wonders of the star wars universe
Posted: 2010-11-10 11:43pm
Feel free to make your own lists or to criticize mine or to just discuss and do what forums do and get absurdly off topic
1. Coruscant- An entire planet covered in a city. Coruscant has been the capital of the Old Republic, The Galactic Empire, The New Republic, The Yuuzhan Vong Empire, The Galactic Alliance, The Fel Empire and even Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire. hyperspace coordinates (0,0) shows the symbolism of Coruscant as the shining center of the galaxy. Official population over 1 trillion but many more. Coruscant is so complex that some people born on the under levels live their entire lives never even knowing that there is anything above the duracrete jungle that is coruscant's under-levels. A city built on cities that were built on cities the surface of coruscant is all but non-existent and demonstrates the extent to which the species of the galaxy have conquered their home completely.
2. The Death Star- Although the second one was larger, more advanced, and vastly more powerful, the first death-star symbolized the supreme might of the empire at its height. The death star's completion came at almost the exact same time as the dissolution of the imperial senate and therefor showed the Emperor's supreme power, around 160 km in diameter the massive station mounted a huge super-laser capable of destroying an entire planet. Although multiple deat-star copy's or prototypes or ships that were strikingly similar roamed the galaxy the death star alone struck fear into the hearts of more people than any other super weapon that was ever created once Alderran was destroyed.
3. The Eclipse-In some ways the Empire didn't quite give all the best to the creation of the Death Star, sub-par materials, a small thermal port that became its fatal flaw, and weapons designed only to repel large attacks, but nothing but the best was reserved for the eclipse. Arguably the most formidable warship ever created the Eclipse was shorter although more massive in total than the executer. It wielded top of the line weapons including improved ion cannons, Gravity well generators, and a huge powerful superlaser capable of cracking a planet's crust. Heavy Armor and Extremely powerful shields even allowed the eclipse class vessels to ram through other ships without care for its own safety
4. Kuat Shipyards- A ring of durasteel stretching around the entire planet of Kuat makes it the ultimate powerhouse in producing starships of all shapes, sizes and uses, and just as often as whoever sits on the throne on coruscant rules the galaxy so Kuat's biggest customer is normally whoever is in power. the giant ring-shaped shipyards have produced the powerful star destroyers for many years and their engineers designed such behemoths as the executer and eclipse. The shipyars are not only awe-inspiring in their influence on the galaxy but also in their amazing size. most likely the largest continuous structure in the galaxy the Kuat shipyards are an awesome sight to behold.
5. Centerpoint- designed by an ancient civilization even more advanced than any that currently occupies the galaxy. working with the huge repulsers on the planetary surfaces the huge sation was the most powerful object in the galaxy before it was rendered utterly useless by Thracken-Sal-Solo in the yuuzhan vong war. the station was useed to assemble the correllian system from hand-picked planets. the station could theoretically destroy a planet, cause a star to super-nova or wipe out an entire fleet in a single powerful blast
6. The Hand of Thrawn- a huge fortress on the planet nirauan. The ultimate military mastermind Gran Admiral Thrawn designed the fortress as what he considered to be the ultimate weapon. a massive collection of knowledge from all corners of the univese even the vast unknown regions were greatly filled in. The Hand of Thrawn likely had the largest and most extensive store of knowledge ever assembled. inside it also contained the clone of grand Admiral Thrawn but the clone was killed by luke skywalker and Mara jade.
1. Coruscant- An entire planet covered in a city. Coruscant has been the capital of the Old Republic, The Galactic Empire, The New Republic, The Yuuzhan Vong Empire, The Galactic Alliance, The Fel Empire and even Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire. hyperspace coordinates (0,0) shows the symbolism of Coruscant as the shining center of the galaxy. Official population over 1 trillion but many more. Coruscant is so complex that some people born on the under levels live their entire lives never even knowing that there is anything above the duracrete jungle that is coruscant's under-levels. A city built on cities that were built on cities the surface of coruscant is all but non-existent and demonstrates the extent to which the species of the galaxy have conquered their home completely.
2. The Death Star- Although the second one was larger, more advanced, and vastly more powerful, the first death-star symbolized the supreme might of the empire at its height. The death star's completion came at almost the exact same time as the dissolution of the imperial senate and therefor showed the Emperor's supreme power, around 160 km in diameter the massive station mounted a huge super-laser capable of destroying an entire planet. Although multiple deat-star copy's or prototypes or ships that were strikingly similar roamed the galaxy the death star alone struck fear into the hearts of more people than any other super weapon that was ever created once Alderran was destroyed.
3. The Eclipse-In some ways the Empire didn't quite give all the best to the creation of the Death Star, sub-par materials, a small thermal port that became its fatal flaw, and weapons designed only to repel large attacks, but nothing but the best was reserved for the eclipse. Arguably the most formidable warship ever created the Eclipse was shorter although more massive in total than the executer. It wielded top of the line weapons including improved ion cannons, Gravity well generators, and a huge powerful superlaser capable of cracking a planet's crust. Heavy Armor and Extremely powerful shields even allowed the eclipse class vessels to ram through other ships without care for its own safety
4. Kuat Shipyards- A ring of durasteel stretching around the entire planet of Kuat makes it the ultimate powerhouse in producing starships of all shapes, sizes and uses, and just as often as whoever sits on the throne on coruscant rules the galaxy so Kuat's biggest customer is normally whoever is in power. the giant ring-shaped shipyards have produced the powerful star destroyers for many years and their engineers designed such behemoths as the executer and eclipse. The shipyars are not only awe-inspiring in their influence on the galaxy but also in their amazing size. most likely the largest continuous structure in the galaxy the Kuat shipyards are an awesome sight to behold.
5. Centerpoint- designed by an ancient civilization even more advanced than any that currently occupies the galaxy. working with the huge repulsers on the planetary surfaces the huge sation was the most powerful object in the galaxy before it was rendered utterly useless by Thracken-Sal-Solo in the yuuzhan vong war. the station was useed to assemble the correllian system from hand-picked planets. the station could theoretically destroy a planet, cause a star to super-nova or wipe out an entire fleet in a single powerful blast
6. The Hand of Thrawn- a huge fortress on the planet nirauan. The ultimate military mastermind Gran Admiral Thrawn designed the fortress as what he considered to be the ultimate weapon. a massive collection of knowledge from all corners of the univese even the vast unknown regions were greatly filled in. The Hand of Thrawn likely had the largest and most extensive store of knowledge ever assembled. inside it also contained the clone of grand Admiral Thrawn but the clone was killed by luke skywalker and Mara jade.