[SD.net Database] Complete Locations
Posted: 2016-10-09 01:09pm
The release of this book is just further proof of a point I've come to regard with the Legends/Disney split: it was only ever to provide a clean slate for post-Endor storytelling and everything before then would eventually be 're-canonized.' Case in point, this new Complete Locations, which includes the CLs of the previous six episodes plus Ep. VII. Except for minor editing everything is almost exactly as it was in the Legends Complete Locations. Perhaps the most notable changes was shrinking the DSII from 900km to 160km, but even then that changes was popping up in published material pre-split. Nevertheless, though much of the information is the same, it still has bearing on the new Disney canon involving debates, and some of this will be a refresher for people who have read it before. This initial post will focus on the Ep. VII material, of which I was a little disappointed (i.e. nothing about the destroyed Republic capital), but will update from the other episodes shortly.
Sense of scale of the setting.Introduction, p. 8 wrote:Republic and Empire
With more than a million inhabited worlds, the galaxy is divided into varying alliances and power blocs, the most important of which is the Galactic Republic. The Republic endures, in one form or another, for millennia, but eventually collapses from internal corruption and Separatist movements. Adroitly manipulating this disorder, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine seizes emergency powers and converts the Republic into the Empire to achieve his Sith revenge. The Empire absorbs and controls many star systems but does not bother with small fringe worlds and alliances that represent no danger to it.
Seems to be contradicting the line above, but it could be the previous statement was concerning worlds officially part of the Republic/Empire, not including colonies/outposts/etc.Planet Profiles, p. 10 wrote:There are hundreds of millions of worlds harboring intelligence life and countless millions more where intelligent life is now extinct or never arose.
Same low-ballish number, though again it's labeled an estimate so there are almost definitely more people living there.Planet Profiles, p. 10 wrote:Coruscant
Population: 1 trillion (estimate)
Reconfirmation that the Rishi Maze is a dwarf galaxy outside the GFFA galaxy proper, again indicating the type of speed and range of hyperdrives.Planet Profiles, p. 10 wrote:Kamino
Kamino is a stormy world in a system of 13 planets circling an aging star that straggles south of the Rishi Maze, an irregular dwarf galaxy in a close and decaying orbit about the Galactic Republic.
Official information on SB, including confirmation that it can move, but the diameter really sticks out; this thing is smaller than Pluto's moon. It raises the question of how exactly something so small is able to support a seemingly natural ecosystem and exhibit a normal gravity The First Order doing it artificially seems unlikely: artificial gravity they can handle , but why waste time on landscaping? The other option is that the planet is dense enough to exhibit the characteristics of a larger planet, which I don't want to guess at the sort of physics that might be defying.Planet Profiles, p. 11 wrote:Starkiller Base
During the height of the Galactic Empire, Palpatine demanded deep space exploration of the Unknown Region, using ancient navigational routes uncovered in the captured Jedi Temple as the backbone of such expeditions. It was in this moment that the Empire secured a small, frozen world with a natural abundance of energy-focusing kyber crystals. The Empire mined these crystals to create focusing arrays for the Death Stars' superlasers. When the First Order fled into the Unknown Regions, it turned this world into the heart of its secret holdings. A massive engineering project transformed it into Starkiller Base, a weapons platform of terrifying destructive power and range.
Galactic Region: Mobile
Diameter: 660 km
Principle Terrain: Forests, snow, mountains
Number of Moons: 0
Length of Year: Variable
Population: Unknown (classified)
Timeline of the fall of the Empire, and the strength of Imperial tractor beams. I know some people have criticize how quickly the Empire fell apart, but it seems somewhat plausible: arguably the only thing holding the Empire together in the first place was Palpatine, followed by Vader. The Legends canon made it explicit that he'd built the Empire to only function with him at its helm, but nothing in Disney canon has indicated Palpatine acted any differently.Jakku, p. 174 wrote:A forlorn world on the edge of settled space, Jakku is a bleak desert globe notable as the site of the Empire's last stand a year after its defeat at Endor. With the battle going against them, Imperial warships used tractor beams to lock onto New Republic foes, dragging them down to the surface.
AT-ATs use fuel cells to power their weapons.Rey's Home, p. 176 wrote:Casualty of War
While in Imperial service, the AT-AT Rey now calls home was designated Hellhound 2, and formed part of the military compliment of the Star Destroyer Interrogator.
Rey has salvaged fuel cells from the AT-AT's laser-cannon energizer and from two wrecked speeder bikes, then wired them to scavenged TIE solar panels.
An attempt to address some of the Mary Sue-ishness regarding Rey.Rey's Home, p. 177 wrote:Scavenger's Work
Rey's work area also includes an old Y-wing computer that she uses to study ship schematics, run flight simulations, and practice alien languages and droidspeak.
Self-evident heat shielding.Rey's Home, p. 177 wrote:As well as its remote location, Rey chose Hellhound 2 as her home because its heat shielding has remained largely intact. This allows her to work within its interior without being cooked by the heat of a Jakku day.
Example of AT-AT sensors.Rey's Home, p. 177 wrote:Terrain sensors in foot have been removed and repurposed as motion sensors.
I think it's somewhat unfortunate they keep harping on about how shitty classic Stormtroopers are, if only because it reinforces a bad stereotype and (in terms of storytelling) diminishes the various SW heroes' actions.First Order Military, p. 182 wrote:Legions Reborn
The First Order's stormtroopers are not the poorly trained garrison troops that made up large parts of the Imperial army.
First we get mention of kyber crystals in their weapons, and the statement of outgunning anything the NR has. In the Legends canon the NR managed to capture and repurpose a lot of former Imperial ships, including SSDs, so I'm curious if the same is true with Disney canon.First Order Military, p. 183 wrote:Star Destroyers
The First Order made the construction of new shipyards within the Unknown Regions a priority, and within a relatively short time these yards were producing huge new capital ships. While the fleet does not rival the Old Empire in terms of numbers, the ships themselves are a significant improvement. The Resurgent-class, as they have been named, are much larger than an Imperial Star Destroyer, carry more starfighters and stormtroopers, have improved defenses, and utilize advanced kyber crystal-augmented weaponry. They outgun anything in the New Republic by a considerable margin.
Some technobable explanation of how the weapon works - I think dark energy was chosen because people wouldn't buy "quantum" or "unobtanium" - but we get an idea of the weapon's range.Starkiller Base, p. 184 wrote:Fierce Machine
The Starkiller weapon draws on decades of secret Imperial research into harnessing the potential of dark energy. A collector on one side of the planet gathers dark energy from a host star and redirects it into the planetary core. There, this energy is bound by a containment field created by a combination of the planet's magnetic field and unique crystal substructure, and artificial forces regulated by a thermal oscillator. A breach is then opened in the field, funneling the dark energy into a shaft on the planet's other side. This escaping energy takes a form as an astonishingly power beam that tunnels through hyperspace itself, its lethal force undiminished even after traveling halfway across the galaxy. A planet is a barely adequate vessel for containing such terrifying power; even the Starkiller's normal operations destabilize the crust of the host, breeding groundquakes and atmospheric disturbances that boil up into vicious storms.
One wonders what their normal casualty rate would be against standard targets.Starkiller Base, p. 185 wrote:Resistance pilots have been told to expect at least 80% casualties.
If the planet's environment is a natural and not artificial construct, I wonder if it's due to the presence of the kyber crystals which were responsible for it.Starkiller Base, p. 185 wrote:Stolen World
Starkiller Base was once a remote and mysterious world known only to a handful in the galaxy. During the time of the Empire it had been used as a source of kyber crystals for use in the Death Stars' superlasers. Before fleeing into the Unknown Regions, the founders of the First Order secured research logs from the secret Imperial labs that had tested these experimental weapons. Its location revealed, the world became the heart of a new secret empire, with the First Order harvesting its kyber crystals for use in its war machine before turning the planet itself into a mobile weapons platform.