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Purpose of DS
Posted: 2003-04-09 04:00pm
by Rye
Okay, as several of you know, i have next to no memory of the star wars films, just basic plots in my head, and feelings about stuff.
So could someone tell me, why was the death star actually created?
Was it just a quick way of removing troublesome planets?
Posted: 2003-04-09 04:05pm
by Montcalm
Just like nuke and other things,having a superweapon to intimidate the galaxy.
Posted: 2003-04-09 04:08pm
by neoolong
It's a terror weapon.
For fear as well as to quickly blow stuff up. And overcompensation.

Posted: 2003-04-09 04:11pm
by Montcalm
neoolong wrote:It's a terror weapon.
For fear as well as to quickly blow stuff up. And overcompensation.

Overcompensate for what............Oh yeah right the emperor`s noodle.

Posted: 2003-04-09 04:24pm
by Rye
But imagine the number of ISDs you could make with one death star...wouldnt that make more sense, if the can do that bdz thing?
(every time i see bdz, i think bulldoze)
Posted: 2003-04-09 04:26pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Rye wrote:But imagine the number of ISDs you could make with one death star...wouldnt that make more sense, if the can do that bdz thing?
(every time i see bdz, i think bulldoze)
A planetary shield can hold up to and beyond a BDZ level barrage from numerous ISDs for quite some time. Although the DS's primary purpose is fear, its secondary purpose is to instantley destroy shielded worlds; worlds where sending in ISDs and the like would result in needless casualties.
Posted: 2003-04-09 04:27pm
by neoolong
Rye wrote:But imagine the number of ISDs you could make with one death star...wouldnt that make more sense, if the can do that bdz thing?
(every time i see bdz, i think bulldoze)
It's a symbol to the might of the Empire.
Posted: 2003-04-09 04:33pm
by Ted C
Grand Moff Tarkin wrote:
The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line: fear of this station.
Basically, it was a giant intimidation machine.
Posted: 2003-04-09 04:47pm
by Rye
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Rye wrote:But imagine the number of ISDs you could make with one death star...wouldnt that make more sense, if the can do that bdz thing?
(every time i see bdz, i think bulldoze)
A planetary shield can hold up to and beyond a BDZ level barrage from numerous ISDs for quite some time. Although the DS's primary purpose is fear, its secondary purpose is to instantley destroy shielded worlds; worlds where sending in ISDs and the like would result in needless casualties.
Ah, of course! That makes more sense to me. I'd still be intimidated it TL bolts were coming out of the sky or i saw a DS level of resource gone to SDs all coming at me at once.
Posted: 2003-04-09 05:11pm
by DPDarkPrimus
To blow shizat up if the peoples didn't pay the man.

Posted: 2003-04-09 05:32pm
by Lord_Xerxes
Rye wrote:Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Rye wrote:But imagine the number of ISDs you could make with one death star...wouldnt that make more sense, if the can do that bdz thing?
(every time i see bdz, i think bulldoze)
A planetary shield can hold up to and beyond a BDZ level barrage from numerous ISDs for quite some time. Although the DS's primary purpose is fear, its secondary purpose is to instantley destroy shielded worlds; worlds where sending in ISDs and the like would result in needless casualties.
Ah, of course! That makes more sense to me. I'd still be intimidated it TL bolts were coming out of the sky or i saw a DS level of resource gone to SDs all coming at me at once.
"It's fear that will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station."
I think knowing that at any giving moment, your life could be ended in the flash of an eye is far more scary. With a fleet of ISD's, there is a chance, however infintesimally small, that you might be able to get off planet and escape before the BDZ. With the DS, once it fires...You're fucked. And with BDZ, you get a barren, useless piece of rock. The DS leaves nothing but chunks floating in space.
That's power. That's scary.
Posted: 2003-04-09 09:28pm
by Admiral Johnason
It is (was) meant to embody the Tarkin Doctrine andto finish off the Rebellon.
Posted: 2003-04-09 09:32pm
by Master of Ossus
Rye wrote:But imagine the number of ISDs you could make with one death star...wouldnt that make more sense, if the can do that bdz thing?
(every time i see bdz, i think bulldoze)
The DS had some practical advantages over ISD's, but it also has many psychological benefits. It essentially cannot be defeated. Its weapons can destroy any planet, regardless of defenses, in seconds. It cannot be stopped.
In a more practical sense, a DS can jump into an area relatively quickly. It can destroy even a heavily defended world in seconds, and then jump back out before that worlds' defenses can harm it (assuming that they still exist). Thus, while Tarkin called Dantooine "too remote," I think his actual reasons were more like "too lightly defended." Alderaan was protected by an advanced planetary shield, and was meant as a message to the Core Worlds that the DS could blow up anything at will. Even heavily defended, industrial worlds like Kuat and Fondor were now vulnerable, in spite of their shielding and large defense fleets--and such planets were generally off-limits to starships, excepting MAJOR military campaigns that took months to plan and execute.
Re: Purpose of DS
Posted: 2003-04-10 04:04am
by Boba Fett
Rye wrote:Okay, as several of you know, i have next to no memory of the star wars films, just basic plots in my head, and feelings about stuff.
So could someone tell me, why was the death star actually created?
Was it just a quick way of removing troublesome planets?
The truth is:
The money Palpy sent on the DS was deducted from his basis of assesment as an investment cost. That way he tricked the "Imperial Taxation Bureau"

and on the other hand got a a new toy for Tarkin to pick up chicks. If someone doesn't want to go out with Tarkin he blew up her planet.

Posted: 2003-04-10 04:58am
by Enforcer Talen
Rye wrote:But imagine the number of ISDs you could make with one death star...wouldnt that make more sense, if the can do that bdz thing?
(every time i see bdz, i think bulldoze)
I asked that question bout 6 months ago. it got 70 replies, somewhere in this forum.