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Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-20 03:42pm
by Force Lord
We know that Vader can't just replace his suit, since Death Star showed that removing it for a new one would likely kill him. But, for the sake of discussion, let's just say the Emperor orders you to design a new suit for Vader, if only as a constant reminder for his apprentice that the suit he wears is...less than perfect. Or maybe just for the hell of it. Maybe it's Vader himself who's making the order, so he would have something more to tinker with while he's taking a break from his missions. Whatever the reason you are given, you must now design Vader's new suit.

The new suit must retain all the primary functions of the old one, such as the life-support system, as well as retain the distinctive Vader look. You will ensure that the new suit eliminates or at least reduces as many of the weaknesses of the old suit as possible. You may also add new features that the old suit lacks. You have an unlimited budget and all the time that you require. The entire technology of the Empire is at your disposal.

Put foward your proposals.

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-20 04:02pm
by Darth Fanboy
You don't have to remove him from the suit per say. The front panel deserately needs armor plating of some kind (cortosis perhaps) and the cybernetic limbs should be replaced with something more potent, giving Vader increased mobility.

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-20 07:26pm
by Purple
Add a jet pack like Dark Troopers from the PC games. And the afore mentioned armor

Also, make the suit modular so that it can have different easily swappable load outs. For example he can have easy strap on heavy Dark Trooper III style armor for combat missions and a light more stylized version for when he needs to make a public appearance.

Also, give him some sort of way to communicate with troops around him, possibly add a direct feed to communications equipment so that he can even talk to the Emperor directly.

And while we are at it, give him some sensor equipment like that of a probe droid. We have examples of small probe droids that fit in the palm of a hand so that should not be to difficult to achieve.

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-20 08:06pm
by Eternal_Freedom
I would add the aforementioned armour and sensor components, and most likely would make it modular/easily changeable.

I'm also thinking personal shield, but then Vader stops blasters with his hand, so maybe not.

Perhaps some kind of ranged weapon as he apparently can't use force lightening. And I dunno, perhaps some kind of nueral-interface for his starfighter so he doesn't even have to worry about using the control yoke.

And maybe some sort of built-in multiple lightsaber system, ala Lord Nyax of "Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand"

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-20 08:43pm
by Talhe
I can't add on to any real technical things that haven't already been said, but I think a visual relic/regalia of the Sith, something... arcane or mystical, would be an interesting thing.

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-20 08:46pm
by Thanas
Star wars legacy had a very good refinement of the vader suit - essentially you carry bacta around yourself.

The result was quite impressive.

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-21 03:33pm
by Dooey Jo
Darth Fanboy wrote:You don't have to remove him from the suit per say. The front panel deserately needs armor plating of some kind (cortosis perhaps) and the cybernetic limbs should be replaced with something more potent, giving Vader increased mobility.
Caterpillar tracks?

Maybe we can replace the arms with a cannon and machine gun...

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-21 05:03pm
by Ryushikaze
Dooey Jo wrote:
Darth Fanboy wrote:You don't have to remove him from the suit per say. The front panel deserately needs armor plating of some kind (cortosis perhaps) and the cybernetic limbs should be replaced with something more potent, giving Vader increased mobility.
Caterpillar tracks?

Maybe we can replace the arms with a cannon and machine gun...

Darth Vader is now a Guntank. Congratulations.

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-21 08:24pm
by Purple
Well I kind of like the idea of integrated weapons.
Not canons and tracks but perhaps a pair of twin linked blasters integrated into his arms above the wrist.

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-22 01:49am
by Darth Fanboy
Dooey Jo wrote: Maybe we can replace the arms with a cannon and machine gun...
I was thinking more along the line of droid limbs more similar but not exactly like what Grievous had but those would be pretty cool too :P .

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-22 04:49am
by Freefall
Purple wrote:Well I kind of like the idea of integrated weapons.
Not canons and tracks but perhaps a pair of twin linked blasters integrated into his arms above the wrist.

Who needs wrists?

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-22 07:27am
by Darth Yoshi
Ryushikaze wrote:Darth Vader is now a Guntank. Congratulations.
*snerk* :lol:

Even if the Emperor is doing this just to fuck with Vader, I'm not sure that turning him into a mech would be accepted. I mean, yes, I'm sure that Vader's not likely to forget that he's a quadruple amputee, but that doesn't mean it's any of the rest of the galaxy's business how many of his limbs are fake. Putting him into a clearly non-humanoid chassis is a pretty clear sign that he's missing parts, and that's a sign of weakness. Sure Vader probably still could paste anyone who says anything, but since we know that Vader's power is tied into his sense of self-worth, rubbing Vader's handicaps in his face like isn't going to do him any good, either for his power or his ability to function as the Emperor's enforcer.

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-22 12:08pm
by Solauren
I'd give him Terminator style arms and legs (as in cloned flesh over robotic/cyborg bones and enhancements).
That might let him hurl Force Lighting.

Also, the aforementioned augmentations.

The suit would also have a built in bacta system to slowly repair his body without him really realising it.

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-22 05:28pm
by Loner
I'd let him keep his normal suit, but just add some flare to it:


He finds your lack of faith in the Emperor... heretical.

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-22 05:36pm
by Thanas
Ugh. That looks like somebody has just vomited wilhelmine architecture all over it.

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-23 02:27pm
by CDiehl
That is pretty garish, and the 40k imagery seems inappropriate. I would guess the reason the suit looks the way it normally does is to make Vader look like he doesn't need armor. He doesn't have a symbol emblazoned on his suit because he doesn't have to announce who he works for. Neither he nor the Emperor are interested in ostentation or finery; they're too busy being all-powerful, or damn close to it, to care about impressing people.

If you really need to add armor to the suit, I'd use stormtrooper armor, but in black, and with a piece over the control panel that can be opened or removed. Maybe they could etch the Imperial symbol on the shoulder pieces. Also, if he needs a ranged attack, just put a holster on his belt and give him a blaster pistol. He's not a Jedi anymore, and who's going to tell him a blaster is somehow beneath him?

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-23 11:05pm
by Darth Yoshi
The thing is, using a blaster is beneath Vader, because he doesn't need it. His Force powers let him attack from a distance anyway, whether it's hurling random crap, hurling his lightsaber, or directly attacking his target from afar with TK. After all, Ozzel wasn't even in the same room as Vader when he was choked to death.

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-24 07:19am
by Purple
I would take the same suit he has, add a protective door over the instruments and a Droideka style energy shield and call it a day.
I am sure that a force field can come in handy after all. And nothing screams invulnerable sith lord like a sith lord that is invulnerable.

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-24 10:41am
by Enigma
Armored cybernetic limbs covered in synth-flesh and find a way to slimline his life support systems.

Add some lightsaber resistant material (cortosis?) into his suit, giving him an advantage in a duel.

No need to add weapons into his suit since all he needs is his lightsaber.

Incorporate enhanced sensory equipment into his suit.

But overall, I'd try to make the suit as flexible as possible.

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-01-24 03:32pm
by Galvatron
Vader's enough of a freak as it is. I doubt he'd want to turn himself into Inspector Gadget.

Although, I imagine if the emperor wants to humiliate him even more, he could turn him into a copy of Irek "Lord Nyax" Ismaren.

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-02-16 11:31pm
by aussiemuscle308
i'd redesign his mask to be more aggresive, like the one shown i think it's a pre-production drawing
found it, by ralph maquarrie ... 50x720.jpg

steam punk vader: ... r-mask.jpg

spiney vader: ... helmet.jpg

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-02-17 02:44pm
by TheHammer
I guess when it comes down to it, there isn't really anything that you could add to the suit that Vader couldn't already do in a superior fashion with the force. Sure maybe you could add cybernetic limbs, but the reality is Vader has all the additional limbs he needs through use of the force. As noted, those same TK abilities pretty much give him all the ranged attack he'd ever need. The force serves him better than any early warning systems, and we already know he can redirect blaster fire with his hands rendering a shield redundant. So its hard to come up with anything truly useful...

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-02-17 06:15pm
by Darth Fanboy
Ugh, I will never like the eyes on the original mask.

His cybernetic limbs that he was given post-Mustafar weren't the greatest however, and it affected his range of motion, even if you don't change those more protection to the life support systems seems almost mandatory in any redesign don't you think?

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-03-04 10:16am
by Darth Tedious
aussiemuscle308 wrote:spiney vader: ... helmet.jpg
With that helmet, he could double as a disco ball when he wasn't busy! 8)

Re: Design new suit/armor for Darth Vader

Posted: 2011-03-04 10:41am
by Simon_Jester
A bit more protection over the chest controls, limbs that bend a little farther (less stiff and clunky than the ones he seems to have gotten post-Episode III, more on par with the high-end prosthetic he got for his right arm after Dooku chopped it off on Geonosis). Purely incremental, and nothing that would really require him to be removed from the suit, assuming there's any capability to redesign or improve it without taking it off.

EDIT: And there'd almost have to be- I'm sure he's been injured badly enough at some point to at least need some minor repairs and maintenance to the suit...