Excuse me, do you even know what canon means? Canon refers to the films, the novel adaptations of the films and the radio dramatisations of the films, in that order. That's it, nothing else. The rest of the Star Wars 'universe' is considered official, but
not canon. Anything official that contradicts canon should be considered to be irrelevant for the purposes of an argument. If the books contradict the movies, the movies take precedence. Now I didn't make this up three minutes ago, this has been an axiom amongst people who want to seriously discuss the Star Wars universe since before the Net was even around. Okay? So now lets look at your so-called evidence.
His Divine Shadow wrote:As the troll Aaron rambled on about, he was first trolling like a big fat bitch, what lame-o army? There where thousands of droids with powerfull weapons and a few dozen Jedi, WTF do you think is gonna happen? How many of these where even full Jedi knights?
And it's talking about Jedi, not Sith.
Here it is, in black and white (or blue and white). You say yourself that the Jedi are not powerful enough to defeat a droid army. You reason that there were 'only a few dozen Jedi' and that many may not have been full Jedi knights. Remember that, occording to your precious EU that a group of about a dozen Jedi
apprentices managed to propel an entire Star Destroyer out the Yavin system. As Vympel, points out however perhaps their powers were reduced by the Sith. I find it hard to believe that their powers could be reduced so much, but that's not the point. But the most important thing you say comes here: "And it's talking about Jedi, not Sith", implying that the Sith probably could have dealt with the situation better than the Jedi. We'll get to that in a second. BTW, Aaron may be considered to be a troll, I haven't been here long enough to know. But he raises a valid point and calling him a "big fat bitch" is just pointless.
His Divine Shadow wrote:I'm right and you're wrong, and I got all the evidence to fit without any contradictions, therefore I win by default.
I'm afraid that you have certainly failed to convince me. You have cited examples from the EU as evidence, I have countered with canon examples that strongly oppose your EU evidence, and then you haven't really countered any of my arguments at all. Let me elaborate:
Your main argument to counter the fact that the Jedi do no have the powers described in the books seems to be based around the fact that the Sith have far greater Force powers than the Jedi. You have said, for example, that Sith could destroy stars and that Kyp Durron's powers were severely curtailed by his return to the light. These are 'official' examples but that's all right if it doesn't conflict with canon. You also say:
His Divine Shadow wrote:No you can't, you rely on Yoda being infallible, wich he is not, infact Yoda believes to be correct, because the Jedi have imposed their limited human views on the force, but the force is much more.
First of all I am not relying on Yoda being infallible. I just assumed that because Yoda is supposedly the wisest and most powerful Jedi ever that he would know what he is talking about. He certainly believes that, with training, Luke could rival the Emperor in power. But never mind, for the sake of argument we'll go on.
If the Sith are so much more powerful than the Jedi why didn't Dooku absolutely wipe the floor with Yoda when they battled? It wasn't even an even match - Yoda would probably have defeated Dooku if the battle had gone on much longer. If the Sith are so powerful that they can destroy stars why did Dooku, in effect (by retreating), lose the battle with Yoda?
In addition, why do we never see these super Sith Force powers from the greatest Sith of them all, Palpatine? Why does Palpatine choose to sit back and try to convert Skywalker with the power of his will rather than simply blast him into a million pieces? Why does the Emperor consider Luke Skywalker, not yet even a Jedi, a threat, if the Sith are so supremely powerful?
Let's take another example, Darth Vader. Why does Darth Vader, who also presumably has these magical star-destroying abilities,
lose a battle to Luke Skywalker (ROTJ)? Why, when Vader's chasing the Millenium Falcon does he not simply pluck it out of space with his super telekenetic powers? Surely, if he is so powerful, he can. Old, dying, Jedi Yoda can manage to lift an X-wing out of a bog so why can't super-Sith Darth Vader move the Millenium Falcon?
Let's look at the last Sith, Darth Maul. Obviously, he's only an apprentice, so he probably can't blow up a star yet, but surely he can beat a lowly Jedi? But wait, no! Not only is he defeated by a Jedi, but he is defeated by a Jedi who is unarmed, and hanging onto a peg for dear life. If he's much more powerful than lowly Jedi then how is that he is defeated? You might say that Obi-Wan distracted him with a mind trick as Obi-Wan jumped out of the pit, but how can such an all-powerful Sith be distracted by a simple mind-trick?
I'll tell you how. THE SITH ARE NOT ANY MORE POWERFUL THAN THE JEDI. There's your canon evidence above. Now, either reasonably rationalise each and every one of the above arguments with canon evidence to the contrary or I'm afraid that you have one big glaring contradiction with 'official' evidence.
His Divine Shadow wrote:I'm right and you're wrong, and I got all the evidence to fit without any contradictions, therefore I win by default.
You haven't yet got the above evidence to fit. Remember, you can only counter with examples from the movies, because the movies override any and all other literature.
His Divine Shadow wrote:You haven't proven anything so lay off already... The movie and Vader agrees on this too.
Agree on what? That I haven't proved anything? May I suggest that you elaborate a little more on what you mean? All that I have proven is that most of the EU descriptions of Force abilities are invalid for an argument about the 'maximum power' of the Jedi.
His Divine Shadow wrote:It's official, approved by Lucasfilm, end of discussion
Of all your reasoning I find this the most laughable. Do you have any idea how many out and out
mistakes there are in a lot of 'official' literature. Have a trawl through Bob Brown's site (
http://www.synicon.com.au/sw/), and see how many things official literature has got wrong through combinations of ignorance, laziness and poor research. The Millennium Falcon page is good. I assume you've been to Curtis Saxton's site. Read the arguments about the size of the Executor? Then compare the generally accepted figure for the size of the Executor (17.6 km) to the ones stated in official literature (usually about 8 km). "End of discussion", I think not.
His Divine Shadow wrote:And your fanbased speculation on the force = nothing when compared to both canon and official facts
I believe I have sufficient canon evidence in this post and in my previous posts to discredit the descriptions of the Force provided in much of the EU. I have provided evidence and sustained arguments to back up my reasoning. And the most important thing is that my "fan-based speculation", where it is speculation, is preceded by "I think". You don't have to think the same way, though I do believe my 'speculation' is logical. You're most welcome to provide counter-arguments.
Responses to other people:
Vympel: As I outlined above I doubt that the Jedi would have had their powers diminished by such and extraordinary amount. But perhaps they did, who knows? It still doesn't change the fact that there are many, many other examples where the supposedly powerful Sith do not show any of their supposed power.
Talon Karrde: sorry about the Darksaber remark. I don't how I came up with that. Which book had the
Knight Hammer engaging the
Home One? How did that battle end? I seem to recall some kind of Jedi intervention.
P.S. I can understand that it may be important for people to not be able to go back and change something they said, but I find the inability to edit mistakes after I re-read a post (see the quotes thing in my previous post) very irritating. Oh well, nothing I can do about it, if the admin has made its desicion. That's the last I'll say of it.[/i][/quote]