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Before lightsabres
Posted: 2003-04-06 12:38am
by Shrykull
Did Jedi carry a weapon before lightsabres were invented (4000 years before ANH right?) if so what was it?
Posted: 2003-04-06 12:51am
by Kintaro
Maybe light daggers? Just kidding. I'm sure they used swords with metal blades.
Posted: 2003-04-06 12:58am
by Ghost Rider
Well the the RPG claims they had swords and that they had similar properties to say the Lightsaber.(Sith alchemical blades being one such)
Posted: 2003-04-06 01:02am
by Illuminatus Primus
Posted: 2003-04-06 04:21am
by Grand Moff Yenchin
The 'Golden Age of the Sith' comic shows some 'crystal chunk' swords used during the Great Schism.
Posted: 2003-04-06 04:28am
by white_rabbit
werent those swords of Sith manufacture though ?
Posted: 2003-04-06 05:33am
by Peregrin Toker
Students of swordsmanship will aknowledge that lightsabres are wielded in much the same way as medieval Samurai wielded their katanas, so I'm strongly convinced that the Jedi Knights originally used some sort of katana-like steel swords before the first lightsabres were made.
Posted: 2003-04-06 11:48am
by Emperor Palpatine
KotOR did show that swords were still in use even with the popularity of lightsabres and vibro-weapons.
But KotOR's story was 4000 years before TPM, and it seem that Exar Kun killed all those Jedi only 40 years prior to the story in KotOR. And we know he has a lightsabre. That will mean swords might be way before that time.
BTW, KotOR also has doublebladed SWORDS.
Posted: 2003-04-06 11:50am
by Illuminatus Primus
white_rabbit wrote:werent those swords of Sith manufacture though ?
At the time of the Great Schism, there were just light and dark Jedi. The Sith hadn't come on the scene and everyone used swords.
Posted: 2003-04-08 08:27pm
by Gandalf
Did they have blasters back then?
Because I would think a blaster would really fuck up a sword.
Posted: 2003-04-08 08:30pm
by Illuminatus Primus
The swords were made of extremely resilent light weight matter. Yes they could absorb standard energy beams without destruction. They were also Force-enhanced. They were later, during the Great Hyperspace War, also able to parry lightsabres.
Interestingly, Kir Kanos's double-bladed...thing had blades which could withstand rifle fire. Sith alchemically enhanced high-tech blades for Royal Guards?
Posted: 2003-04-08 08:33pm
by Keevan_Colton
I like the sound of those for the swordsmanship.....the Originals were almost pure kendo in terms of thier sword styles.....the Prequels, are much more varied....including some styles so bad they almost make me ill.
Posted: 2003-04-08 08:34pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Posted: 2003-04-08 08:36pm
by Keevan_Colton
Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:JEDI HAMMER!
Give it to a lightning wielding bastard of a jedi....and wow.....Thor the Jedi!
Kick ass!
With TK it can always come back when you throw it too!

Posted: 2003-04-08 08:38pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Keevan_Colton wrote:I like the sound of those for the swordsmanship.....the Originals were almost pure kendo in terms of thier sword styles.....the Prequels, are much more varied....including some styles so bad they almost make me ill.
Posted: 2003-04-08 08:41pm
by neoolong
Don't forget the lumberjacking.
Posted: 2003-04-08 09:01pm
by Keevan_Colton
The bastard child of florentine and westpoint that the Count uses is the one that really gets me.....
Posted: 2003-04-09 02:33am
by His Divine Shadow
Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:JEDI HAMMER!
Actually it is the JEDI SLEDGEHAMMER!
Posted: 2003-04-09 07:48am
by paladin
Cream pies and water balloons. Jedis were alot sillier back then.
Posted: 2003-04-09 10:51am
by Slartibartfast
What about a Jedi cattle prod?
Posted: 2003-04-09 10:56am
by Ghost Rider
Slartibartfast wrote:What about a Jedi cattle prod?
Though I like this Hammer thing...I could many a Jedi screaming "Me SMASH!!!"
Posted: 2003-04-09 11:38am
by Keevan_Colton
I'd still want a sith called something like Darth Thor, throwing a hammer and shooting lightning......
Posted: 2003-04-09 01:09pm
by neoolong
Ghost Rider wrote:Slartibartfast wrote:What about a Jedi cattle prod?
Though I like this Hammer thing...I could many a Jedi screaming "Me SMASH!!!"
That only works when you refer to yourself in the third person.
Posted: 2003-04-09 01:12pm
by Keevan_Colton
And all jedi have shown a great grasp of grammar and language structure?

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:46pm
by neoolong
Keevan_Colton wrote:And all jedi have shown a great grasp of grammar and language structure?

It sounds cooler when Hulk says it. "Hulk Smash" as opposed to "Me Smash."