Marc Xavier wrote:Stop misrepresenting the theory.
Look at the shots. They always fly too straight with respect to gravity. Thus, the bolts are either ignoring gravity for all basic concerns entirely, or is somehow an illusion caused by something that is in the gravity well only briefly.
I'm talking observation here. Regardless of what your theory says verbatim, this is what we see, and if you believe the anti-gravity properties of tibanna are the cause, than you are suggesting that Tibanna plasma basically totally ignores gravity--because we see that in observation.
So complaining that I was misrepresenting you is total bunk. I pointed out that you couldn't say that that bit was straight from official--official never says that tibanna is the actual medium of energy transfer from weapon-to-target, and never says that a tibanna plasma would totally ignore gravity. Both are YOUR assumptions and YOURS to justify.
Marc Xavier wrote:Look at the Death Star beams. I don't have to explain how they work, I just have to point them out, because I did not make them up.
You're using your conclusions as evidence. "The containment tubes also avoid gravity because what I say is a containment tube on the Death Star ignored gravity." Your point requires the premise that the rings are, in fact, your "containment tubes." Thus, you cannot appeal to observation to prove your point that containment tubes would ignore gravity.
Furthermore, the DS beam in free-flight is never anything but parallel to the Alderaanian and Death Star gravity wells, so we wouldn't observe any example of the supposed "containment tubes" defying gravity in the Death Star example.
I also question your theory's explanation for the Death Star's superlaser propogating at C.
Marc Xavier wrote:No, it's being nitpicked, and furthermore I asked for feedback on how to improve the theory. You're not doing that, you're just attacking.
This is debate. If you didn't want it cut-apart and questioned, you should never have posted the link.
I do not have to tell you its wonderful when I feel the key error is the premise of the entire theory in the first place.
Marc Xavier wrote:I didn't say it went nowhere. I suggested that it remains in the free-floating iota of the tibanna gas in some non-thermal form. It may be released, it may simply remain until it comes into contact with a colder object I do not know, but I did not say it went nowhere.
Marc! Kiloton-range energy bolts "exploding" in AOTC. All that kinetic energy or whatever would be released into the air (along with obeying CoM, which it does not). Where is the energy? Where did it go?
Your theory's predictions do not fit canon observation.
Marc Xavier wrote:Instead of recognizing the analogy, you responded with a condescending retort.
Marc doesn't offer an explanation, and instead cites more "You're being mean." Even if it was an analogy, I'm not fixing your theory's holes.
You tell me what happens to the missing majority of kilotons of destructive energy when the bolts explode in the atmosphere.
Your comment about condescending retorts is completely irrelevent. I urge you to stay to the point.
Marc Xavier wrote:No, they are not. In fact, I'm drawing attention to why I suggested that tibanna stores energy in a non-thermal form in addition to its thermal component (which makes it superior to other plasmas). You keep ignoring this. In fact, you seem to refuse to even accept the possibility that the energy could be stored in any other way.
Then WHERE IS IT? Is it kinetic? Is it thermal? It has to go somewhere when the bolt is detonated in an atmosphere.
And if it does not, what use are energy bolts which exploded with less than a tenth of their true yield, thus inflicting no damage on the target, because Star Wars shields are based on wattage threshholds.
Marc Xavier wrote:Perhaps here: *snip*
All it takes is one counter-example. AOTC. LAAT/is.
And a high-gigaton range bolt should leave a longer flash, IIRC.
Marc Xavier wrote:Again, I feel it unnecessary to repeat myself, especially in the light of your hostile attitude. But, I will, for clarity (and an alternative suggestion):
Style over substance fallacy.
Marc Xavier wrote:Yes. Now, I do not know how long it would take for those particles to release the rest of their energy, or in what form they may release it in. I suggested above:
It may be released, it may simply remain until it comes into contact with a colder object I do not know, but I did not say it went nowhere.
Do you have a suggestion?
The kinetic energy; shear; whatever, would generate extremely vast movements of air in AOTC; enough to strip electrons free of the atoms and create a large storm of plasma; a fireball.
My suggestion is plasmoids are an unworkable theory.
Marc Xavier wrote:Your theory, as I understand it, does not even explain (beyond "some bizarre photon-emitting effect") how massless particles would explode in the first place.
It doesn't have to explain how!
The massless quanta simply interfere with the volumetric shield and cause energy bursts as a small percentage of radiant energy is bled-off as the energy bolt penetrates and absorbs into the shield.
We know directly that these energy bursts are an inherent result of bolt-shield interactions from the AAT assault on the Gungan's theater shield.
Turbolaser Operational Theory wrote:This technique is used by skilled gunners when targeting small, fast moving, weak, and hard to hit objects. It can also be used for area of effect or suppression fire in order to drive an enemy along a desired escape vector.
Look. Let's say the Falcon is fleeing from a SD and it has a threshold of 1 gigaton/sec. The SD will lay suppression fire from the guns that are capable of targeting something small and manuverable with any accuracy to lay suppression fire.
The say...5 gigaton LTLs lay a withering barrage of bursts along the Falcon's flight path. But these bursts' yield incident on the Falcon's shield is a small faction of the overall bolt energy content; because it explodes some distance away from the Falcon and omnidirectionally.
The only guns which could score shield damage from high-proximity bursts are the HTLs. These traverse so slowly they were impractical for combat in the Battle of Endor. A simple vector change by the Falcon would prevent the constricted-field-of-fire HTLs from scoring a burst anywhere near the Falcon.
Beyond that, it is an enormous energy waste to do so little damage. Point-defense guns that actually try and hit the target.
But its irrelevent: the bursts in the movies do not possess the yield of the bolt, and we have canon evidence of bursts being an inherent result of a bolt/shield interaction.
Marc Xavier wrote:Well it seems to me that you're saying it bleeds off photons, giving off a small portion of it's energy. Where does the rest go? And what is the nature of this volumetric field? In my theory, it is (to quote from the Imperial Deflector Shield Operational Theory):
Imperial Deflector Shield Operational Theory wrote:...a series of carefully angled and controlled ultrathin electrostatic repulsion fields.
My theory explains itself on this point. Explain yours.
Your theory is cute technobabble. Its a false dilemma for mine to need be like yours, but I'll entertain you for a sec.
"The infinite set of 11-dimensional branes that compose the volumetric shield interact with the penetrating rotating field surface of the penetrating quanta and a degree of radiant energy is expended as loss as the invisible beam is broken up and absorbed; its energy content isabsorbed into the shield capacitors for radiating out of the vessel."
The invisible quanta/bolt-shield interactions merely say that the entire bolt is absorbed; a small percentage of energy is lost as inefficiencies that manifests itself in various scatterings of radiant energy.
Marc Xavier wrote:This does not explain the nature of the field; all "volumetric" means is "Of or relating to measurement by volume." The rest of this seems tossed together ad hoc in order to explain a potential difficulty in your vague shield theory (this is an example of exactly why I want the theory defined in clearer terms).
Furthermore it leaves the nature of the turbolaser bolt unexplained as well (unless you go with the made-up panacea particle, which has its own difficulties and itself is widely unexplained).
I do not go with the particle.
My explanation does not require a precise definition of the shield. Who the hell cares whether your theory specifies "ultrathin electrostatic repulsors" or whatnot? That's not testable or critiqueable and thus useless.
I think turbolasers are somesort of projected rotating field surface, similar to Bob Brown's theory on lightsabres, that propogates at c, but generates an inherent stasis effect that slows the practical movement of the beam to below c and proportionally degrades gravitational affects.
I believe the speed of the bolt is a function dependent on its yield that also influences bolt length. Small handweapons generate beams that are more unstable and generate proportionally greater stasis effects. Large scale capital weapons have smaller stasis affects with higher yield.
The laterally-emitting section of the beam is merely an inherent decay affect that follows a "tail" portion of the overall pulse. Eventually the speed tops off at C as stasis effects cease with very high yield.
Marc Xavier wrote:My theories have strived to define both of these, exhaustively, I might add. Fill out your theory more concretely or stop nitpicking.
I don't owe you technobabble.
Turbolaser Operational Theory wrote:The surface tension of the liquid wall can keep the tibanna bolt intact for several seconds without the need of a containment beam. Exactly how long the bolt retains cohesion depends on the temperature of the core plasma, the temperature of the edge plasma, the density and the size of the bolt (which also affects the gas' convection rates); dense and hot masses of tibanna will tend to lose their cohesion and come apart, sometimes explosively.
The "surface tension" of the plasma exceeds the truely ENORMOUS kinetic energy build up from electrostatic repulsion from the immense heat and density?
Marc Xavier wrote:You are still nitpicking. As it stands, your theory is barely any less vague than it has ever been, and it is only by this intentional vagueness that it avoids counterattack. If it is impossible for you to simply explain your theory in more concrete terms, so that it becomes available for conventional counterattack, then either try to find ways to improve the TOT or stop nitpicking it.
I'm pointing out errors in your theory. Tell me how your theory is still teniable when it has some problems.
Look at Master of Ossus' critique of DarkStar's website. Did he have to go into detail on each personal theories of his own to show that DarkStar reached bullshit assumptions? Absolutely not. There is a time and a place for critique. And I feel plasmoids are totally unteniable.
Marc Xavier wrote:Until you form a viable theory outside of vague suppositions mixed with technical terms which do not clarify the fundamentals of the theory I no longer feel compelled to intellectually deliberate with you.
Then don't. I and the other denizens of this forum will feel free to pick apart your theory and demonstrate how it is not workable with, or without your rebuttal.
Marc Xavier wrote:Examples of fundamentals: what, exactly, are these massless slower-than-light propagating particles and why do they rotate around a central axis in a helix-like manner? These particles were invented for the theory, so I want to know what their properties are and why they behave as they do.
Who the fuck cares!
Your plasma, by your own statements, purposely ignores the properties of real life plasma for the sake of your arguments.
All that matters is we have a description, based on combined observation, of what these things do.
Explaining what they truly are and how is so impossible I won't bother dealing with it. I don't want to descend into the technobabble and meaningless pseudoscientific explanations.
Geonosis' atmosphere contains slight combustables or other chemicals that produce smoke when subjected to a sudden infusion of high heat that causes them to react.
Marc Xavier wrote:Or, what are these volumetric shielding fields in your theory composed of?
Who cares?
Your theories' nitty-gritty is just imaginative technobabble and pseudoscience.
Marc Xavier wrote:I have a 69 post thread and a 4 page singled space term paper dealing with the details and related subjects of my shielding theory. I have another 5 page single space term paper dealing with the turbolaser operational theory. What do you have?
Less technobabble.
Marc Xavier wrote:Until you form up your theory, I have no reason to continue trying to fend off your nitpicks, because your theory is too vague to be addressed in return in any detail (it maintains some form of accuracy only because it absolutely refuses to be precise). Stop attacking my theory until you form a viable one yourself.
More false dilemmas from someone who wants a specific scientific explanation for the content and behaviors of a turbolaser.
Move on folks; nothing to see here.