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Teaser for Season 5 of The Clone Wars.

Posted: 2012-05-26 12:09am
by The Romulan Republic ... ailer.html

Its short and focusses on Savage and Maul and Death Watch. The quality of the animation remains good, and it looks like Savage and Maul are going to make a doomed attempt to take over the Sith. The teaser has a fairly dark atmosphere and focusses on villains. I wonder if that's an indication of how next season is going to play out?

Re: Teaser for Season 5 of The Clone Wars.

Posted: 2012-05-26 03:32pm
by Darksider
This is going to be the last season right?

Re: Teaser for Season 5 of The Clone Wars.

Posted: 2012-05-27 05:36pm
by The Romulan Republic
I don't know.

I suspect it will go longer if it continues to be successful, but I have no source to back that up.

Re: Teaser for Season 5 of The Clone Wars.

Posted: 2012-05-27 05:56pm
by Thanas
I actually hope it stops. This season has been an insult to my intelligence and the stories were pretty predictable and/or stupid like "let's bring back Darth Maul or give the night witches super powers".

Re: Teaser for Season 5 of The Clone Wars.

Posted: 2012-06-10 04:17pm
by CaptHawkeye
Yeah bringing back Maul was such bullshit. How sad is it that a character with 10 minutes of screen time is more memorable to a lot of fans than the main characters? This has nothing to do with the quality of Episode 1's characterization either. Boba Fett got the same following back in the day too.

Re: Teaser for Season 5 of The Clone Wars.

Posted: 2012-06-11 01:41am
by Vympel
I loved the fourth season personally. Way better than the third.

Re: Teaser for Season 5 of The Clone Wars.

Posted: 2012-06-18 11:07am
by imdb_acc
I'm currently watching the second season and I like it so far. It 'feels' more like the OT than the PT did (no disrespect to them. Infact, I really like the prequels and I realize they are supposed to have a different feel. But TCW fells like the fun space adventure the OT was.)

Re: Teaser for Season 5 of The Clone Wars.

Posted: 2012-06-18 01:33pm
by Ugolino
It gets worse.

Re: Teaser for Season 5 of The Clone Wars.

Posted: 2012-06-18 02:13pm
by imdb_acc
Yeah? Does Anakin undergo any character development at all? He seems too 'happy' to me after the events of AOTC. If there's one thing that I feel the show delivers, it's Anakin-Obi Wan missions. I hated how the movies separated them. When I watched the opening of ROTS, I wished there was more of that. The banter, the quips, them working together was brilliant. I'm hoping TCW continues to deliver that while maintaining the feel of ANH.

Re: Teaser for Season 5 of The Clone Wars.

Posted: 2012-06-18 03:47pm
by Ugolino
Looking back, most of the actual "something happens" episodes seem concentrated in the first few seasons. After that, filler and side stories seems to creep in a lot more.

And yes, we see more Vader moments later on from Anakin, and some heroic banter though Obi-Wan and Anakin seem about as many "separate but on the same mission" as "shoulder to shoulder" episodes. Some more heroic moments as well, though recently TCW doesn't seem to have the "classic star wars" feel so prevalent early on. Less light-hearted adventure serial (but not "dark" in the way a dark story should be) more side stories. The Twilight's been shelved for no apparent reason and isn't coming back onscreen, and some episodes were silly in all the wrong ways for all the increase in bloodshed, violence, and "mature themes". No point in tackling serious issues or plots if you'll botch them like the show did. Series 4 was a mixed bag with an idiotic overall plot and a few abyssal story arcs alongside some interesting oneshots and connected episodes.

Re: Teaser for Season 5 of The Clone Wars.

Posted: 2012-08-30 06:07pm
by The Original Nex

Re: Teaser for Season 5 of The Clone Wars.

Posted: 2012-08-30 06:16pm
by RogueIce
Damn son, this looks awesome and September 29th won't get here soon enough.

Re: Teaser for Season 5 of The Clone Wars.

Posted: 2012-09-02 10:39pm
by Arawn Fenn
Vympel wrote:Way better than the third.
Which isn't saying much.

Re: Teaser for Season 5 of The Clone Wars.

Posted: 2012-09-06 10:05pm
by Havok
Was that Maul and Savage vs Sidious? :D

Re: Teaser for Season 5 of The Clone Wars.

Posted: 2012-09-07 02:13pm
by Burak Gazan
Sure looked like it

While Maul was going on with his simple-minded rant, it occurred to me "uh, there's someone you forgetting..." Shortly thereafter, cue The Laugh.. :twisted:

Re: Teaser for Season 5 of The Clone Wars.

Posted: 2012-09-07 02:31pm
by Darksider
Man Sidious does not look pleased with Maul's attempt to go solo.