Crown wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:You expect me to think he was a political genius and strategic master when he made...
1. No effort to court the warlords who had ships and materiel he needed.
Expand on this, Thrawn was the supreme commander of all Imperial forces in the trilogy. Was this refuted by someone else?
Essential Chronology. He isolated Prince-Admiral Krennel, who had a fiefdom the NR thought large enough to support the construction of DS scale battlestations, and the Pentastar Allignment, which composed most of the Oversector Outer--Tarkin's territory. All that territory, troops, and resources untapped.
Crown wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:2. Outright alienated the warlords.
Again, I don't remember reading that in either the trilogy or the duology
See above.
Crown wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:3. Named NO proper second-in-command or successor, but instead kept his flagship's captain as a side-kick
Largely agree with this, however Palleon was acting as SiC at the final battle, but once again I point out that Alexander did the same, was he too a strategic imbecile?
Bullshit. The golden boy of tactics couldn't concern himself to so much as appoint a designated successor, or find a real second-in-command. That is lazy and incompetant.
Crown wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:4. Made no provisions for producing a clone of himself if he was killed.
Yes he did. Read the duology
How about a plan that doesn't take
10 years and result in the wasting of what was left of the Empire? Even Thrawn couldn't have won by that point. If he had Spaarti cylinders, he should've had one ready to clone him immediately if he died.
Crown wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:5. Failed to properly manage a warfront.
Explain this please
Read the Thrawn Trilogy. Do you ever, ONCE see him confering with a council of fleet commanders or the High Command? Other Admirals? No. Everything appears done by Thrawn and his do-all little task force.
Crown wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:6. Ignored his government.
Cite an example please.
Contacts no Moffs, no members of the Ruling Circle, doesn't have his government aboard his ship, with him (Napoleon worked it like that) and never is said to be managing the government. As said in the Chronology, he took power from the Moffs and set a precedent. But he never worked with them. His political ignorance helped accelerate Empire's destruction. He never even tried.
Crown wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:7. Failed to utilize other Admirals.
Again where? I don't remember reading anywhere in EU where Thrawn alienated other Admirals. Remember that he was the last Grand Admiral (even to the point where the NR didn't even consider him to ge a genuine GA because they thought they accounted for all of them).
Did you actually READ the Thrawn Trilogy. No Admirals are ever refered to. No other fleets, no other commands. The highest ranking officer I saw other than Thrawn was Captains. This is unacceptable. Where are the major invasion fleets? Where are any of the management? Thrawn tried to do it all on his own, and just like he alienated Krennel before, he likely alienated other Admirals as he did the warlords.
Crown wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:8. Failed to post a defensive fleet at Wayland.
No fleet, but there was a garrison, and again it makes no difference since all a fleet could do was to stop another fleet, but in couldn't BDZ the planet since it was vital to it's resources
Bullshit. He should never have left C'boath there, and with a fleet in place his takeover would not have happened, nor could have Luke and company succeeded. You protect your assets. He left all his eggs in one basket and recieved what one should expect for leaving a vital target completely unprotected against possible assault. Even if Luke had failed, where do you think the Rebel fleet that assaulted Bilbringi would head next?
Crown wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:9. Depended on the Noghri when he had the Storm Commandoes and Royal Guardsmen at his disposal; one was totally loyal and and the other was not.
Read the duology, Thrawn had guardsmen in his stormtrooper regiments. The Noghri were 100% loyal, only after Leia Organa Solo revealed herself as Leia
Skywalker Organa Solo, did they become un-reliable.
He KNEW their dedication to Vader and his progeny. By sending them directly into proximity with her, he took a risk that should've been obvious.
His Guardsman and Storm Commandos could've been extracted and used for a riskless raid. Hell, why didn't he just have her killed and her children's DNA and her DNA collected for cloning.
He took a COMPLETELY unneccesary risk sending Noghri after someone they might become dedicated to.
Crown wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:10. Did not attempt to duplicate the Spaarti cylinders, or at least move some elsewhere.
Mentioned to Palleon that it would need to be done eventually.
Know, as usual he was interested in pet projects like the Tierce project, and wanted to move a cylinder for cloning C'boath.
He had months to move at least a cache of them elsewhere where mass production of the cylinders could begin. He neither protected, nor spred out, nor secured his vital cloning facility. This is a act of willful neglect on his part.
Crown wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:He had over a year and a half to do this.
He also had to fight a war against the Rebels, and in case you didn't catch it, should his death not have occured, he would have won.
Chronology says for over six months he staged minor raids on the Republic border. His war did not intensify until Sluis Van. He wasted time and alienated the warlords he should've been recuiting. As it was, six of them had enough might to succeed where Thrawn failed a couple months after his death, and siezed Coruscant. What's that tell you?
Crown wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:As a result of these things, he kept the instrument of his death next to him, set up a front that could not be sustained, failed to communicate to his government, leaving them helpless, and alienated the warlords, leaving them to prey on his dying hegemon, when he could've added them to his own forces.
Again this is Palpy's legacy (as witnessed how the Empire began to whittle away until Thrawn arrived and started rebuilding it), not Thrawns!
Thrawn had the ability to nominate a successor, rebuild relations with the warlords, and actually paid attention to his government, or bothered to stick a cylinder someplace so the house of cards that depended on him wouldn't fall because he could be cloned immediately.
He didn't bother to do ANY of this. That's negligant, and incompetant. Palpatine didn't choose for Thrawn to be more fixated on projects like clone freaks like Tierce and cells of fanatics on the Outer Rim and at Niruaun that he couldn't be bothered to establish a relationship with the other Imperial holdouts and warlords, or even fucking name a successor in case things went wrong. That's stupid. There's no other word for it.
Crown wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:Crown wrote:You are correct in that Palpantine hindered Thrawn's campaigns by the legacy that Palpentine left in the Empire proper, but in the Unknown Regions where Thrawn had a hegenomy, Thrawn clearly demonstrated his strategic credentials.
How so? He left a database in a big fortress full of Chiss criminals and Imperial deserters and traitors with only token forces.
All the material that Thrawn had used to build up in the UR, were expresly supplied to him by Palpy.
Wrong. Palpatine provided resources to establish Imperial hegemony in the Unknown Regions. This materiel HAD to be misappropriated for large caches of it to be laying in Hand of Thrawn vaults.
Crown wrote:And I prefer the term 'Chiss ex-patriots' to 'criminals' as the latter implies devious and dis-honourable, where as the former is actually accurate and not emotive.
And I like to call Palestinian suicide bombers martyrs. Look--they disobeyed Chiss law and directive and were exiled and their very existance is denied by the Chiss government. They're neither welcome nor even fit to be awknowledged. If Stalin sends you to the gulags--you were a criminal in the Soviet Union. They got exiled for breaking laws. They disobeyed their state and broke laws. They are traitors and criminals.
Crown wrote:[Also did you read the duology? The 'database in a big fortress full of Chiss criminals and Imperial deserters and traitors with only token forces' had a sphere of influece larger than the Imperial Remnant. All this was expanded upon what Thrawn started by his SiC.
Take a look at Saxton's analysis of the UR in the SWTC. Also observe the map in AOTC and Jocasta's comments. All of the galactic disk is explored and encorperated into galactic society. The Unknown Regions is the galactic halo around the galaxy--
mostly empty space. WOW. They have all this empty space with no appreciable resources other than a couple fighters and some gunboats and a fortress. No other resources are cited.
The Inferiority of the Chiss Compared to the Galaxy Proper
I have got a problem
What's SiC?
Crown wrote:Thrawn failed to quickly terminate Grand Admiral Zaarin, and the Unknown Regions contained mostly pirates and species as weak as the Chiss and Ssi-Ruuk.
First of all, who? Please tell me you aren't using a game to make your case.[/quote]
Oh one of those "selective canon" types. Look: game storylines are official as much as books. Furthermore, the story of Maarek Steele (the player in TIE Fighter) is retold in books ANYWAY. It happened, and there's nothing else to say about that.
Grand Admiral Zaarin defected and attempted to capture Palpatine in coup'd'etat. Despite Thrawn being on his tail, he managed to outmanuver and drag out the campiagn with Thrawn despite the latter having all of the Empire as support.
Crown wrote:And second of all, how do you know what is in the UR? You know the name it's self pretty much implies the answer there. And third, I thought we were in agreement that the Chiss themselves did not infact stop the Ssi-Ruuk.
We know what is in the Unknown Regions, and what we don't know is irrelevent--argument from ignorance.
We do know that Thrawn fought some primitives and pirates and raiders. People on similar tech. levels as the Ssi-ruuk and Chiss. That is: damn pathetic compared to the civilized galaxy. Just because it is mysterious does not mean it is uber.
The Inferiority of the Chiss Compared to the Galaxy Proper
And no the Chiss did not. They can't leave their own territory.
Crown wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:His tricks are limited to superb use of tactics. His quality as a statesman and a strategist were poor. But after all, he was a traitor to the Empire, who cared mostly about his own power.
Again. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Have you read the trilogy or the duology?
He is a traitor--fact. That's why Palpatine orchestrated his elimination.
His qualities as a stateman are abominable--fact. See above. He couldn't negotiate with warlords which would've made his war much much easier, and he rarely actually administered his government, his High Command, and the other fleet commanders, as seen by their total absence throughout the Thrawn Trilogy.
His strategy was poor--he made extremely poor and often downright stupid mistakes regarding long-term management of his Empire.
He cared only about his own power--no great threat to the Chiss was ever discovered. Not that the Hand of Thrawn would make a difference anyway--they'd be steamrolled by something the NR or GE could take EASILY. It was their information that made them dangerous, remember? His little cells of clones, his clone, and his base full of fanatics were perfectly situated for another attempt at reconquest of the galaxy. Combine that with the Hand's Chiss recruits ranting about threats with no evidence like Adolph Hitler shrieking about Bolshevik hordes...and you'll see what I mean. Thrawn made more sense as a villian than an anti-hero anyway. After all, he is a mass-murderer and a racist bigot.