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A question thats been on my mind for a while...
Posted: 2002-08-27 11:55pm
by Vertigo1
Ok, now we were shown the Acclimators taking off at the end of EP2, but where the hell were the Victory Star Destroyers? IIRC, they were present in the Clone Wars. Were they built later on as an "upgrade" to the Acclimator? Both are obviously capable of atmospherical flight so what's the deal?
Posted: 2002-08-28 12:02am
by Sea Skimmer
The Victory came out right at the end of the Clone wars, what we saw was the start of them.
Posted: 2002-08-28 12:48am
by Vertigo1
Ahh, so the Acclimator is a predecessor then?
Posted: 2002-08-28 01:08am
by Master of Ossus
Kind of. The Acclamator was actually designed as a transport. The VSD was purely a combat ship.
Posted: 2002-08-28 01:07pm
by Guest
The VSD is a fabrication of the EU. I wouldn't be surprised if GL just goes with the Star Destroyers in EPIII. I think that would be better anyways.
Posted: 2002-08-28 01:42pm
by Imperial Federation
Commander LeoRo wrote:The VSD is a fabrication of the EU.
So was the name Coruscant..
I wouldn't be surprised if GL just goes with the Star Destroyers in EPIII. I think that would be better anyways.
Why don't we wait and see, eh?
And why would it be better?
I think it'd be better to show a design lineage, like Acclamator > Victory > Imperator
Posted: 2002-08-28 01:48pm
by SirNitram
Master of Ossus wrote:Kind of. The Acclamator was actually designed as a transport. The VSD was purely a combat ship.
You're actually slightly wrong. It goes, something, like this.
Acclamator: Transport/planetary bombardment.
VSD-I: Planetary Bombardment/Defense.
VSD-II & ISD's: Pure Space Combat.
Posted: 2002-08-28 02:31pm
by Cpt_Frank
Commander LeoRo wrote:The VSD is a fabrication of the EU. I wouldn't be surprised if GL just goes with the Star Destroyers in EPIII. I think that would be better anyways.
Just as it would be better if GL included a quote into EIII to prove your laughable imperial fleet size estimates?
Posted: 2002-08-28 03:44pm
by Guest
I would love to see a space battle with thousands of warships engaging each other. I think that would prove that large numbers of warships is common in the Star Wars Galaxy. I just don't think it is going to happen...
Posted: 2002-08-28 05:38pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
We wouldn't need to see thousands of capships. It could mention "tens of thousands of capital ships" somewhere, or it could send "And entire sector fleet" of hundreds of ships to a giant battle.
Posted: 2002-08-28 06:50pm
by Ender
Imperial Federation wrote:Commander LeoRo wrote:The VSD is a fabrication of the EU.
So was the name Coruscant..
And Ayela Secura. And the double bladed lightsabre. And all the stuff he stuck into the ANH SE (Dax Rendar's ship)
Posted: 2002-08-28 07:19pm
by Master of Ossus
SirNitram wrote:Master of Ossus wrote:Kind of. The Acclamator was actually designed as a transport. The VSD was purely a combat ship.
You're actually slightly wrong. It goes, something, like this.
Acclamator: Transport/planetary bombardment.
VSD-I: Planetary Bombardment/Defense.
VSD-II & ISD's: Pure Space Combat.
I thought that the VSD-II also maintained the VSD-I's ability to cruise around in the atmosphere. I might be wrong, though. Thanks for correcting me, in any case. You're right, the original VSD was most definitely designed for planetary bombardment.
Posted: 2002-08-28 07:24pm
by Raptor 597
Master of Ossus wrote:SirNitram wrote:Master of Ossus wrote:Kind of. The Acclamator was actually designed as a transport. The VSD was purely a combat ship.
You're actually slightly wrong. It goes, something, like this.
Acclamator: Transport/planetary bombardment.
VSD-I: Planetary Bombardment/Defense.
VSD-II & ISD's: Pure Space Combat.
I thought that the VSD-II also maintained the VSD-I's ability to cruise around in the atmosphere. I might be wrong, though. Thanks for correcting me, in any case. You're right, the original VSD was most definitely designed for planetary bombardment.
Yes, the VSD II could mantian, the same effective performance as the VSD I in orbit. The ISD could, be in orbit too just not as effective. Anyway, I think they weren't as money troops on the VSD II's , in Rebellion, I might be wrong haven't played since a month ago.
Posted: 2002-08-28 07:27pm
by Raptor 597
Commander LeoRo wrote:I would love to see a space battle with thousands of warships engaging each other. I think that would prove that large numbers of warships is common in the Star Wars Galaxy. I just don't think it is going to happen...
Hmm, strange it is that this post contradicts your Imperial Fleet Estimates, yes?Considering that the Empire had thousands of ISDs then, how many would they would of had at the time of Endor?
Answer: A shitload of 'em.
Posted: 2002-08-30 01:31am
by Vertigo1
At any rate, thanks for the clarification.

Posted: 2002-08-30 02:05am
by Sea Skimmer
I'd like to see a few hundred capital ships fighting over a city planet any some one observing the battle to say this. "That’s nearly a full planetary patrol force, why would the Empire send that many ships to such an insignificant world as this?"
The world is then has its surface melted to a depth of 5 miles after a 5 minute bombardment which throws pieces of skyscrapers into orbit.
I'd also like to see a lot more Jedi on Jedi light saber fighting and Stormtroopers assaulting a shielded bunker/fortress complex with ground based turbolasers and giant repulser lift tanks.
Posted: 2002-08-30 02:09am
by Sea Skimmer
Damn, the above was meant for the what do you want to see in Ep 3 thread
Posted: 2002-08-30 03:59pm
by Knife
I thought that the Vics were developed later in the clone war. The GR was just organizing their millitary, so I always figured that the Acclamator was supposed to be like a USN LHA. They were used to bring troops into a combat zone. Probably durring the war, some Acclamators were attacked and destroyed by dedicated warships. So in response the GR introduced the Vic to escort the transports to the target planets and to serve as orbital fire support as well as the ship of the line for the fleet. When palpy took over, the Imperial navy combined the two's atributes and introduced the Impstar. The ISD is the awesome result of the Acclamator and the Victory, combining both troopship capability while still being a so called ship of the line.
This is obviously just conjecture, but that is what I imagine happened.
Posted: 2002-09-02 06:40pm
by Guest
The ISD appears to be a multipurpose vessel. Your conjecture does seem to be accurate, except I'm not too enthusiastic about the VSD's. For one thing, the VSD's in the RPG materials are given a lot of missile launches, however, we never see capships in Star Wars use missiles.
The Acclamators may have missiles in the official literature though, but I'm not sure.
Posted: 2002-09-02 06:50pm
by Raptor 597
Commander LeoRo wrote:The ISD appears to be a multipurpose vessel. Your conjecture does seem to be accurate, except I'm not too enthusiastic about the VSD's. For one thing, the VSD's in the RPG materials are given a lot of missile launches, however, we never see capships in Star Wars use missiles.
The Acclamators may have missiles in the official literature though, but I'm not sure.
Yes, Capital Ships use missles, the second ISD Chimaera carries proton torpedoes and uses em I think, I haven't read the Novels in awhile though.
Posted: 2002-09-02 08:17pm
by Vertigo1
in the NJO novel "Dark Tide I: Onslaught", a vic star hypers in and takes out a Vong capital ship with concussion missiles and turbolasers. They used every conc launcher they had on that thing.

Posted: 2002-09-02 08:23pm
by Cal Wright
Vertigo1 wrote:in the NJO novel "Dark Tide I: Onslaught", a vic star hypers in and takes out a Vong capital ship with concussion missiles and turbolasers. They used every conc launcher they had on that thing.

Victory Star Destroyers have 80 launch tubes, and carry about 10 warheads apiece.
Posted: 2002-09-02 08:29pm
by Knife
Yeah! They just never have a chance to use them in the movies. They are hardly ever at range, and when they are they either want to capture or bottle up the opposition.
Those pesky rebels just won't line up right for my missiles, shit.

Posted: 2002-09-03 12:32am
by Darth Yoshi
Besides, missiles are only useful at point blank. At any other range, the LTLs will have ample time to track and blast the missiles into oblivion (ref. VOTF).
Posted: 2002-09-03 11:44am
by Knife
I would think missiles would be for long range uses, not close range. I could be wrong, but just cause the LTL's could be a defence against, does not mean they (missiles) are not long range weapons. If you had to come close to use them, it would be just as easy to shoot your target with a blaster.