Suddnely? LOL. It's hardly sudden. The issue of the Jedi's role in the war had been in consideration for the ENTIRE series.
And the stance has been clear, after he spoke to Vergere he changed his point of view, even Durron asked something like "why this sudden change of view" and ofcourse then wanting to hit him.
As much as I like the EU, and have been enjoying the NJO series, I hope that it isn't going in that direction. And you have these "official" books altering the whole Darkside/Lightside thing that Lucas has created into "There is no Darkside and Lightside". This is where I think the EU is going to far.
And I think it's been hinted at since the movies.
Not that it matters becase this is such a big thing that they most definitly asked Lucas permission before going on with it, just like they did with killing Chewie.
And believe me, I'm an EU supporter. But I think it's stepping on Lucas' toes a bit if during the commentary for AOTC he states "The Darkside is stronger than the Lightside" and then you have these books saying "There's no such thing as sides of the Force." It's his creation, after all.
What "new" powers did he come up with? He's just using powers that he couldn't or wouldn't allow himself to before because of this notion that Vergere put in his head
Assumption by you, but infact the green force-lightning is an entierly new concept not seen before.
And I'm sure if Luke had been in attendance for this, he would have been deeply concerend and lectured Jacen. You don't see Jacen throwing around Force Lightning infront of Uncle Luke, do you?
You don't see them fighting together do you? Do you think he just throws tantrums now like a kid or what?
Uh...Reality check here, it's how all the Jedi had been thinking for MILLIENIA before Vergere was born. Once again, why would Yoda lecture Luke about the Darkside of the Force if there was NO SUCH THING.
Because the mindset works, the new mindset is less strict and we all saw what Jacen had to go through to learn it.
He wouldn't. He would have warned him about the darkness within himself.
Assumption, and I say it's wrong.
Luke and Vergere have discussions about this "Dark" and throughout it Luke continues to call it the Darkside. So does Vergere, on a occasion. For instance:
"I let the dark side take me," Luke said. "I cut off my father's hand."
"Ahhh." Vergere nodded. "Now I understand much."
"When my rage took control, I felt invincible. I felt complete. I felt free."
Vergere nodded again. "When you are in the grip of an irresistible compulsion, it is then that you feel most like yourself. But in reality it was you who were passive then. You let the feeling control you."
And you're argument that "most of hte time it's not referred to as teh Dark side" anymore. In the same book you have quoted, several characters have continued to call it the Darkside
And they call it the Dark too, the problem is you making it out to mean something, Vergere didn't even bother to correct Luke on the use of the word "dark side" and why should she? It means both things just as well, you have to prove your assumption that a character is specifically reffering to the force and not the new philosophy.
Your point about Luke refering to it as "the dark" may only be that the writer does not wish to be redundant and constantly say "the dark side"
No, your point about it must mean the dark side of the force is the problem, this you have not proven, it proves nothing since the new philosophy does not alter the current Jedi modus operandi any.
I seriously hope you are wrong.
I pretty much know I am right, and I for one am excited by this, even in the movies that whole concept seemed so inadequate and limited.
I suppose we shall see what lies ahead. But really, I think way too many people are putting far too much faith into what one character, who is already dead, has said about the Force.
I think you're just taking that path in particular because you don't like it, it's pretty clear in the series where the sense of right and wrong is, this definitly right.
It is her perspective. And I think it's foolish to disregard what has been taught about the Force in the Star Wars universe as a whole, and what other Masters who surely rival Vergere have taught (Yoda)
You keep on saying Yoda is wrong, I don't see this, heck so what if Yoda was wrong? He has not been through the same that Vergere did, he's not automatically right.
And so what if Yoda knows it? He could not put Luke through what Jacen went through.
Frankly this whole debate is silly, it's just over interprepting words and trying to shoehorn whatever ideas one wants to into them, and it's mostly a shitload of assumptions too, like how it has to imply a drastical change, it has to happen to all the jedi, it has to happen at once, every mention of the word Dark Side somehow means Vergere is wrong etc etc etc.
No thank you, I'll just sit out this debate with the knowledge of what is to come anyway-