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Were any of these background ships ever identified?

Posted: 2012-05-11 11:33am
by TheSpaceman?
Like the ones here:

I was wondering, has the EU or Curtis Saxton have ever delved into background ships like these? If not, I wonder why, considering everything else in the background of SW gets so lengthy backstory. Maybe they're just too in the background, but I thought I'd ask if anyone knew anything about them.

Re: Were any of these background ships ever identified?

Posted: 2012-05-11 11:46am
by Imperial528
Quite a few of those seem to be of Mon Calamari design, so most are probably some variant of Mon Cal cruiser. Can't say about some of the weirder ones, though.

Re: Were any of these background ships ever identified?

Posted: 2012-05-11 12:24pm
by TheSpaceman?
Yeah, that was one of the reasons I was curious about them, because that screenshot is apparently from ESB yet it has some ROTJ-esque ships in the background.

Re: Were any of these background ships ever identified?

Posted: 2012-05-11 07:35pm
by Enigma
A couple of the cockroach type ships are similar to armed troop transports AFAIK. The one in the fore ground is a Nebulon-B and there's a ship with a hammerhead type bridge that is familiar but I've forgotten the name.

Re: Were any of these background ships ever identified?

Posted: 2012-05-11 11:25pm
by YT300000
Enigma wrote:A couple of the cockroach type ships are similar to armed troop transports AFAIK. The one in the fore ground is a Nebulon-B and there's a ship with a hammerhead type bridge that is familiar but I've forgotten the name.
The Corellian Corvette/Blockade Runner?

Re: Were any of these background ships ever identified?

Posted: 2012-05-12 09:24am
by Enigma
YT300000 wrote:
Enigma wrote:A couple of the cockroach type ships are similar to armed troop transports AFAIK. The one in the fore ground is a Nebulon-B and there's a ship with a hammerhead type bridge that is familiar but I've forgotten the name.
The Corellian Corvette/Blockade Runner?
Yup, the CR90 and the two "cockroach" type ships are the GR-75 medium transports.

Re: Were any of these background ships ever identified?

Posted: 2012-05-13 10:07pm
by TheSpaceman?
Yeah, but further in the background there seem to be ships that don't match any of the main rebel ships we see in the movies. I guess it's unlikely, but I wonder if they were ever identified. You'd think someone would, considering there are tons of ship mentioned in various EU sources that still don't have visual representations.

Re: Were any of these background ships ever identified?

Posted: 2012-05-16 07:34am
by Eleventh Century Remnant
The problem with that is getting someone official to sign off on the connection of one to the other, until then it's just fanon even if it's perfectly plausible. Look at how long it took to get the Tector class acknowledged.

Two in particular appear to be of the same class, the "blob on a stick" type at the very top left and above the engine pod of the foreground Neb-B, and the ship above the second, top right quadrant, looks like two blobs end to end, could be a relation- and I have a theory here-

those ships could be modifications or kitbashes based on removing the outer outrigger- plating of a Recusant class separatist destroyer and armouring the core and spine directly; they were available, they're the right shape more or less, they should have turned up in the Rebel fleet, they were probably not a very welcome sight to most of the galaxy and needed a bit of tinkering with.

The ones that are boggling me are the ones that look almost diamond- like bows on, a bit like a medium transport but with too much built on top and underneath; and the cylinder catamaran that I'm sure I've seen in Blake's Seven.

Re: Were any of these background ships ever identified?

Posted: 2012-05-16 07:38am
by Havok
Use your imagination.

Re: Were any of these background ships ever identified?

Posted: 2012-05-16 09:31am
by Eleventh Century Remnant
Stop trying to teach your granny to suck eggs.

Re: Were any of these background ships ever identified?

Posted: 2012-05-16 10:16am
by Soontir C'boath
Eleventh Century Remnant wrote:and the cylinder catamaran that I'm sure I've seen in Blake's Seven.
:lol: Aw, I was going to make a joke about Lucas taking some Blake's 7 models out of the BBC stores.

Re: Were any of these background ships ever identified?

Posted: 2012-08-23 12:18am
by Saxtonite
Eleventh Century Remnant wrote:those ships could be modifications or kitbashes based on removing the outer outrigger- plating of a Recusant class separatist destroyer and armouring the core and spine directly; they were available, they're the right shape more or less, they should have turned up in the Rebel fleet, they were probably not a very welcome sight to most of the galaxy and needed a bit of tinkering with.
I don't think so, In the Outer Rim, which was pretty much the heartland of 'legitimate' support for the Separatist cause/movement (i.e. not only motivated by profits like the megacorps were), I could see blatant CIS warships being used by the Rebel Alliance with no propaganda problem - especially given apparently the Empire apparently fucked up in trying to be nice to a lot of the Outer Rim worlds, esp the non-human ones - proving the separatists rightly. There was many years of suppressing Separatist holdouts by the Empire and many remaining Separatists joined the Rebel Alliance. And it's proven by new canon, i.e. Fortressa (Lucrehulk-class) or the Rebel One (Providence-class). Any modifications would probably need to be done for another reason.

Re: Were any of these background ships ever identified?

Posted: 2012-08-23 03:43am
by Darth Tedious
Here's what I make of it...

Seriously, I think that catamaran-thing is a Bespin Cloud Car stuck in reverse.

And you can see the T-tracks on Luke's saber! :lol: (it must have floated a long way to get out there...)

I'm almost sure that the weird, single fin thing (under the right-hand GR-75) is seen in the PT at some point, but I'd have to look for it...

Re: Were any of these background ships ever identified?

Posted: 2012-08-23 03:54pm
by Saxtonite
Darth Tedious wrote:I'm almost sure that the weird, single fin thing (under the right-hand GR-75) is seen in the PT at some point, but I'd have to look for it...
It looks like a Neimodian/Trade Federation shuttle

The unknown ship on bottom left looks like a type of imperial escort carrier the Storm Commandoes used

Top left ship an the other ? ship looks a BIT like a Dauntless class cruiser

And horizontal ship which is small and horizontal on the right and below the other ? ship might be an Assault Frigate. The ship ABOVE it is unlikely but could be An Assault Frigate II.

Re: Were any of these background ships ever identified?

Posted: 2012-08-25 06:30pm
by Eleventh Century Remnant
If that's Luke's sabre it must be a lot close to the camera than the rest to be that size- it looks to me like a space cuttlefish. When did they join the Rebellion?

Cloud cars' pods are ovoid- they don't have any really straight sections to them at all. Could be an armed light freighter, I thought maybe one of the CorelliSpace Gymsnor- types but the only pictures we have have too full a centre section for that.

I like the storm commando escort carrier idea; have to be ptactically edge on, but that's doable.

If the two that may be the same class really are, one's seen edge on and one in three- quarters, and they look too narrow tailed to be Dauntless class- if the images on the wookiepedia page are anything to go by, they're relatively round aft, more of a fish shape; the one above the stern of the Nebulon looks more like a toffee apple. Who builds ships like that?