Ender wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:Its doubtful the Hand of Thrawn took down the Ssi-ruuk.
The Hand of Thrawn didn't really come about until Thrawn returned to the galaxy proper. Its quite weak as it is though.
You are confusing the Hand of Thrawn with his Splinter cell plan. Hand of thrawn is the fleet Palpatine kept slipping to him plus all the conquered territory and all those alliances.
Completely wrong.
The New Essential Guide to Characters, page 186 wrote:Thrawn built a vast information complex--the "Hand of Thrawn"--and made it his unofficial base of operations.
Emphasis mine.
I'm tired of people who can't read and wank wank and wank some more to anything Zahn or Thrawn because they're kewl and mysterious.
The Hand of Thrawn is the actual fortress on Nirauan and nothing more.
NONE of this "great fleet" has EVER been observed. In fact, the Hand of Thrawn was hard-pressed to offer ANY aid beyond a handful of Clawcraft which had to be refitted with decent weapons systems and even a navicomputer. Even in stories about Thrawn in the Unknown Regions, we never see him with more than an ISD or two.
All that is seen in
Vision of the Future is the map. Two-hundred and forty sectors are filled in. Thrawn mapped and explored 240 sectors. However, according to Behind the Magic CD-ROM, AOTC, and practical concerns from the speed and efficiency of hyperdrive, we know that the Unknown Regions is nothing more than the galactic halo of diffuse stellar matter in the void around the galaxy. ALL of the galactic disk and the nearby satellite galaxies has been explored according to AOTC.
Thus, Thrawn's oh-so-impressive mapping mission cataloged almost entirely empty space. Wow.
Furthermore, there has never ANYTHING seen from the Hand of Thrawn more impressive than a gunboat or two.
Mara's supposition that the mapped territory "might" (her own words) have its own complement of yards and ships any what not is unfounded--the mapped area contains very very few stars and even fewer minable or colonizable planets. General Fel's commentary by Dark Journey reveals the Hand of Thrawn does not possess the resources to even mount a half way decent expedition to investigate the Vong threat other than a squadron of coralskippers.
Ender wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:I think that Thrawn's "mapping" fleet in the Unknown Regions stamped out the Ssi-ruuk.
His mapping fleet IS the Hand of thrawn. It's an assload of Imperial type ships out there, plus a huge network of alliances, remember? He was conquering in the Emperor's name.
Firstly, I was saying that the Chiss Empire was not the entity that destroyed the Ssi-ruuk. We don't know who it was. I suspect it was Thrawn's mapping fleet, that likely went back with him to the Empire.
Secondly, what is this about "assload" of Imperial ships? Prove this or leave it.
There's not much in the Unknown Regions to conquer. So far we've seen a couple of technologically backward races with a couple worlds and some raiders and pirates. Thrawn's been observed with an ISD or two. Wow.
Furthermore, the mapping fleet disappeared by VoTF, as nothing was observed defending the HoT itself other than a couple gunships. And by Dark Journey they
do not have anything to send beyond a squadron of upgraded and modified Clawcraft.
Ender wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:He brought them back to the Empire at the end of the campiagn though.
No, he didn't. It was specifically said he left them behind under the command of Voss Parik and that is why he chose the Chimera instead of usign his regular ships.
The Chiss themselves are a null power, MAYBE on par with Hapes. THe Hand of Thrawn is another story.
The Chiss are utterly pathetic. A backward Communist and bigotted state, they possess no navicomputers nor any vessels above 300 meters.
The Hand of Thrawn is also not a military power. Its an obsidian fortress containing Thrawn's most loyal fanatics and a vast cache of imformation as well as Thrawn's cloning cylinder.
Mitth'raw'norudo's Household Phalanx, the body that controls the HoT, is not a very strong military power. They had nothing to send to investigate the Chiss other than a squadron of Clawcraft. No observed significant military might has been shown. Diddly.
Ender wrote:Trytostaydead wrote:In the New Jedi Order books do we ever hear from Thrawn's people and his household Phalanx? Sorry, I haven't had time to keep up my reading, but I'd really like to know if they come out of hiding and whoop some ass.
The Chiss themselves are extremely talented biologists who developed Alpha Red. The Hand of Thrawn, which most people confuse with the Chiss, looks to be brought into the fray soon.
I love it when people skew things into their own little wanktrip and never actually seem to read the sources they cite.
On Alpha Red...
Destiny's Way, page 333 wrote:"Why Chiss?" Sien Sovv asked, bewildered.
"The Chiss come from a hidden, remote section of the galaxy far from the Yuuzhan Vong invasion routes," Scaur said. "It was highly unlikely that the enemy would have infiltrated them."
"Our xenobiologists and geneticists have investigated Yuuzhan Vong genetics," Scaur continued
As you can see, this is no representative of Chiss biotech ability. They were recruited not for superior knowledge but for assurance none of them were Vong spies. As Scaur continues, it is clear this is a New Republic Intelligence operation. There are New Republic scientists perfectly capable of working on said project. It is not indicative of Chiss biotech prowess.
On the Hand of Thrawn...
Dark Journey, page 53 wrote:"Two squadrons," the general repeated. "Twenty-four clawcraft and a beacon ship. How much difference could this force have made at Ord Mantell? Or Duro?
All the forces the Household Phalanx mustered up until this point.
Dark Journey, page 54 wrote:"With respect, sir, I was commissioned in this household to serve and uphold the ideals of Grand Admiral Thrawn."
Grand Admiral Thrawn's treachery. He commissioned a personal force, loyal solely to him, and misappropriated Imperial resources into it and even actively encouraged Imperial servicepersons and officers to desert to join his illegal force and declare completely loyalty to him and his designs.
He is a traitor and Palpatine was right to have him killed.
The irony is Stravo's fanfic is GAT is coming down on Skywalker for doing what in continuity he did exactly.
Dark Journey, page 54 wrote:"You were trained by Chiss tacticians," Baron Fel continued. "Tell me: do we have the ships, weaponry, personnel, or for that matter the knowledge needed to take on these invaders?"
"We do not," Jag admitted.
They do not have the resources to confront the Yuuzhan Vong save for a tiny expedition with a squadron or couple of clawcraft that had to be modified to have a navicomputer and decent weapons systems even.