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Posted: 2003-03-10 01:00pm
by Dorsk 81
What's your favourite Star Wars Starfighter? And which one is the best?
Posted: 2003-03-10 01:06pm
by Kerneth
Well, of the pre-NJO starfighters, the TIE Defender was hands-down the most powerful. 50% faster than an X-Wing with equal shielding and more firepower thanks to the addition of a pair of ion cannons.
Since firepower is your friend, I'll have to go with the TIE-Defender as my favorite Imperial starfighter. Of the New Republic/Rebel Alliance fighters, I like the E-Wing the best. 3 laser cannons to the X-Wing's 4 but nearly 3 times the torpedo payload, and as fast and manueverable as a TIE Interceptor. What's not to like?
There are, to the best of my knowledge, no statistics on the NJO-era starfighters. Aside from the fact X-Wings now have 3 proton torpedo tubes instead of just 2, and have been significantly upgraded otherwise--as presumably all the various starfighter designs have.
Posted: 2003-03-10 02:05pm
by Axis Kast
I've always been partial to the Chiss 'Clawfighter' myself - something about the concept of melding powerful weapons systems with a fighter superior in maneuverability to almost anything else out there.
My favorite starfighter of the Rebel Alliance era? Certainly the A-Wing. Concept and shape do a lot for me there.
If I’ve got to go with more “conventional” fighters, I’d stick with the TIE ‘Interceptor’. Nothing can beat the tried-and-true law of mass-production on a proven frame. While the ‘Phantom’ and ‘Avenger’ were cool – I’d have loved to see those dealt with in written series -, the ‘Interceptor’ takes the cake as the most versatile.
I think, though, that I like the Yhuuzan Vong coralskipper most of all. A ship that can eat rocks to regenerate and warps gravity as a means of defense. Pure genius.
Posted: 2003-03-10 02:19pm
by Lord Pounder
My favouite fighters was the original X-Wing. as Wedge quoted it was the prefect blend of speed menouverability and fire power.
Posted: 2003-03-10 02:22pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
E-Wing, bitch.

Posted: 2003-03-10 02:26pm
by Lord Pounder
Where is the E-Wing during NJO? The E-Wing was a failure.
Posted: 2003-03-10 02:43pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Darth Pounder wrote:Where is the E-Wing during NJO? The E-Wing was a failure.
I don't give a flying fuck if it was a failure. The E-Wing is still my favourite, and nothing anyone says will change my mind.

Posted: 2003-03-10 03:04pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Darth Pounder wrote:Where is the E-Wing during NJO? The E-Wing was a failure.
The very first ones out of the factory had issues with the tibanna gas they were issued, not the fighters themselves.
The E-Wing excelled, and the E-Wing's counterpart to the advanced NJO-era XJ3 X-Wing has been released, the E-Wing Series II or something.
Posted: 2003-03-10 03:06pm
by Robert Treder
I like the A-wing and the TIE Interceptor. The E-wing has always just seemed sort of ugly to me.
Posted: 2003-03-10 03:21pm
by Cpt_Frank
the classic TIE fighter.
Posted: 2003-03-10 03:40pm
by Captain Jack
I just love the B-Wing.
Posted: 2003-03-10 03:55pm
by Kuja
Republic Gunship
If that doesn't count, then the X-wing.
Posted: 2003-03-10 04:26pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
TIE Advance X1. Can you beat Vaders ship? Can you really? I think not! Sheilds, rotatable gun mounts, hyperdrive. Everything a Rebel fighter has, except Imperial-ized.

Posted: 2003-03-10 04:30pm
by Kuja
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:TIE Advance X1. Can you beat Vaders ship? Can you really? I think not! Sheilds, rotatable gun mounts, hyperdrive. Everything a Rebel fighter has, except Imperial-ized.

Everthing except protorps.

Posted: 2003-03-10 04:45pm
by SirNitram
IG-88E wrote:Darth Garden Gnome wrote:TIE Advance X1. Can you beat Vaders ship? Can you really? I think not! Sheilds, rotatable gun mounts, hyperdrive. Everything a Rebel fighter has, except Imperial-ized.

Everthing except protorps.

TIE Defender. On your KNEES, Rebel Scum!
Posted: 2003-03-10 04:57pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
SirNitram wrote:TIE Defender. On your KNEES, Rebel Scum!
Bah, kids with their uber-wank fighters these days. There used to be a time when your ship was just as fast as theirs, when you had to fly 50 feet behind them and blast 'em to atoms. There wasn't any uber-speed/agility. There wasn't weapon pailoads big enough to give Tarkin a heart-attack. You got two laser cannons, and you were sent on a mission to crush the Rebels.
Nowadays we have fighters with thrity laser cannons, two dozen ion cannons, eight torpedo tubes, speeds in excess of .9c, manuverability that would give Tarkins wife a heart-attack, and super god shields that give ISDs a hard time. What a bunch fo wanking!
Ah the good 'ol days.

Posted: 2003-03-10 06:45pm
by DeadM
Always has, always will be: The Incom T-65 X-Wing
Posted: 2003-03-10 08:01pm
by Admiral Johnason
My favorite starfighters are Slave 1, the X-wing, the B-wing, and my fav, the Mell. Falcon. Eat blaster bolts ya Imp panisses
Posted: 2003-03-10 08:02pm
by Robert Treder
The Falcon is classified as a light freighter or courier, not a fighter.
Posted: 2003-03-10 08:09pm
by God Emperor
I always liked the way the TIE Bomber looked.
Posted: 2003-03-10 08:13pm
by Admiral Johnason
Robert Treder wrote:The Falcon is classified as a light freighter or courier, not a fighter.
Alright, then the A-wing, the last world in air superiorty.
Posted: 2003-03-10 08:16pm
by Mark S
Admiral Johnason wrote:Robert Treder wrote:The Falcon is classified as a light freighter or courier, not a fighter.
Alright, then the A-wing, the last world in air superiorty.
I thought the A-wing was just a scout ship.
Posted: 2003-03-10 08:17pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Admiral Johnason wrote:Alright, then the A-wing, the last world in air superiorty.
*Laughs hysterically as the pathetic Rebel A-Wing is pursued through a series of asteroids, flaming hoops, and otherwise dangerous obstacle fields, until blasted into flaming space trash by the mighty TIE Interceptor*
Bow down to the Emperor's wrath ignorant Rebel traitor!

Posted: 2003-03-10 08:22pm
by Admiral Johnason
*Thousand of Jedi Starfighters drop out of hyperspace with thousands of B-wings and X-wings for support. Millios of ties are plowen right out of the stars. Only one remains*
Come here and say that you Imperial-ass shiner.
Posted: 2003-03-10 08:24pm
by Jordie
If you can have thousands of Jedi Starfighters, we can have thousands of TIE Phantoms.