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Legends star wars vs "official" star wars

Posted: 2014-05-18 03:43pm
by jwl
Obviously Legends overall is stronger, but what are the minimum required forces from legends star wars to take the current canon out?

Re: Legends star wars vs "official" star wars

Posted: 2014-05-19 01:39am
by Knife

Pretty much at this time there is no 'official' after ROTJ so not sure what you want? Are you really looking for a PT Palpatine versus old EU Dark Empire Palpatine?

Re: Legends star wars vs "official" star wars

Posted: 2014-05-19 01:57pm
by Purple
Knife wrote:Wha?

Pretty much at this time there is no 'official' after ROTJ so not sure what you want? Are you really looking for a PT Palpatine versus old EU Dark Empire Palpatine?
Sounds like a good start.

Re: Legends star wars vs "official" star wars

Posted: 2014-05-20 04:46pm
by jwl
Knife wrote:Wha?

Pretty much at this time there is no 'official' after ROTJ so not sure what you want? Are you really looking for a PT Palpatine versus old EU Dark Empire Palpatine?
Maybe. I'm looking for the minimum amount of forces from the legends needed to take out the entire current canon. If that includes Dark Empire Palpatine, then yep, he's included.

Re: Legends star wars vs "official" star wars

Posted: 2014-05-20 11:13pm
by RogueIce
Legends Canon still includes New Canon, so to be pedantic about it, everything from the "Legends Canon" OT and TCW eras vs "New Canon" OT and TCW eras (which should cancel each other out, mostly) plus, I don't know, both Eclipse SSDs for good measure?

Unless you wanted a hard separation? So no OT and TCW?

Re: Legends star wars vs "official" star wars

Posted: 2014-05-21 03:20am
by Havok
LC at the MOMENT includes everything. The second there is one variation that FattyNerdsTM can't pathetically shoehorn in from the new movie, which will probably be from the opening crawl, it is it's own entity.

It will always contain the OT/PT, but it's not going to get anything from the NT.

Re: Legends star wars vs "official" star wars

Posted: 2014-05-22 12:29pm
by jwl
RogueIce wrote:Legends Canon still includes New Canon, so to be pedantic about it, everything from the "Legends Canon" OT and TCW eras vs "New Canon" OT and TCW eras (which should cancel each other out, mostly) plus, I don't know, both Eclipse SSDs for good measure?

Unless you wanted a hard separation? So no OT and TCW?
Yeah, but the legends verse has showings we don't see in the movies & tv show, like sidious beating starkiller and stardestroyers undertaking BDZs, whilst also showing weaknesses and such we don't see in the movies and tv show either. So the equivalent legends forces aren't necessarily the minimum required to take out the current canon.