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An odd coincidence
Posted: 2003-04-14 05:05am
by Peregrin Toker
Have any of your watched the movie
Dark Star???
(Not in any way connected to that weirdo spammer)
Anyway, the starship in that movie bears a resemblance to an Imperial Star Destroyer.... but the movie is from
1974, predating Star Wars by
several years.....
I'm sure this is nothing but a mere coincidence, but it's quite interesting.
There's also the fact that Yuuzhan Vong crab armour looks strikingly like the armour worn by the Dark Eldar of
Warhammer 40K, but I'm not sure whether how many people would pay attention to that...
Posted: 2003-04-14 08:00am
by Grand Moff Yenchin
A John Carpenter film? Wow...
Found a site here
Four astronauts travel around the universe indentifying and destroying unstable planets that might turn into black holes. The ship is called Dark Star, hence the films title.
Odd coincidence indeed....[/quote]
Posted: 2003-04-14 11:06am
by Jim Raynor
Maybe this explains why Dorkstar is so anti-SW. GL ripped off his ideas!
Posted: 2003-04-14 02:39pm
Aside from a triangular shape, it doesn't resemble a Star Destroyer in the slightest, to my eyes.
HOWEVER, there was a crappy sci-fi movie from the mid-'80s that had ships that looked exactly like Y-wings and A-wings... because they used the same exact models that Lucas had used in his trilogy (well, slightly altered, in the case of the A-wing). I forget the movie's title, though.
Posted: 2003-04-14 05:23pm
by Cal Wright
I'd almost be yupping about this, but I know for a fact that WWII battlehips were the inspiration for ISDs, namely thier towers.
Posted: 2003-04-14 05:26pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
The concept designs for the ISD don't look anything like that, so I doubt there was any influence. Like Cal Wright said, the designs were taken off of WW2 warships more than anything else.
Posted: 2003-04-15 02:08am
by Peregrin Toker
SPOOFE wrote:HOWEVER, there was a crappy sci-fi movie from the mid-'80s that had ships that looked exactly like Y-wings and A-wings... because they used the same exact models that Lucas had used in his trilogy (well, slightly altered, in the case of the A-wing). I forget the movie's title, though.
I can't remember it, but there was another crappy sci-fi movie from the 1980s which used exactly the same spaceship models as
Battlestar Galactica...
Posted: 2003-04-15 05:32am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Simon H.Johansen wrote:I can't remember it, but there was another crappy sci-fi movie from the 1980s which used exactly the same spaceship models as Battlestar Galactica...
Space Mutiny from 1987. Episode 820 of
And no, the ISD is not based on the
Dark Star. If you actually watch the movie, you'll see that it doesn't even have the same shape.