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Favorite Prequel Trilogy lines

Posted: 2003-03-17 07:37am
by Vympel
A friend pointed out to me that in contrast to the Original Trilogy, he can not think of any memorable lines, of whatever nature, from the Prequel Trilogy.

Can you think of any?

Posted: 2003-03-17 07:51am
by Crown
"Meesa Jar-Jar Binks" That line will haunt me until the day I die. Damn you George!

Re: Favorite Prequel Trilogy lines

Posted: 2003-03-17 08:28am
by PainRack
Vympel wrote:A friend pointed out to me that in contrast to the Original Trilogy, he can not think of any memorable lines, of whatever nature, from the Prequel Trilogy.

Can you think of any?
Your friend isn't a fan then.

How can
"Luke,I am your father!"
"Luminous beings are we,not this crude matter."
"Use the Force luke"
"Do or do not.THere is no try"
"Okay chewie,punch it!"

Sayings that have passed into local mantra escape him?

For the Prequel,my top two are from TPM,with one from AOTC.
"You don't want to sell me death sticks.You want to go home and rethink your life."
"Are you an angel?"{ULTIMATE PICK UP LINE!!!!!!!!!}
"{blah blah blah}.Trust your instincts."

Although I must admit I use the
"Fear,fear leads to anger.Anger,leads to Hate.Hate,leads to sufferring."

Posted: 2003-03-17 08:30am
by Tsyroc

"Now this is pod racing" :evil:

Pretty much any time Anakin opens his mouth in TPM :evil:

"Wipe them out...all of them" :twisted:

Posted: 2003-03-17 08:45am
by Lord Sander
"We will watch your carreer with great interest"
"I love democracy.. I love the Republic.."
- Palpatine

Posted: 2003-03-17 10:04am
by Jordie
"Senators! Dellow Felegates-"- Senator Jar Jar (Worst thing that happened to the Republic since the Sith war).

Posted: 2003-03-17 10:25am
by Peregrin Toker
Lord Sander wrote:"We will watch your carreer with great interest"
"I love democracy.. I love the Republic.."
- Palpatine
Palpatine has some of the best lines in the prequel trilogy, such as:

"I will create... a Grand Army of the Republic... to protect against the increasing threat of the Seperatists."

It sounds like something Gaius Marius could have said. (Gaius Marius was a general who re-organized the Roman Legions)

Don't forget:

"I will not let my people be slaughtered while you are discussing the subject." - Padmé Amidala

"The day we lose democracy is the day we stop believing in it" - Padmé Amidala

There's also the scene in AOTC where Lama Su asks "Do you like your army??" while Obi-Wan gazes upon the parading horde of Clone Troopers. Here, it's actually not as much the quote which is memorable as it's the context.

Posted: 2003-03-17 10:56am
by Lord Pounder
I liked the bit where Obi-Wan is having a go at Anakin for losing the bounty hunter and Anakin just blurs excuse me and jumps out. I am currently learning to drive and am being taught by my dad so i knew how Anakin felt.

Posted: 2003-03-17 11:02am
by Joe
"The thought of losing unbearable!"

You can just see the slime oozing out of this guy. McDiarmid has done such a great job with this role.

Posted: 2003-03-17 11:14am
by Stravo
There are certainly far fewer lines in the prequels than the OT that I love. They simply do not carry the same weight and memorablness.

But there are a few. Some have laready been mentioned but I happened to love Christpher Lee's delivery of this line: "Master Kenobi, you disappoint me. Yoda holds you in such high esteem." There's such and arrogant and dark touch to that line in its delivery that just oozes Sithness. Christopher Lee is just too awesome.

Posted: 2003-03-17 11:25am
by Master of Ossus
"Begun, this Clone War has."

"The Shroud of the Dark Side has fallen."

"The day we stop believing in democracy is the day we lose it."

Posted: 2003-03-17 11:34am
by Burak Gazan
"Wipe them out......ALL of them..." -- gotta love Palpy :D

"R4, scramble code 5 to Coruscant, care of the Old Folks Home" -- Obi-Wan getting a dig in about the Jedi Council :twisted:

Posted: 2003-03-17 11:43am
by Kerneth
Burak Gazan wrote:"Wipe them out......ALL of them..." -- gotta love Palpy :D

"R4, scramble code 5 to Coruscant, care of the Old Folks Home" -- Obi-Wan getting a dig in about the Jedi Council :twisted:
Was that a dig at the Jedi Council or was the Old Folks Home sort of a blind-drop for hypercomm messages so they couldn't be traced to the Council as easily?

Posted: 2003-03-17 11:50am
by Sir Sirius
Yoda: Mmm. Lost a planet, Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing. How embarrassing.

Count Dooku: I have become more powerful than any Jedi. Even you.
Yoda: Much to learn you still have.

Posted: 2003-03-17 11:51am
by Burak Gazan
Possibly, but the comm was scrambled anyways; so either he's adding another layer of security to it, or Obi-Wan's just being a wise guy :)

Posted: 2003-03-17 02:49pm
by Ted C
"It may be... difficult... to secure your release." -- Count Dooku to Obi-Wan

"Obi-Wan's gonna kill me..." -- Anakin, after losing another lightsabre

"I hate it when he does that." -- Obi-Wan after Anakin jumped out of the speeder in Coruscant

And the ever-popular...

"I've got a bad feeling about this." -- Anakin, in the arena on Geonosis

Just a few that I liked from AotC.

Posted: 2003-03-17 02:59pm
by Cal Wright
"Wipe them out...All of them."

"Just because you have the ability to speak, doesn't mean your intelligent."

"Where are you taking them?"
"To Coruscant"
"Hmm, that doesn't computer, wait, I know, your under arrest"

"Much fear I sense in you"
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Everything. Fear is the path to the darkside. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate, Hate leads to, suffering."

Too bad this one didn't make the film

"Fear, fear attracts the fearful. The strong, the weak, the innocent. Fear is my ally."


"If you'll excuse me Master."
"I hate it when he does that."

"Anakin, why do I have the feeling your going to be the death of me someday."

"That's why I'm here."

"R4, scramble code 5 to Coruscant. Care of the old folks home."

"This is what I call aggressive negotiations."

"She seems to be on top of things."
(Don't we all wish)

I think one thing that is keeping people from having memorable lines, is that they are having conflicts. Time and time again, everyone goes, I remember being a kid, and the OT was so magical. Now it's like kiddified.


It's not kiddified. Yeah, even I had a problem at times with young Anakin and Jar Jar. Still though, half the reason common lines in Star Wars have made it into main stream was because of two things.
1) The people writing them were like us and grew up with them.
2) At the time there was NOTHING else like it at all. Now we have not only the OT, but a number of subpar Star Trek movies, the Matrix, Lord of the Rings, and countless other films that can capture that awe inspiring reaction.

People are too busy seeing the Prequels and crying 'That's not how it should go, or he shouldn't have done that.' Oh well, there are tons of things you could change around in the OT to the same effect. If you sit back and watch it, you'll start thinking more of the lines. Take for instance, the line 'I am your father.' is so powerful because of the events, the moment and the gesture/reactions of the actors in the scene. Look back on TPM when Qui Gon is trying to escape Naboo. The entire situation, the gesture of the battledroid and Qui Gon's answer to the situation. What about AotC? Anaking jumping out of the speeder. Padme and Anakin in the arena. Personally, I think there are tons of lines, hell that I use on some people. It's great, really, you asshats should try it.

Posted: 2003-03-17 07:17pm
by Darth Wong
"Fear leads to anger. Angers leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."

"Much to learn, you still have."

"These federation types are cowards."

"Wipe them out. All of them."

But none of these lines add up to the greats from the OT.

Posted: 2003-03-17 07:28pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
"This party's over." -By Samuel L. Mother-Fuckin' Jackson!

"Brave, but foolish. You're impossibly out-numbered."
"I don't think so."
"We'll see." -Just the smug smirk on Dooku's face is great.

"He doesn't take a hint this guy." -Fett

"Victory you say? Master Obi-Wan, not victory. The Shroud of the Dark Side has fallen. Begun, the Clone War has."

Posted: 2003-03-17 07:37pm
by Sea Skimmer
"This is why I hate flying."

Posted: 2003-03-17 08:47pm
The best line of the Prequels:

"Around the survivors a perimeter create!"

Posted: 2003-03-17 08:53pm
by Shinova
If only this had made it in :D


Posted: 2003-03-17 08:53pm
by Crown
Actually there is one line I actually loved;

"Why do I get the feeling that you're going to be the death of me?" ~ Obi Wan

"Don't say that Master. You are the closest thing I have to a father" ~ Anakin

Posted: 2003-03-18 01:11am
by Commander_Arvel_Crynyd
Droids: "Roger. Roger."

Posted: 2003-03-18 01:16am
by Captain tycho
"Wipe them out...all of them." :twisted:
- Darth Sidious

"Much to learn, you still have."
- Yoda to Count Dooku