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What do you want to see in Episode 3?

Posted: 2002-08-29 09:48pm
by Stormbringer
What is it you just have to see in Episode Three?

I've got to see a big ass space battle. Ships blotting out the stars, turbolasers like rain.

A sweet death for Mace Windu. I really like Mike's suggestion. That would probably be the best ending. Still whatever it is it has to be something noble, memorable and cool. Nothing else will to for Samuel L Jackson.

The mother of all light saber duels. The aerobatics and stunts are cool but so far, to me, they've lacked the mano a mano duels of TESB or RotJ. I want to see Anakin going after Obi-Wan calm collected and absolutely murderous.

Full frontal nudity on Natalie Portman's part but like that's gonna happen...

Posted: 2002-08-29 09:59pm
by Master of Ossus
I think that there should also be more symbolism in EpIII, much like there was in EpII. And I want an orbital bombardment.

Re: What do you want to see in Episode 3?

Posted: 2002-08-29 10:02pm
by Tsyroc
Stormbringer wrote:
Full frontal nudity on Natalie Portman's part but like that's gonna happen...
I think AOTC was probably as close as she'll get to that. :(

Posted: 2002-08-29 10:16pm
by Anarchist Bunny
I've said it before, I'll say it again, a lightsaber duel starting out as Mace vs Donku, then pissed off turned anakin comes in for a three was lightsaber duel.

And fuck full frontaly softcore shit, I want obsence hardcore amidala.

Posted: 2002-08-29 10:25pm
by Master of Ossus
I want the Jedi to really go wild with their Force powers. No more just jumping and pushing things around. I want to see them using the Force to its fullest extent--as in, better than lightning. I want massive amounts of Force stuff flying around, and have them levelling each other at distance.

Posted: 2002-08-29 10:39pm
by Lord of the Farce
VSDs, BDZ style bombardments, and Jedi/Dark Jedi/Sith fighting like in Jedi Outcast (and more) :wink:

Posted: 2002-08-30 01:09am
by Icehawk
VSDs, BDZ style bombardments, and Jedi/Dark Jedi/Sith fighting like in Jedi Outcast (and more)
Pretty much sums up what im hoping for in the next film. I especially REALLY wanna see a good space battle between cap ships. Acclamators and VSD's pummeling the Trade Federation ships and the other seperatists would just kick sweet ass to see.

Posted: 2002-08-30 01:53am
by Cal Wright
I hope Lucas doesn't ever look to the EU for anything (maybe Thrawn) and gets a bug up his ass to have ISDs in there. Hell yeah.

p.s. Me and Natalie Portman in the hardcore Force action! There, now that's some Jedi action I could go for. boo yah.

Posted: 2002-08-30 04:17am
by His Divine Shadow
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:I hope Lucas doesn't ever look to the EU for anything (maybe Thrawn) and gets a bug up his ass to have ISDs in there. Hell yeah.
Too late, he's already done that, ha ha[/Nelson]

Posted: 2002-08-30 03:57pm
by thecreech
I want to see a Space battle,orbital bombardments, i want to see all the jedi getting into some awesome fights with anakin. And i want to see yoda kicking some more ass

Posted: 2002-09-01 09:44pm
by weemadando
Things I want to see.

Anakin on a murderous rampage through the Jedi Temple on his way to confront Obi-Wan. For my visualisation of this scene combine the Jet-Li vs Normal People fights from "The One" with the sabre battles of Jedi Outcast.

A massive space battle. So massive that if you cut to a view of someone on a planet looking up at it the DAY sky is a wash of green and red turbolaser and blaster fire and explosions.

A BDZ. Just watch the surface be slagged to a depth of ten metres.

Another ground battle. Preferably in an urban area.

Posted: 2002-09-02 10:17am
by Crazy_Vasey
Lots of bad ass lightsabre duels. I want Vader to show his true powers and deal some serious hurting to a bigtime Jedi like Mace.

Posted: 2002-09-02 12:31pm
by Master of Ossus
Crazy_Vasey wrote:Lots of bad ass lightsabre duels. I want Vader to show his true powers and deal some serious hurting to a bigtime Jedi like Mace.
You will see plenty of lightsaber duels. Don't worry.

Posted: 2002-09-02 12:49pm
by Tsyroc
I wouldn't mind seeing Palpatine's Crimson Guard in action. In all the movies we've only seen them stand around. In some of the EU comics these guys are pretty bad ass so it would be nice to see one of them do something other than stand or walk.

Posted: 2002-09-02 08:23pm
by Vertigo1
There's only one thing I want to see. The death of Jar-Jar! :D

Posted: 2002-09-02 08:25pm
by Cal Wright
I want to see a a bunch of Trade Federation ships orbiting a planet. Then a formation of 3 ISDs appear and unleash thier TIEs to tackle the droid fighters. As that happens, the three star destroyers level the trade federation capital ships.

Posted: 2002-09-02 09:01pm
by Knife
A kick ass space battle that once again sets the standard for the next decade in sci-fi. Some of the most awesome, sabre twirling, multiple twist and turn, lightsabre action yet seen.

Posted: 2002-09-03 07:30am
by Morte
I want to see Anakin's turn to the dark side handled with maturity. I want to see Hayden Christensen act better. I want to see Amidala being less annoying. I DON'T want to see any little, whiny, annoying children! What is it with kids in Star Wars acting poorly? I want to see Mace Windu die a noble and heroic death. I want to see Palpatine's plans unfold perfectly and Yoda's face when he realises how enormously he has been fooled. I want to see more back story on the Death Star. I want to see Anakin kill Dooku to complete his turn to the dark side. I want to see the Jedi make some incredible sacrifices to get a pregnant Amidala away from Anakin (to Dagobah?). BTW, are Luke and Leia twins or is Leia older than Luke? And of course I want to see space battles and lightsabre duels.

Hmm, still undecided on whether I want to see Vader in the mask and costume...

Posted: 2002-09-03 07:48am
by Vympel
Vader suit:

Get used to it Morte; its an absolute definite. Mr Lucas has already decided.

I agree with you on all other points, BUT HOW CAN YOU NOT WANT TO SEE THE SUIT!?!?

Posted: 2002-09-03 09:35am
by Stormbringer
BTW, are Luke and Leia twins or is Leia older than Luke?
According to everything I've seen, they are fraternal twins. It's something mentioned so often that it's pretty much taken for granted.

Posted: 2002-09-04 04:49am
by Morte
I didn't say I don't want to see it... I'm still weighing it up.

My main reason for not wanting to see it is that, to me, Vader has a certain "feel" about him. When I think 'Vader' I think the white corridors of the Tantive IV or battle with Luke at the end of ESB. I just have some apprehension in mixing "Vader" with the new trilogy. I think they should just be kept seperate.

Also, shouldn't we maintain the "I am your father" thing?

Then again...

Posted: 2002-09-04 04:55am
by Cpt_Frank
Well, that's no surprise anymore for anyone who's seen EI and/or EII.
Anakin Skywalker - Luke Skywalker?
That's why, if you're new to SW, you should first watch IV, V and VI, and afterwards I, II, and III.

Posted: 2002-09-04 10:04pm
by Falkenhorst
I too want to see giant space battles, with capships VISIBLY EXCHANGING HEAVY VOLUMES OF MAIN BATTERY FIRE, HEHEHHEHEH!!! :twisted:

Also, I wish to see giant swarms of fighters hammering their way through enemy squadrons and blizzards of defensive fire to drive home missile attacks and strafing runs on enemy ships! Charge of the light brigade, man.

Also on my wishlist is violent jedi vs. sith combat, with lots of death and destruction! The empire should rise out of billowing flames and torrents of blood!

Posted: 2002-09-04 10:33pm
by Admiral Drason
Me want big space battle where cap ships blow each other to hell with huge ass explosions thousands of fighters. VSDs would be nice but Ill take what I can get

And Anikin should get his ass kicked so hard that even bacta can't heal him. Maybe Obiwan bitch slaps him into the lava/acid

Posted: 2002-09-05 12:42am
by Falkenhorst
Maybe Obiwan bitch slaps him into the lava/acid

And when he makes his comeback as Vader, he should smile that evil, skull-face smile like Pvt. Pyle in Full Metal Jacket.. made even more horrible by his severe burns!