(SD.net Database) Aftermath Empire's End
Posted: 2017-03-03 02:04am
So just finished Empires end and lets just jump into it.(obviously spoilers if you haven't read it yet.)Oh and Jar jar makes an appearance YEAH
believe it or not I like Jar jar so I thought it was nice to see what he was doing after all these years.
And because I'm lazy hears a video from Star Wars explained that brings out a lot of points from the book.

interesting and explanation of some of the capability's the New Republic's new Starhawk class ships.But the Starhawks were designed with one thing in mind: upgrade so long did the rebels endure an aging, piecemeal fleet that when the time came to finally design something new to serve the nascent Republic, they went all in. Every internal system, every external design feature, every weapon all of it was upgraded beyond the watermark set by the Mon Cala ships prior and beyond the known capabilities of the Empires extant ships.
One of the features that saw the largest boost in ability?
The tractor beam.
The role of the tractor beam is simple: to grab an object in space, usually a spacecraft, in order to usher it safely into a docking bay or to seize the vessel and pull it closer. The tractor beams on a Star Destroyer were notoriously vicious with the strength to draw a Corellian corvette into its bay or to stop a Nebulon frigate from making the escape to lightspeed.
The tractor beam on the Starhawk is ten times that. Magnite crystals amplify both the range and the strength of the beam. A Starhawk could capture and move a ship many times its own size.
Agate dials up the tractor beam points it at the Ravager-She fires.
If I'm going down to the ground she thinks you're coming with me.
And because I'm lazy hears a video from Star Wars explained that brings out a lot of points from the book.