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[ EU database] Star Wars Annual #1

Posted: 2015-12-15 09:29am
by Galvatron
Wow. Between Lords of the Sith, this comic and the Vader Down storyline currently running in the other books, the new EU is going to great lengths to show us just how invincible Sith Lords are to anyone but Jedi.

In case you're curious, this issue is about some rebel super spy on Coruscant who's been sent to rescue a handful of anti-Imperial senators from execution that the Empire imprisoned following the events of ANH. The rebel super spy is depicted as super-competent, so everything goes according to plan until this happens...

Re: [ EU database] Star Wars Annual #1

Posted: 2015-12-16 07:57am
by RogueIce
Ok...what am I supposed to be seeing? Nothing much happened in that panel.

Re: [ EU database] Star Wars Annual #1

Posted: 2015-12-16 09:04am
by Galvatron
Rebel super spy got news from another spy that the Emperor was going to show up and give them an opportunity to make an assassination attempt.