Fanboyism 2.0
Posted: 2003-04-16 04:38pm
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Remove Space.
Valiento wrote:I actually haven't added anything to this thread yet, but I hope this helps:
"The Ins and Outs of Shield Generators and Projectors, v. 6.2: by darthseti and tears of palpatine.
I. Shield Operation:
i. Energy from the main reactor core enters the shield generators, where it is increased by a large factor and converted into a form of energy (“purified energy” able to be used by the projectors.
ii. Purified energy is routed from the generators to the shield projectors; there, the energy is converted into a “deflector shield,” which is then projected around the ship, typically in a hull-hugging fashion.
II. Shield Failure:
i. Projector capacitors allow a safe power-down in the event of a failure of the shield generators until another energy source is procured. Although very uncommon, at times small amounts of shield energy residue remain in the capacitors, sometimes allowing 7.5 per cent or less shield energy to exist for a short time. There are some documented cases of shield residue higher than 7.5 per cent, sometimes as high as fifteen per cent, but this is extremely uncommon.
ii. In the event of a failure of the shield generators, technicians will attempt to reroute “crude energy” directly from the main reactor core to the shield projectors in order to reëstablish shield functions. Because the crude energy has not been refined into purified energy, the projectors are only able to function at approximately 25 per cent of maximum capacity; performance levels in excess of 25 per cent are documented, and are typically found on older ships with more experienced crews.
iii. Deflector shields remain up when generators are overloaded, but cannot be replenished and are therefore easily brought down by salvoes from enemy vessels.
iv. Deflector shields drop completely when projectors are overloaded, and this constitutes a serious threat as projectors are not as easily replaced as generators.
III. Shield Types
i. Particle deflector shields, which are closely hull-hugging in most warships, function as a sort of invisible and mass-less wall surrounding the ship. Solid materials, such as asteroids and starfighters, are vapourised on contact with the particle deflector shields. These are operating at all times in order to protect the ship from micrometeorites, and are only lowered in order to make repairs, receive or send HoloNet transmissions, and (in localised regions) to receive or launch smaller vessels. The absorption of kinetic energy and vapourisation of solid matter depletes the shields, thus necessitating constant replenishment.
ii. Ray deflector shields, which tend to hull hugging (but not as closely as particle deflector shields) in order to prevent damage from “bleed-through,” function as a sort of invisible and mass-less wall which absorbs incoming rays and re-transmits them over a greater area, thereby reducing the destructive effects immensely. The re-transmission of the rays does permit a certain amount of ray energy to “bleed through,” and the process gradually depletes the shields, thus necessitating constant replenishment. Ray deflector shields are only raised in combat situations due to the considerable energy requirements.
iii. Cloaking shields, which are spherical in shape, function by creating immense warps in space-time in order to cause matter and energy to flow around the shield rather than actually striking it. This causes the ship to be completely invisible, but also has the side effect of blinding the ship generating the shield. In addition, exhaust must be vented through the shield, which might conceivably be detected by enemy vessels. Sufficiently sensitive gravitic sensors can detect cloaking shields.
IV. Dangerous Warheads
i. Warheads include concussion missiles, 1.5-kiloton proton torpedoes, advanced concussion missiles and advanced proton torpedoes, heavy rockets, space bombs, multi-megaton capital ship warheads, mag pulse warheads, and T-33 warheads, which are extremely dangerous and can overload Star Destroyers’ shields in approximately three impacts.
ii. Warheads are unaffected by ray deflector shields, and it is rumoured that there exists some types of advanced concussion missiles unaffected by particle deflector shields, as well. Advanced proton torpedoes, which have significantly higher destructive capacity than the standard 1.5-kiloton proton torpedoes, may also have been modified to by-pass particle deflector shields. T-33 warheads, which are advanced hybrids of Imperial heavy rockets and space bombs, release terrific amounts of energy in extremely short bursts, in effect depleting ray deflector shields far more quickly than they can be replenished.
Addendum est, Section IV, sub-section ii:
"The extremely rare mag pulse warheads, which are confirmed as being equipped with the unusual ability to by-pass shields, have sensors which target weapons emplacements, and detonate just above them. These weapons render weapons emplacements completely inert for some time, often the entirety of a combat engagement. These are therefore considered to be even more dangerous than the other types of warheads."
iii. All warheads are considered extremely dangerous to capital ships regardless of actual output---especially in volleys, which have the peculiar effect of multiplying the destructive effects, by several factors. Pilots and gunners are therefore ordered to shoot down enemy warheads whenever possible---even if doing so requires the loss of an opportunity to shoot down the vessel firing the warheads.
V. Laser Fire
i. “Laser fire” (the colloquial name for highly energised plasma discharges used as the primary ray weapons of starfighters) is effectively eliminated as a threat by ray deflector shields. Not nearly as powerful as full-fledged turbolaser discharges, laser fire can still pose a threat if persistent starfighters wish to harass a capital ship, and can incur a one to five per cent reduction in shield integrity per 40 seconds per two to three starfighters. It is therefore not considered a priority threat, but left un-dealt with, can cause significant damage over time.
ii. There remains one anomalous usage of laser fire---there are isolated incidents of field modifications to turbolaser batteries producing peculiar effects. Turbolasers fire by using a laser to energise tibanna gas into a plasma state, which is then ejected from the cannon. The laser, which gives its name to the weapon, actually strikes the target well before the bolt, and in some cases will actually damage or destroy it; mostly, however, ray deflector shields easily absorb and retransmit the laser without difficulty. At times, however, field modifications to the turbolaser cannon result in a peculiar phenomenon in which the “trigger” laser, which is itself mass-less, passes through ray and particle deflector shields and strikes the hull, in effect “burning” a “hole” through which the actual turbolaser bolt passes, unaffected by the shields. This is extremely unusual, and the execution of which requires an extremely talented weapons technician.
VI. Noteworthy Example of Shield Failure
During the Battle of Endor, the rebel fleet fired numerous salvoes of turbolaser fire and numerous heavy torpedo volleys at the Imperial flagship, destroying several of her shield projectors. Per standard operating procedure, technicians were ordered to replace the failed projectors, but were unable to do so in time because multiple starfighters took advantage of the loss of shields to attack the conning tower. After further damage, in which joint starfighter-capital ship attacks brought down all shields and destroyed at least one generator, a single A-wing eluded massive weapons-fire and penetrated the flagship’s defences. The interceptor intentionally crashed into the bridge, killing the entire command crew including Admiral Piett, and causing a loss of control, which, compounded by a severe engine failure, sent the mighty flagship plummeting into the Death Star II, the impact of which completely shattered the Super Star Destroyer."
...Bib Fortuna, Twi'lek wrote:Sorry, but you are wrong. They are shield generators, and nothing you can do or say will change that fact.
I don't know why people continue to believe Saxton's work, even when they have been proven wrong time and time again.
...Bib Fortuna, Twi'lek wrote:The A-wings were under the shields. Get it? That means their laser shots were not hindered in any way by the shields.
Some people...
(emphasis mine)MysteryWhiteBoy8 wrote:I love how this is still an issue. I love how we can argue about it. All the valid arguments make me laugh out loud. All the page long explanations are even funnier.
The domes are shield generators. Why? Because the A-wings blow them up and the shields go away. The Imperials SAY this. That is why their ship IS DESTROYED. Also, everything else, sourcebooks, tech books, video games, point to those as being 'shield generators.' It doesn't have to make sense. Remember how many things in Star Wars don't.
...Valiento wrote:The star wars universe Ain't real what ever story teller says is what happens. When you can prove to me that SD are real you can tell me who or what is in error. But not until then. Until then it's only authors and story tellers and lucas who have any rights as to what is and isn't part of continuity.
The problem with using the movie as evidence is it doesn't flat out say anthing. Unlike star trek people don't break out into technobabble to explain details. So 2 sides read into it in the way they want too. Either you got the ones that go about saying Fictionalists are wrong. Or the ones that say the Supposositionists are wrong. Either way it gets far too Nerdy. Yet still only the ones payed to do something actually have the write to say anything and that is what is considered true by all of LFL.
They will never listen to fan based supposition.
Bib Fortuna, Twi'lek wrote:FTeik--please stop believing the BS that is in the Technical Commentaries. They are fanfiction, nothing more, so what they say can and will be overridden by the novels.
We have already explained how the A-wings were able to get under the shields. They are shield generators because there is NO evidence for them being sensor domes.