Has anyone read HandOfThrawn45's stories?

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Darth Yan
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Has anyone read HandOfThrawn45's stories?

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They're basically the writers attempts to wrap up the loose ends Legends left while also righting the ship from the more mean spirited and grimderp that the final books coughcruciblecough had devolved into; more specifically Vergere is revealed to have NOT been a Sith (she and Lumiya MET but ultimately Vergere wrote her off as a sad and pathetic individual blinded by pain and anger), Luke ultimately realizes he's let his grief over Mara's death cloud his judgement, and we get a more detailed explanation for why Jacen fell. Basically he had a need to be the hero, and so when he saw Krayt's threat on the horizon he tried to shoulder the burden himself out of ego and ultimately snapped under the pressure.

It's not perfect (and some of the storylines such as Legacy's End are not for everyone) but as someone who was bitterly disappointed by the shitshow Legends became in the final years it was nice to see someone try to address it and actually make a good showing of tying up the loose ends. I think that fans who liked Legends and were disappointed by how it devolved would at least appreciate the effort.
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Re: Has anyone read HandOfThrawn45's stories?

Post by Wien1938 »

Thanks, I'll have a read.
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Darth Yan
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Re: Has anyone read HandOfThrawn45's stories?

Post by Darth Yan »

Legacy's End is a really odd one. Basically the Force is artificially suppressed all over the galaxy for everyone except the sky walkers (It's mentioned that Darth Tenebrous and his master had tried to create a force dampening plague but abandoned it; Maladi completed the work and unleashed it) and the struggle is trying to restore the force to the universe. There are actually some interesting quandaries (dark siders like Talon and Saarai loose the dark side, and because it's no longer whispering they're forced to actually think and undergo character development. Saarai in particular is afraid she might relapse if the force is restored.) Of course the force IS ultimately restored because they think that the good outweighs the bad.
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Battlehymn Republic
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Re: Has anyone read HandOfThrawn45's stories?

Post by Battlehymn Republic »

It's quite good, imo. They do a lot of justice to the Legacy characters, as well as bring an innovative new conflict to the standard Star Wars formula. And there's a nice unintentional echo of the real-world global trauma of the past two years.
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Re: Has anyone read HandOfThrawn45's stories?

Post by Darth Yan »

I rather liked Darth Saydel the Hapan Sith (and yes she's as horrifying as that sounds; all the scheming nature of a Hapan noblewoman with the training of a Sith.)
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Re: Has anyone read HandOfThrawn45's stories?

Post by Darth Yan »

I know it's been a while, but they released a new trilogy about Xim the Despot. Given that wasn't really explored in canon I thought it was pretty interesting to see.

https://archiveofourown.org/works/50106 ... /126537229
https://archiveofourown.org/works/53150 ... /134486260
https://archiveofourown.org/works/55649 ... /141252268 - in progress
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