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Star Wars invades Thomas Kincaid paintings

Posted: 2013-11-04 11:25pm
by FaxModem1
Star Wars Imperial Forces Invade Thomas Kinkade Paintings Quaint cottage? It's a trap! By David Griner

October 31, 2013, 12:19 PM EDT

This is one of the better creative mashups we've seen in a while. Artist Jeff Bennett has invaded the cloying world of Thomas Kinkade with the full might of the Galactic Empire. In a series Bennett is calling Wars on Kinkade, the Painter of Light's ethereally bland landscapes come under the iron fist of Star Wars storm troopers, Imperial Star Destroyers and Hoth-crushing AT-ATs. For more like this, check out the gallery of Star Wars characters blended with fine art from earlier this month. Via
Poor Kincaid painting world, the Empire found them.


Full on gallery link

I think my favorite is this one: Link

Re: Star Wars invades Thomas Kincaid paintings

Posted: 2013-11-05 10:11pm
by Boeing 757
Somebody in that house must have REALLY pissed Lord Vader off.

Re: Star Wars invades Thomas Kincaid paintings

Posted: 2013-11-06 03:43am
by Adam Reynolds
These are all rather awesome but is it just me or does this one with AT-ATs seem out of scale? They should be taller.

Also in the nitpicker's department, Imp-Stars never enter atmosphere. It also seems somewhat excessive to send a pair of star destroyers for the image above


Re: Star Wars invades Thomas Kincaid paintings

Posted: 2013-11-06 06:32am
by Iroscato
Boeing 757 wrote:Somebody in that house must have REALLY pissed Lord Vader off.
Well, it DOES appear to be daytime, and they still have the lights on. That alone justifies to use of extreme force by our mighty empire.

Re: Star Wars invades Thomas Kincaid paintings

Posted: 2013-11-06 06:42am
by Thanas
Adamskywalker007 wrote:Also in the nitpicker's department, Imp-Stars never enter atmosphere.
Are you sure about that? In the battle of Coruscant (one of those dreadful Stackpole books) the ISDs clearly engage from inside the planetary shield.

Re: Star Wars invades Thomas Kincaid paintings

Posted: 2013-11-06 08:45am
by Lord Revan
and when you consider that Victory and Venator classes are capable of Atmospheric flight it would seem odd that Imperator/Imperial class isn't. Also doesn't the ISD in Force Unleashed show limited Atmospheric capabilities.

Re: Star Wars invades Thomas Kincaid paintings

Posted: 2013-11-06 01:01pm
by Zwinmar
new wallpaper

Re: Star Wars invades Thomas Kincaid paintings

Posted: 2013-11-06 05:04pm
by Knife
Freak'n awesome and now all over my FB.

edit: Oooooh, wall paper? Good call.

Re: Star Wars invades Thomas Kincaid paintings

Posted: 2014-01-10 03:54am
by aussiemuscle308
it looks like someone just plonked star wars images onto some paintings.

Re: Star Wars invades Thomas Kincaid paintings

Posted: 2014-01-10 01:04pm
by Thanas
Thread necromancy detected.