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Which game are you most looking forward to?
Posted: 2003-04-02 10:29pm
by Master of Ossus
Knights of the Old Republic (Bioware)
Galaxies (Sony Online)?
Posted: 2003-04-02 10:31pm
by Ghost Rider
Amazingly KOTOR.
I like Bioware a lot and to see them do their magic with Star Wars has me drooling.
My only problem with SW:Galaxies is I'm not big on the MMORPG gig.
Posted: 2003-04-02 10:49pm
by weemadando
I live in Tasmania and have dial-up internet.
I can't afford to fork out for a game, then pay the same fucking cost as a subscription fee every month.
On my connection it will take me an hour a day to keep up to date with all the fucking patches, not to mention connecting.
Then due to my lag, I'll likely be PK'd into oblivion by some cheesy 12 year old silver-spoon brat playing on mommy and daddies cable connection in the US.
So to answer, I am looking forward to KotOR.
Posted: 2003-04-02 11:26pm
by Captain tycho
Ando, I have seen you have not yet discovered the joys of DSL.
I'm really looking forward to both, actually. Both look like amazing games.
EDIT: Booyah!

1900th post!
Posted: 2003-04-02 11:42pm
by weemadando
Captain tycho wrote:Ando, I have seen you have not yet discovered the joys of DSL. :P
I'm really looking forward to both, actually. Both look like amazing games.
EDIT: Booyah! :D 1900th post!
I know the wonders of DSL, I work at a net cafe.
I just can't fucking afford to have that at home.
Posted: 2003-04-02 11:46pm
by Robert Treder
Definitely KotOR. Galaxies won't be as good as the Combine, says I. But KotOR looks slick.
Posted: 2003-04-02 11:49pm
by Joe
KoTOR. MMORPGs make the baby Cthulhu cry.
Posted: 2003-04-02 11:49pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
I have a computer, and I don't have an XBox, hence I anticipate Galaxies. Plus I've got cable connection.

Posted: 2003-04-02 11:54pm
by Ghost Rider
Actually KoTOR is slated for PC.
Posted: 2003-04-02 11:58pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Ghost Rider wrote:Actually KoTOR is slated for PC.
And my world comes tumbling down. Being a Jedi is way cooler than playing Everquest v3.0. Althouhg you can actually become a Jedi in Galaxies, its long and hard and boring. And you only get one character per account. Your paying $10+ dollars a month for this game, and you only get ONE charcater per account.
I'd remove my vote if I could 'cause...KotOR all the way.
Posted: 2003-04-03 12:40am
by Lord of the Farce
So one is from Bioware, the other is from Sony. KOTOR, all the way.
Posted: 2003-04-03 01:19am
by Master of Ossus
Well, since this seems like a rout, I may as well add my weight behind Knights. Baldur's Gate was perhaps the greatest computer RPG series in history. In fact, I would say it's the standard against which ALL other RPG's are judged. I've gotta go with Knights. If it's just BG2 set in SW, it'll be an instant classic.
Posted: 2003-04-03 01:38am
by Ghost Rider
Some of the cooler stuff I've seen of preview videos is that stuff happens independantly, with you inputting stuff for special commands.
Apparently they've gauged Lightsaber battle with as much or little input as you want...and the scenes in space are suposed to be semi-free roaming with you being able to shot within the turret.
Honestly the damn thing looks too sweet, and the possiblity of being good or evil, is just too good to pass up.
Posted: 2003-04-03 01:41am
by Crayz9000
I've never jumped on the MMORPG bandwagon, nor am I likely to. And most standard RPGs also don't appeal to me too much; I guess I've been spoiled by NetHack's l33t ASCII graphics

Posted: 2003-04-03 03:42am
by PeZook
Master of Ossus wrote:Well, since this seems like a rout, I may as well add my weight behind Knights. Baldur's Gate was perhaps the greatest computer RPG series in history. In fact, I would say it's the standard against which ALL other RPG's are judged. I've gotta go with Knights. If it's just BG2 set in SW, it'll be an instant classic.
Actually, Baldur's Gate bored the hell out of me. I never finished neither BG nor BG2, usually ended playing after a fifth of sixth dungeon or so.
And Knights is not set during my favourite era, the Imperial Age. So no Star Destroyers, no stormtroopers and ruthless imperial officers.
As for the competition? Well, MMORPGs suck
Therefore, I'm not looking forward to ony of those two.
Posted: 2003-04-03 05:11am
by Batman
Knightsall the way, for reasons MoO and Ando already stated.
Posted: 2003-04-03 07:10am
by Gandalf
If KOTOR comes to PC I'm getting it.
Posted: 2003-04-03 10:21am
by Slartibartfast
KotoR because it is story-based... Galaxies might be cool to experiment with but there won't be a plot and it's going to get expensive in the long run.
But I'm a little worried about KotoR, because Bioware's Neverwinter Nights sucked so hard.
Posted: 2003-04-03 02:47pm
by Lord Pounder
Wait your gonna have to pay to play Galaxies On-Line? Fuck that.
Posted: 2003-04-03 05:18pm
by Soontir C'boath
Darth Pounder wrote:Wait your gonna have to pay to play Galaxies On-Line? Fuck that.
Yes heheh.
I want to get Galaxies because I'm more of a Diablo II player and from what I've read it's going to have a skill system that seems similar to Diablo

Plus, I wouldn't mind having a little feel like Everquest in it.
Posted: 2003-04-03 06:57pm
by Raptor 597
KOTOR because I've been waiting the essential and much improved sequel too Jedi Power Battles. I just got Bounty hunter last night and its a great game.
Re: Which game are you most looking forward to?
Posted: 2003-04-03 07:04pm
by seanrobertson
Master of Ossus wrote:Knights of the Old Republic (Bioware)
Galaxies (Sony Online)?
That's a tough one. I've heard good things about both, but I'm having a devil of a time finding anything firm about either at the moment. Stupid started charging money to look at all of the goodies!
I must say, though, Galaxies sounds like it'd be the most fun to me, since I really enjoy such things as SW: Rebellion, ST: Armada and the like. Plus, I don't know much of Bioware's rep.
Posted: 2003-04-03 07:17pm
by Beowulf
I dislike paying subscription fees. KotOR.
Posted: 2003-04-03 09:12pm
by Anarchist Bunny
I refuse to pay 50 bucks for a game and not be able to play it with out forking out more and more money. Thats probly why World of Warcraft will be the first Blizzard game I won't get(unless they somehow decide to make it free). So, without really knowing what it is I'm going to go for the other one.
Posted: 2003-04-03 10:52pm
by Master of Ossus
Slartibartfast wrote:KotoR because it is story-based... Galaxies might be cool to experiment with but there won't be a plot and it's going to get expensive in the long run.
But I'm a little worried about KotoR, because Bioware's Neverwinter Nights sucked so hard.
Really? I thought NWN was a good successor, though not a great one, to BG2.