Its going to be a bloody long year, isnt it? And who let Cumberbatch onto the set?!
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 10:48am
by Darth Tanner
Don't like the back of the new storm troopers, too flat from the brief glimpse... or the red light on their rifles. They look pretty cool from the front though, especially in the landing shuttle ready for battle in the rain.
Dislike the new R2 unit if that is what the ball thing is meant to be.
Hate the light hand guard on the presumed Sith?
Falcon looks cool as well as the X-Wings doing low water flying... not sure about them using old original Tie fighters? Surely there would be none left after this long considering they were phasing them out at Endor already!
Looks like at least one main character is a Stormtrooper? Or doing a Han/Luke dressing up as one?
Overall a mixed review... nothing to really tell what the plot is though.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 10:55am
by Irbis
Darth Tanner wrote:Hate the light hand guard on the presumed Sith?
It makes perfect sense, dark siders love them old hand chopping off trick, he is just altruist!
Edit: Sorry, just noticed it had already been posted
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 11:41am
by TK-984
Overall I liked the teaser. What's up with the hand guards on the lightsaber though? Threw me off.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 11:50am
by Skylon
Darth Tanner wrote:Hmmm
Falcon looks cool as well as the X-Wings doing low water flying... not sure about them using old original Tie fighters? Surely there would be none left after this long considering they were phasing them out at Endor already!
Considering just how many of the bloody things the Empire must have cranked out, even if this is supposed to be 30 years after Endor I don't see why they would not keep using them - maybe not in production anymore - but still keep them flying since whatever Imperial factions are left can't replace them. Or they could have wound up being used by third parties.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 11:54am
by tezunegari
TK-984 wrote:What's up with the hand guards on the lightsaber though? Threw me off.
Novelty... simple Lightsabers are so mainstream today.
They need to show something new Light<enter name here> device.
Phantom Menace had the double-bladed lightsaber, Attack of the Clones and Force Academy had dual-wielded Lightsabers, The Force Unleashed had Light-Tonfas, then there was a Lightwhip somewhere too.
The same with the Inquisitors rotating double-bladed lightsaber and Spoiler
Ezras Lightsaber-blaster
It's all about novelty.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 11:58am
by FaxModem1
I really hope that desert planet isn't Tatooine. We don't need it in every film except Empire. It's the small town in the middle of nowhere planet, not the freaking center of the galaxy.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 11:59am
by Knife
Why are all the spaceships doing atmospheric battle?
The Falcon looks nice, noticed they tweaked the engines and ditched the radar dish though. Can't get a good look at the TIE fighters but they look like vanilla TIE's.
X wings look ok I guess. Wasn't sure if I'd like the skinnier wings due to the separation fore and aft bit but they're ok I guess.
New Stormtroopers look pretty cool.
I hope the 'dessert planet' isn't Tatooine. Really tired of that planet.
Sith light-broadsword? WTH? Dumb.
Look forward to both the movie and more teasers/trailers.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 12:07pm
by Mr Bean
I got a good feeling seeing those X-wings but yes I hope it's not frigging Tatooine again. Sure Lucas was in love with the place, no reason to go back.
But I've already seen a good idea if true, the sith broadsword was "homemade", as in the Sith in question made it himself with in a cave with a box of scraps!. And yes new stormies weapons look great, armor not so much.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 12:15pm
by Irbis
Knife wrote:Why are all the spaceships doing atmospheric battle?
Why not?
The Falcon looks nice, noticed they tweaked the engines and ditched the radar dish though.
Han forgot to repair it after RotJ?
It actually looks like dish is there, just rectangular now...
I hope the 'dessert planet' isn't Tatooine. Really tired of that planet.
Why, you hate sand cake?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 12:53pm
by Anacronian
Hmm i did see a radar dish on the Falcon but it was square rather than round.
Very hard to get a picture of the Tie Fighters though but overall i'll say they look like they used to.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 12:58pm
by Borgholio
Never been blown away by a trailer like this before. My thoughts:
1. Unmasked stormtrooper - Either it's a good guy who pulled a Han and Luke, or a bad guy who lost his helmet. Hoping it's the latter...because that will add a human aspect to stormtroopers that we haven't really seen since the Clone Wars.
2. Stormtroopers preparing for a combat insertion - That gave me shivers. I never liked the idea that Stormtroopers were idiotic mooks who couldn't hit the broad side of a barn door, but alas there was very little in the OT that made them seem dangerous. This one scene in the drop ship however, adds a whole level of badassery and implies you don't want to fuck with them. I can't wait to see more about that.
3. Scene with the Sith in the forest - Don't care either way for the lightsaber...we've seen wackier designs over the years, so this one isn't bad. It does imply home-built rather than a professional, polished design. But the whole environment seems downright spooky and I like it. Reminds me of Dagobah to an extent...without the snow, of course.
4. Flight scenes in the atmosphere - Jaw dropping. The X-wings flying over the lake was very well done and realistic. The Millennium Falcon was always stated to be the fastest ship in the galaxy but only a few times have we actually seen that. In the Hoth asteroid belt we see the Falcon maneuvering like a bat out of hell but that's about it. In this trailer, we see that the Falcon practically turning on a dime and surprising the hell out of the TIE pilots. I almost heard Han muttering under his breath in the cockpit at that point.
Plus, I agree fully with the decisions to use CGI to augment the physical ship models instead of going 100% CGI. The X-wings, TIES and Falcon have never looked so good.
Overall...god damn it, I have to wait an entire year?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 01:16pm
by Havok
FUCK YOU GUYS! Quit bitching.
X-Wings skimming the water...
The Falcon dog fighting TIEs...
Stormtroopers exiting like a D-Day landing craft...
A black guy...
A different female...
A fucking protective hilt for a lightsaber...
C'mon! These are all things we've all griped and bitched about Star Wars not having or "Oh man wouldn't it be so cool if..." for fucking AGES!
Personally, I am fucking stoked!
((I changed the size of your laughter because it broke formatting. LadyTevar))
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 01:36pm
by Irbis
Havok wrote:A fucking protective hilt for a lightsaber...
'Protective hilt' that does nothing but helps your enemy slice off your saber emitter or even hand? Um, about that...
After re-watching, I am not sure if I like new rebel helmets. They look... small. Like, for children. But it's not even that. Old ones looked like you could close them with mouth mask in emergency. They even did some EVAC in comics with it. These? Nope, no way. They look like designed for similarity, not function.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 01:41pm
by Anacronian
They kind of look like the A-wing pilots helmets.
Just a different color.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 01:43pm
by Anacronian
Picture of the new X-wing with the scissor wings.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 01:45pm
by Iroscato
FUCK YOU GUYS! Quit bitching.
X-Wings skimming the water...
The Falcon dog fighting TIEs...
Stormtroopers exiting like a D-Day landing craft...
A black guy...
A different female...
A fucking protective hilt for a lightsaber...
C'mon! These are all things we've all griped and bitched about Star Wars not having or "Oh man wouldn't it be so cool if..." for fucking AGES!
Personally, I am fucking stoked!
Couldn't agree with you more, sir! I'll also amend my previous post...NOW my body is ready!
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 01:53pm
by Borgholio
Anacronian wrote:Picture of the new X-wing with the scissor wings.
I think the scissors wings make them look leaner and more deadly. I like it.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 01:54pm
by TheHammer
Mr Bean wrote:I got a good feeling seeing those X-wings but yes I hope it's not frigging Tatooine again. Sure Lucas was in love with the place, no reason to go back.
But I've already seen a good idea if true, the sith broadsword was "homemade", as in the Sith in question made it himself with in a cave with a box of scraps!. And yes new stormies weapons look great, armor not so much.
It could be that Tatooine has special significance vis-a-vis the force. Remember, that's the planet the "Chosen One" was conceived upon. As Luke's "Home planet" it would also make sense for it to make an appearance if he is needed to be "called out of retirement". As long as the center of the movie doesn't take place there, nothing wrong with a cameo
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 01:58pm
by Anacronian
Caped guy with Lightsaber - Blade does seem "thinner" than the old blades and the hilt appears to be longer (two handed perhaps?) and of cause the light-hanguards?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 02:09pm
by Irbis
Anacronian wrote:They kind of look like the A-wing pilots helmets.
I don't know, A-Wing helmet covers your neck, new one doesn't. It also has more solid microphone that doesn't get in the way of mask like that flimsy thing on a new helmet.
Meh, maybe it's just size, it looks flimsy not only next to ToT helmets but even next to bike helmet, IMHO...
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 02:18pm
by Havok
There is a better shot of the blade where you can see how "rough" it is, almost like controlled fire, and almost does have a homemade feel to it. And not homemade like Luke used Obi-Wan's spare parts, but literally like it was made from scratch.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 02:20pm
by Havok
Also, hey MODERATORS can the teaser get it's own thread as now we FINALLY have something real to talk about?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Posted: 2014-11-28 03:04pm
by ray245
It looks like a fan film shot on a small budget rather than feeling like a 150 million dollar Sci Fi blockbuster. The cinematography feels extremely out of place for a Star Wars film. Too much shakey cam, weird camera moment and too much quick edit. One of my main fear about A brand being the director is coming true. He doesn't know how to use the full canvas of film to make his shots feels epic and grand. Even if Abrams can ensure the plot for episode 7 is decent, I don't think I will enjoy the visual aspect of it as much as I ought to be for a Star Wars film.