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Strategy Challenge: Conquer Yuuzhan Vong Galaxy

Posted: 2003-04-18 04:37pm
by Illuminatus Primus
The Battle of Endor ended with the utter destruction of 90% of the Rebel Alliance's heavy fleet resources.

Jedi Apprentice Luke Skywalker struck down his father, Lord Darth Vader, and took his place at Emperor Palpatine's side as Sith Apprentice.

It is 30 years later. The Yuuzhan Vong invasion was crushed utterly. Long-range superfast drones locate the Yuuzhan Vong galaxy, only a few million light-years (a couple months at .5 lightspeed) away. The Vong had wandered centuries to thousands of years aimlessly before choosing a galaxy relatively close to their home. Reports regarding the annhiliation of the Yuuzhan Vong in their unification war have appeared to have been highly exaggerated.

The YV Home Galaxy is quite advanced and heavily populated and developed.

Emperor Skywalker, how will you choose to invade this galaxy? What will be your invasion force? How will you carry out your plans?

Posted: 2003-04-18 04:54pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
1. Longe range Galaxy Gun missle strikes. Die Vong!
2. Death Star. Totally invincible against anything the Vong are going to use. Worldship shall DIE!

Posted: 2003-04-18 06:25pm
by Darth Phoenix
Use fleets of World Devastators and swarms of droid fighters not only crushing them but also proving that technology is superior. :D

Posted: 2003-04-18 06:46pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Anyone who can find info about YV galaxy, and anything in it, please share this with me. I am thinking about a YV fanfic, and it would be great to have info like this.

Posted: 2003-04-18 07:13pm
by Joe
I was under the impression that the YZ Galaxy was quite a bit farther away than that. Where'd you get your numbers?

Posted: 2003-04-18 07:24pm
by Sea Skimmer
I'd make my initial assault using wardriods of all types, and after driving the Vong into frenzy I'd draw them into an Ambush with a couple Death Stars. Of course I'd also engage in heavy reconnaissance before hand, and make an attempt to haul off a couple Vong capital units for study.

Posted: 2003-04-18 07:36pm
by Beowulf
A couple dozen Deathstars backed up by Stardestroyers, and a couple quadrillion droid fighters...

Posted: 2003-04-18 08:44pm
by Kuja
I like Thrawn's idea of using GG missile strikes to start wiping out planets, they give you plenty of bang for your buck.

In addition, Admiral Daala will have delivered the Sun Crusher by this time, so that will be put to good use as well.

Add the Eclipse DS2, the World Devastators, and a bunch of Soveirgn- and Executor-class destroyers to the equation, and the Vong will be crushed soon enough.

Posted: 2003-04-18 08:54pm
by Enforcer Talen
-plots fleets of worlddevestator/galaxy guns-

Posted: 2003-04-18 10:23pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Arg, I just had to retype this:
Ok, first, a massive group would be sent in to figure out things bout the YV galaxy, such as other species, cultural differences between them, locations of significant planets, etc. I would think a group of Dark Jedi or Emperor's Hand-type agents would be sent in to do this, using holoshrouds or even ooglith masquers. This would take years, maybe decades, but gain valuable information helpful to the war efforts, if it works. (IF, meaning they might be able to detect imposters and just kill them on sight. That's why Dark Jedi would be helpful, little harder to kill than the average soldier, I think)

Once this is done, an assault group would be sent in, to move hard and fast and capture or destroy as many Yuuzhan Vong worlds and fleets as possible, composing of something like this:
  • One Super-Capital-Flagship...OF DOOM! (no clue where that "OF DOOM!" came from), such as a modified Super Star Destroyer or something. This would be the control ship, where everything is coordinated. It wouldn't have much of a direct role in battle.
    As many as 30 Super Star Destroyers or the current equivalent
    300 or so Star Destroyers, of various classes (I prefer the ones the New Republic has in the newest NJO book, with the gravity-well generators built into the standard triangle-shaped frame, but I don't think those would have been created, for Luke is evil now, and the New Republic never happened to create them)
    Millions of support ships of every kind, such as Carrack-class cruisers and the like
    As many ground forces as can possibly fit (in what is a question for the supply chain managers to figure out)
Once a sizable chunk of the galaxy is under control, a group would move in to colonize Yuuzhan Vong planets in the name of the Empire, bringing multiple orbital platforms and workers to start constructing permanant bases, complete with shipyards, etc.

As bases are colonized, constant streams of ships would be sent in to defend them, and communications would be set up between the two galaxies. This would eventually assure victory. It may not be fast, may even take up to a decade, depending on exactly how heavily populated and devolped the YV galaxy really is.

NOTE: In the above, I have not used any super weapons (although sending the DS2 in on their Vong asses would be great fun). Also, I tried to not go overboard and suggest the Empire move everything over to the new galaxy, just what I think would be produced during 30 years of no New Republic to fight (remember, Luke is on the Imperial side, he isn't there to help the Rebels gain back... according to the first post, 90% of their resources) They would build slower than in wartime, sure, but I don't think the Empire would just stop building ships, that doesn't seem like them.

Posted: 2003-04-19 12:32am
by Darth Fanboy
Well the YV have abandoned their galaxy for all practical purposes and have put everything they have on the worldships, henc etheir need to conquer the SW galaxy. So the scenario seems out of place.

Posted: 2003-04-19 12:35am
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Yes, it seems out of place, but so does half the EU universe when compared to the movies. This is just one possibility out of many things that could be in this fictional universe we enjoy talking about, and besides, its fun. I think I might write a story about this, using something like my fleet (of course with Illuminatus Primus' permission, since he started it)

Posted: 2003-04-19 01:15am
by Master of Ossus
I would open with a blinding series of strikes at targets along the Rim of their Galaxy, drawing their fleets in different locations to respond. As has been mentioned, wardroids would likely be the best for this because they would guarantee massive reprisals from large enemy fleet movements. I could either follow up with hit-and-run and RIF missions with fleet elements towards the more central areas of their galaxy, or with super-weapon strikes along the Rim to destroy their fleets as quickly as possible. In either case, the best strategy is to aim to defeat YV fleet movements as quickly as possible, ignoring the population centers until later in the campaign.

Posted: 2003-04-19 01:33am
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
I was thinking more along the lines of shipyards,major resource planets, etc. being taken over as a secondary goal while my fleet hops form system to system (all together) blowing up YV ships and anything else that looks vaugely threatening.

Posted: 2003-04-19 02:01am
by Illuminatus Primus
Mitth'raw'nuruodo wrote:Anyone who can find info about YV galaxy, and anything in it, please share this with me. I am thinking about a YV fanfic, and it would be great to have info like this.
I'll see what I can send you about Vong background from the New Jedi Order Sourcebook.

Posted: 2003-04-19 02:03am
by Illuminatus Primus
Darth Fanboy wrote:Well the YV have abandoned their galaxy for all practical purposes and have put everything they have on the worldships, henc etheir need to conquer the SW galaxy. So the scenario seems out of place.
Its far-fetched to believe that they really nuked all of their inhabitable planets.

I prefer to think they were forced to leave because they lost some war w/ other YV, or some other force, either within their galaxy or an invader, forced them away.

Posted: 2003-04-19 02:06am
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
My fanfic suggests a war, maybe. I have bunches of ideas swimming around, need more YV info.

Posted: 2003-04-19 03:31am
by Peregrin Toker
I would build a gigantic fleet with the "Hunchback Battlecruiser" (The three-mile ship seen briefly in orbit around Byss in Dark Empier), other of the cruisers on Saxton's page and Allegiance-class destroyers as its main ship-o'the line, with ISDs as escort ships. I'm going to bring this up on Warhammer 40K level!

As for how to defeat them, I'm going to use sheer brute force. Better have a few Galaxy Guns in backup, in case BDZ isn't enough. Take out the most important planets as fast as I can. Then I'll massacre anything that survives.

If anti-YV droids aren't developed yet, I better develop them and make a lot of them.

Posted: 2003-04-19 03:36am
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
In NJO, Lando made some YVH war droids that kill pretty much anything, but aren't smart enough to rebel against their masters. But, with no New Rebublic (Luke is evil, 90% of Rebel force died at Endor, don't think New Republic would happen), the droids wouldn't be there. Also, the things in Dark Empire wouldn't happen, for Luke went to Dark Side before Endor, so there MAY be the Hunchback Battlcrusiers, but there probably wasn't a need. And about Galaxy Gun, there is one, not "a few", one. I don't think more would/could be built.

Posted: 2003-04-19 03:54am
by Lord of the Farce
Mitth'raw'nuruodo wrote:In NJO, Lando made some YVH war droids that kill pretty much anything, but aren't smart enough to rebel against their masters. But, with no New Rebublic (Luke is evil, 90% of Rebel force died at Endor, don't think New Republic would happen), the droids wouldn't be there.
Officially (SW literature-wise), the Empire had plenty of their own wardroid designs, the Dark Trooper project just to name one.

Posted: 2003-04-19 07:39am
by MKSheppard
Illuminatus Primus wrote: I'll see what I can send you about Vong background from the New Jedi Order Sourcebook.
Bah. WotC is crap, worse than WEG. WotC swiped
the deckplans for a Nebulon B frigate created by
WEG, and then tried to fob them off as "typical starship
bridge, docking bay, etc"

Posted: 2003-04-19 09:46am
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Lord of the Farce wrote:
Mitth'raw'nuruodo wrote:In NJO, Lando made some YVH war droids that kill pretty much anything, but aren't smart enough to rebel against their masters. But, with no New Rebublic (Luke is evil, 90% of Rebel force died at Endor, don't think New Republic would happen), the droids wouldn't be there.
Officially (SW literature-wise), the Empire had plenty of their own wardroid designs, the Dark Trooper project just to name one.
Dark Trooper, that wasn't in literature, was it? I seem to remember Dark Troopers as something in the old Dark Forces game. And anyway, Dark Trooper might not have been created, if the Rebel nuisance was already eliminated.

Posted: 2003-04-19 12:38pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Dark Trooper was made pre-Hoth. Thus it is in-universe in the senario.

And it was in literature due to the Dark Forces graphic novels.

Posted: 2003-04-19 12:39pm
by Illuminatus Primus
MKSheppard wrote:
Illuminatus Primus wrote: I'll see what I can send you about Vong background from the New Jedi Order Sourcebook.
Bah. WotC is crap, worse than WEG. WotC swiped
the deckplans for a Nebulon B frigate created by
WEG, and then tried to fob them off as "typical starship
bridge, docking bay, etc"
Tell me, what does their fucking maps have diddly shit to do with compiling cultural background on the Vong where all they have to do is copy verbatim from the books?

Posted: 2003-04-19 01:32pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Dark Trooper was made pre-Hoth. Thus it is in-universe in the senario.

And it was in literature due to the Dark Forces graphic novels.
Ok, that's what I was trying to figure out. *SMACKS SELF ON HEAD* Dark Forces begins with you stealing Death Star plans, so ya, it would be pre-Hoth...

Dark Forces comics? I've never heard of 'em. Sounds interesting tho....