he could have overpowered those who had him in control but instead chose to wait it out confident in the abilities of his apprentice and his chosen circle.
Secondly, in a world where Jedi are supposed to be so scarce that in a generation they've gone from icons to near mythical beings, the Rebel Alliance suddenly has a Jedi Master and the clone of a powerful Force User working for them? Vader being captured neuters his character, who is responsible for numerous Jedi deaths and was actually depicted in a recent SW Adventures book as destroying a rebel base almost single handedly, he's suddenly captured and has lost to some iteration of Gary Stu in consecutive games?
Starkiller was trained for sixteen years to push the force farther then most were willing to. It's also very heavily implied that palpy deliberately threw the fight. So yeah, intesne combat regimine and being forced to push the force farther then most were encouraged too may even the odds without being a total stu.
Note the part I highlighted, I wonder if you were able to type that with a straight face.
And also, they had to change some plot details at GL's insistence (originally the climax would involve the battle of toprawa were the rebels got the death star plans, but lucas said no. he's also the one who suggested that they make palpy the big bad.) So it's partially GL's fault.[/quote]
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-10-02 03:59am
by Darth Yan
the original drafts had starkiller fighting vader AND LOOSING beleive it or not.
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-10-03 01:32pm
by Darth Fanboy
That's a dumb ending for a game, what was he loosing his belt or his fuckin' shoelaces?
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-10-03 05:12pm
by Darth Yan
hand to hand combat, and he dies.
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-10-05 12:30am
by Havok
I'm with Starkers on this one. FattyNerds
TM trying to jam this nonsense into the EU, which is ridiculous in it's own right the way it shits all over the movies, is probably going to be as entertaining as playing the game.
Which isn't very.
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-10-05 02:40am
by Gandalf
I for one enjoyed TFU. It was a fun way to break shit in a SW setting. I just assumed that it was wasn't part of the almighty canon, therefore all of the wackiness doesn't count.
It's the same way I used to play Battlefield 1942, even though I know there were more than seven guys at Omaha Beach and that tanks don't respawn like that.
Re: Force Unleashed II (Spoilers Possible)
Posted: 2010-10-05 02:52am
by Darksider
I never understood the hyper-inclusionist viewpoint. It's not like the game clashing with established canon makes it any less fun to play. Hell, now that the CW cartoon series is out an shitting on a lot of the previous CW EU, they're doing backflips to fit all that in together too.
But my absolute favorite has got to be the attempt to rationalize Operation Skyhook, where the Death Star plans were apparently stolen by fifty different people at once. Personally I like to either ignore most other EU besides Dark Forces, or just assume that Kyle got the plans, and everyone else got something else like shipping details and industrial output reports to give the Alliance some idea of how close the DS was to completion, but Wookiepedia actually tries to claim that each separate character stole a different part of the battle station plans or something, as if the Empire kept the plans split up in fifty different locations or something.