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Superluminal tracking for sensors

Posted: 2003-03-16 02:26pm
by Darth Negation
In Darth Wong's website, he said that he believes that
Darth Wong wrote:7. The Empire has no superluminal sensor technology.
I personally believe that this is not true.

(This is probably going to get me into a lot of trouble.)

Arguements for superluminal sensor technology.

1: First and foremost, Han Solo did not say they wouldn't be able to track them once the entered hyperspace in ANH. ...
(oh, go and see what was on the website)

2: The development of superluminal signalling technology should be accompanied by the development of superluminal sensor technology.

3: There is no question that the official literature supports the existence of superluminal sensors.

I disagree with the first two points, not the second. However, 3 will be cancelled by film evidence overruling it.

1: Han most likely made multiple jumps so the Imps could not track him by hyperspace entry vectors.

2: DW says "The spacecraft must have the ability to emit energy which propagates at superluminal speeds, for obvious reasons. "
I say: Can does not equal Will at all times. This means just because they can send signals at that speed, does not mean they will. It's like flashing a torch in the dark to signal to your friends. If they do not need to they will not.

Replies, please.

Posted: 2003-03-16 02:28pm
by Stormbringer
Replies, please.
You're an idiot. I know Mike's website pretty well. He never made any such claim. That was part of a debunking of Trektard claims, not Mike's own analysis. :roll:

Read the whole thing next time.

Posted: 2003-03-16 03:14pm
by Sea Skimmer
Your a moron who wasted alot of your own time. Reread the site. ... nsor2.html

Posted: 2003-03-18 01:59pm
by Darth Negation

I got it from the "I want YOU for the Galactic Empire page
(technology, Sci-fi myths, Myths involving misconceptions about Star Wars, 7. The Empire has no superluminal sensor technology).

Unfortunately, I hadn't read the sensor page. :oops:

I feel extremely stupid.