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EU book recommendation?
Posted: 2003-04-03 08:47am
by Oddity
I just finished reading Champions of the Force, and I'm wondering if there's anyone out there that can recommend other EU books.
Posted: 2003-04-03 09:15am
by Batman
Well, regardless of wether or not you read the entire trilogy or not, you picked a really bad place to start
Timothy Zahn is propably on everybody's recommended reading list.
Personally, I like the 'Hand of Thrawn' duology better than the 'Heir to the Empire' trilogy, but they're all worth reading.
The original Han Solo trilogy is good, too (Star's End/Revenge/Lost Legacy).
Truce at Bakura is okay, if not great.
Personally, I like the X-Wing novels, especially the Wraith Squadron ones.
Not great literature, but a fun read, by and large.
Unless for some reason you
really (as in really desperately the fate of humanity hangs in the balance) need a cerebral aneurism stay the hell away from The Crystal Star.
The Black Fleet Crisis carries no medical risks, but is not really worth reading.
Darksaber isn't and
Corellian trilogy is so-so.
All IMHO of course.
On a only marginally related topic, I feel Zahn should sue
for slander ... 62-9505456
Yes, that url is not dressed. While I have been able to dress myself for several months now, the ability to dress urls eludes me (in case you didn't get it, that's a request for help).
Besides, considering the board's general attitude towards porn I find the public outcry about undressed links pretty hypocritical
(seriously, folks.One of the mods dress this and/or tell me how to, and I'll be a good bat in the future
Posted: 2003-04-03 09:35am
by Oddity
Batman wrote:Timothy Zahn is propably on everybody's recommended reading list.
Already read it. GO THRAWN!
Batman wrote:Personally, I like the 'Hand of Thrawn' duology better than the 'Heir to the Empire' trilogy, but they're all worth reading.
But, but, but, the trilogy featured THRAWN!
Batman wrote:Unless for some reason you really (as in really desperately the fate of humanity hangs in the balance) need a cerebral aneurism stay the hell away from The Crystal Star.
Now you made me curious ...
Batman wrote:Yes, that url is not dressed. While I have been able to dress myself for several months now, the ability to dress urls eludes me (in case you didn't get it, that's a request for help).
Haven't figured that out myself, yet.
Posted: 2003-04-03 01:33pm
by Batman
Crazy Ivan wrote:Batman wrote:Timothy Zahn is propably on everybody's recommended reading list.
Already read it. GO THRAWN!
Well it
would have helped if you had posted what ELSE you already read.
Crazy Ivan wrote:Batman wrote:Personally, I like the 'Hand of Thrawn' duology better than the 'Heir to the Empire' trilogy, but they're all worth reading.
But, but, but, the trilogy featured THRAWN!
So I'm not a Thrawn cultist. I know that's a capital offense over here but since I'm rebel scum anyway
Crazy Ivan wrote:Batman wrote:Unless for some reason you really (as in really desperately the fate of humanity hangs in the balance) need a cerebral aneurism stay the hell away from The Crystal Star.
Now you made me curious ...
Hell, go ahead and read it. Just don't come to
me with the shrink bill afterwards...
Posted: 2003-04-03 01:47pm
by Faram
Ask and you shall get
Posting in code so you can see the trick.
Code: Select all
[url=]Dressed link[/url]
Dressed link
See the trick?
First type "[url="
Then the adress "http:\\]"
Dont forget the finishing "]" in the address
Then the text you vant
And complete it with "[/url]"
Posted: 2003-04-03 03:01pm
by Batman
Yes, that seems to work just fine.
1. Faram:Thank you very much.
If Crazy Ivan is to be believed, I'm not the only one who doesn't know, so maybe this should go into the board FAQ?
2. Am I the only one who is bothered by this? We're talking KJA stuff labeled Zahn here, people!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 2003-04-03 03:22pm
by Joe
All of Zahn, The Courtship of Princess Leia, the X-Wing books (which I haven't read, but I've heard they're very good), and the second half of the NJO (Star by Star is an absolute must-read).
Posted: 2003-04-03 03:59pm
by Lord_Xerxes
For all the trash-talking that the NJO has spawned, I've rather enjoyed reading all the books that are currently out. I'm almost through Force Heretic.
Posted: 2003-04-03 04:05pm
by Joe
Lord_Xerxes wrote:For all the trash-talking that the NJO has spawned, I've rather enjoyed reading all the books that are currently out. I'm almost through Force Heretic.
The first half was pretty weak, but the second half (with the exception of the asinine
Dark Journey) has been rather good.
Posted: 2003-04-03 04:13pm
by Lord_Xerxes
Durran Korr wrote:Lord_Xerxes wrote:For all the trash-talking that the NJO has spawned, I've rather enjoyed reading all the books that are currently out. I'm almost through Force Heretic.
The first half was pretty weak, but the second half (with the exception of the asinine
Dark Journey) has been rather good.
I agree, that it came off to a mediocre start, and the second half has been far better. But I did rather like Dark Journey. It certainly wasn't my favorite though.
Posted: 2003-04-03 05:03pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Hehe, too cool. I too now have the amazing ability to dress links.
Anywho, go read Star By Star, Traitor, Destiny's Way, and Force Heretic.
If your looking for something not NJO, X-Wing is fun, hard to take seriously, but fun. CoPL was ok, but I wasn't a huge fan. BFC was similarly mediocre.
Avoid D***Saber at all costs. The very essence of your sanity depends on it.
Posted: 2003-04-03 10:47pm
by Master of Ossus
Star by Star is probably the best individual novel in the SW universe. After that, some of the X-Wing books are okay. You have to avoid the first two, though, and skip to Bacta War. Other ones to get include the duology and The Courtship of Princess Leia.
Avoid Black Fleet Crisis and The Approaching Storm at all costs. Even worse than Darksaber, in many respects. All respects, in the case of the latter.
Posted: 2003-04-04 12:57am
by Captain tycho
The Thrawn trilogy is a must read, as well as the X-Wing novels, Hand of Thrawn duology, Han Solo trilogy, and the NJO novels starting with Star By Star.
You MUST avoid The Crystal Star, Darksaber, The Approaching Storm and all KJA books in general.
The Blackfleet Crisis, while not particulary good, won't cause brain damage.
The Barbara Hambly books I would suggest staying away, as they were mediocre and rather boring.
Truce At Bakura was Ok.
And that's basically it.
Posted: 2003-04-04 01:38am
by Faram
I really like Traitor but what do I know
Posted: 2003-04-04 01:41am
by Joe
Faram wrote:I really like Traitor but what do I know
Heh, I love Traitor. Ganner's Last Stand is one of the great EU moments.
Posted: 2003-04-04 01:46am
by Kuja
Anything by Aaron Allston. The man's incredible at fleshing out characters and mixing humor into his novels
Posted: 2003-04-04 11:53am
by hvb
I basically agree with the consensus of the above; and picked up a few good pointers on what to get next time I pass's way, thanks guys
Posted: 2003-04-04 11:53am
by Darth Gojira
The Incredible Cross Sections. The rest of the EWW ranges from mediocre(Thrawn, Courtship, X-wing) to mind numbing(NJO, KJA, KJA, KJA, the Hambly novels, and did I mention KJA?). All of the above bashing is strictly IMHO.
Posted: 2003-04-04 12:47pm
by Oddity
Ok, I picked up quite a few pointers here. Thanks people.
Posted: 2003-04-11 03:18pm
by Crazedwraith
Personally, I like the X-Wing novels, especially the Wraith Squadron ones.
Not great literature, but a fun read, by and large.
U have good taste