Mr Bean wrote:Oooh another Challenge
Well one more before I go to sleep tonight
First my orgiona post was ment in humor comparing it say to Coruscant as although they do have floating citys may I point out that does not leave one many places to slap down 500 Ton Weaponry that also has to have a clear zone of a ceritan size around it at all times as the Giga-tons of firepower tend to burn of quite a bit of Oxygen along with some other negative effects
Negative effects? What kind. Lord KJA goes on and one about how the Empire enslaved the Mon Cals and how they drove back the Empire. That's at least one time that fire in the giga ton range would have ripped the atmosphere right off the planet. How about in Dark Empire? Negative Effects. Just some damned nasty remodeling. Daala starts raining fire down onto the surface with weaponary well into the giga ton range. Negative Effects? One fucked ISD and a beautiful starship in the making gone.
Daala was far to incompetent. First, she was supposedly clever enough to change her identity at Carida. Yet, she waits for a decade and doesn't try to communicate with the outside?
She was under orders not to communcate and stuck with them Doggly thats not incompetence thats Loyalty. As soon as she recived word from the outside she was set to move and where it not for the trechery of one scientist she would have done quite alot of damage
Loyalty? Loyalty? No, that's incompetent. How about sending a SHUTTLE? Yeah, you know those damned smooth ships that FAO is finally going to let us have for $120! Back to the point. WOULD? No. thanks to KJA, God of all EU and dictator to Zahn himself, Mon Calamari doesn't just have shit for defenses, they have shit for intelligence as well. The only success of that attack was sinking one city, heavily damaging two, and getting rid of a starship that was under construction. She captured a damned freighter when she first got out. Why couldn't she do the same outside of the system? Daala is incompetent.
She hits Mon Calamari. Does she do any form of recon? No. She believes reviewing old tapes of one dead fuck will bring her victory. What happens, She is scared by a squadron of B-Wings. If she had just sent her TIEs into the shipyards, then she could have moved the third Star Destroyer into position sooner than when Ackbar arrived. More than likely she would have destroyed the shipyards. Primary target
Recon? Hmm with those Hyper-space capable Ties of hers oh wait
With an ISD? Oooh wait thats a little big to be a scout ship..... I'm sorry but would you like to explain where she could have done better? Second Scard of B-Wings? Where do you read that? The fact she help off attacking the Ship-Yards? Keep in mind she can't affoard to loose any of her ships so that was a smart idea of making them leave the shipyards defensless(Enough anyway they could always have a trick or two and it helps to get the obvious things out of the way) by staging a fake attack
What she did not count on was somone else who happend to be THE FORMER PERSONAL SLAVE OF TARKIN happing to be in Command at the time and Guessing her move
No. With those hyperspace capable shuttles that ISDs carry. Probe droids? In fact, that's another point there. I will explain. For I now know that is my duty to all Star Wars fans to re read this damned trilogy, shed light on it's stupidity and shape into the greatness that Star Wars is. Ackbar's submarine activated a probe droid, which is obviously from Empire Strikes Back (KJA on every page has a refrence to the original trilogy. In fact, that's almost the entirety of his books is to constantly describe a scene from the movies.) The signal it sends out before self destructing is recieved by Daala's forces. What do they do? Rush on to find out why they got it. Even though she let the NR know that she was loose and on the warpath. Give me a break. It is rather obvious that she didn't expect to encounter Ackbar's knowledge of the attack. Send the TIEs out that are flying around doing what your 2 ISDs are doing and take out the star fighter defenses. In fact, if she wasn't so incompetent as to just watch tapes of Tarkin and use one of his out dated plans. (She was away for a decade. TEN YEARS! She knew Tarkin was killed by the Rebels.) That's when you improvise. Leave the third ISD out of the system and hyper it in. When Ackbar comes in and the defenses for the shipyards go away, guess what? No ISD lying in wait. Surprise surprise.!!! Third ISD hypers in and slags the shipyards and that last star ship. That was easy.
Attack Coruscant with TWO Star Destroyers!!! I am sure that Star Destroyer would have been allowed to fall into orbit. Sure. With the space stations and ships, they could tractor that damn thing and keep it from falling
See the SC thread for examples of Why Tractors are not super magic things
Frankly its been done before except a ship going out by the name of Lushakayaka it is possible it was a good idea and it would have worked.
Plantary shield or not you run a few hundred thousand tons of metal into a planet and then set off the core which keep in mind is designed to let 50 Heavy Turbolasers fire at the same time which is 50X200=100,000 or 100 Tetratons of firepower PLUS the Light and Mediums PLUS the Tractors and Enginess and keep the ships normal sysytems operating means it has to produce a hell of alot of power meaning blowing it up next to a planet is the best card she has left to play in doing absoulte destruction
Her plan was for it to breach the sheilds and impact on the surface. Hey, here's something you threw in my face earlier in this thread. Guess what, In Dark Empire Coruscant had a battle in orbit. In fact, in the Academy Trilogy they are still clearing away destroyed starships. Not only that, but they send some of the sizeable pieces back into Coruscants atmosphere to disintegrate. So the planet had plenty of ships going off in orbit. Even more so, that it being her BEST card in order to do absolute destruction just solidifies my point of her INCOMPETENCE.
It was a brillant plan like it or not and the way Courscant is set up it had a good chance of succeding(And even if it did not the Kinetic damage alone would be enough to knock out the shieldings meaing that all those Debris are falling towards the planet
I honestly think it was shifaced on KJA to take such a character and trash her. I think I already covered the debris part just before this. Not only that. This just proves my point of incompetent she really is according to KJA. She did absolutely no recon before her attack on Mon Calamari. She just watched tapes of Tarkin and recycled his old attacks. This failed utterly. What is her next plan. To review more tapes, do absolutely no recon and contrive another ill fated plan. Guess what, that debris raining down on Coruscant. Unless they get BOTH sheilds down, Coruscant will not have anything to worry about. With Golans and starships (hopefully the absent defenses of Mon Calamari) they can just tractor that one suicidal ISD. If the Rebels can detect the Death Fleet coming out of hyperspace to close to Hoth, then Coruscant shouldn't have a problem (NO KJA, STAY BACK ::hits him with a stick::) detecting the two ISDs jumping in. That's plenty of time to raise a sheild that could deflect any bombardment. Heh, actually two sheilds.
And lastly
Her ships were not skeleton crewed.
Dont you mean WHERE? as it speficly says that at least three times in the first book alone