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Fel Empire...Good?

Posted: 2012-05-07 08:50pm
by DarthVectivus
Just finished the Legacy comics and I love the new Empire. Anyone else think the Fel Empire is good or is it just a charade?

Re: Fel Empire...Good?

Posted: 2012-05-08 01:04pm
by SpaceMarine93
I think it simply the lesser of two evils compared to the Sith or the previous Empire. It's definitely not as BAD per say as the original Galactic Empire (Less xenophobia and sexism in policy, less corruption and tyrannical excess, permitted proliferation of the Light Side Force users in the form of the Imperial Knights, the Emperor a more reasonable and pragmatic guy until the very very end), but it is still far from the Galactic Republic, New Republic or the Commonwealth with centralized rule, no democracy, Grand Moff Council rule, Imperialism etc.

To put it in the words of John Ostrander, in Star Wars Insider 87, the Fel Empire is "not as inherently evil [as the earlier Empire], but still not a republic, not a democracy. It's the rule of the few, or the one, over the many. It has a lot of strengths; it has a substantial amount of weaknesses. It values power more than anything else."

Re: Fel Empire...Good?

Posted: 2012-05-08 03:00pm
by nightmare
It's a realistic nation with some flaws and some qualities. Good or bad doesn't really enter the equation.

Re: Fel Empire...Good?

Posted: 2012-05-09 05:33pm
by Pelranius
They also have a pretty large Peace Corps type component, to the point that its leader gets to sit on their Moff Council.