Illuminatus Primus wrote:Gamer 5 wrote:The Chiss independently developed star-travel, perhaps by tapping ancient memories of the original colonization effort that brought them to Csilla. They now rule a sizable sector of the Unknown Regions.
Somewhat unrelated, but interesting: the Chiss did not evolve on Csilla. This supports the idea they could very well be descendants of ancient human pre-FTL travel colonization attempts that got lost beyond the galactic disk.
They control a single sector beyond the galactic disk. A casual glance of any picture of spiral galaxy will tell you a section of space outside the disk contains almost nothing.
Gamer 5 wrote:The Chiss maintain impressive fleets dedicated to protecting Csilla and her territories. They have colonized over two dozen worlds. Chiss colonies are sparsely-populated production centers for resources that are then transported back to Csilla.
The "lightly populated" Chommell Sector comprised 36 full-member worlds and 40,000 settled dependencies, according to the AOTC ICS.
Gamer 5 wrote:The basic need to manage Csilla’s population as well as gathering resources without upsetting their homeworld’s ecosystem governs much of their space programs. Since the worlds in their territory more than suffice for the total Chiss population needs (estimated at just shy of five trillion), the question remains as to just what the Chiss are looking for.
The secret retreat world of Emperor Palpatine, Byss, had a population of 19.7 billion alone.
entire Chiss civilization is only two-and-a-half hundred times larger than the
population of the Emperor’s private retreat world.
Gamer 5 wrote:The heart of Chiss politics lies on Csilla, and in the four ruling families. At the House Palace in Csilla’s capital city of Csaplar can be found the Cabinet and Parliament. The 28 outlying Chiss colonies are represented in the Parliament by apointed governors, or House leaders.
There are only 29 proper Chiss worlds.
Gamer 5 wrote:The Chiss military is a sizable force. The Nuruodo family is ultimately in charge of the fleet and army. The military has never been required to act as a single unit, so it is partitioned into 28 colonial units called Phalanxes.
Each of the Phalanxes often refered to is only the local military stationed at an
individual planet.
The Imperial Remnant had over
a thousand major systems.
So much for those ideas that only if the Chiss helped in the NJO, everything would be fine!
The Chiss have about 2.9% of the significant territory of the Imperial Remnant.
Gamer 5 wrote:The Chiss have independently developed analogs for galactic standard technologies. The Chiss hyperdrive, while not as efficient as the latest model from Corellian Engineering Corporation, is nonetheless competent and capable for traversing the distances of their territory.
Wow. The Chiss hyperdrive is
competent at traversing the distances of
their own territory.
The fact they've had to develop their own immitations and analogs for galactic standard technology reveals why it is inferior.
Gamer 5 wrote:Modern Chiss spacecraft use this anchor-point network for hyperspace travel within Chiss space. Chiss vessels thus lack navicomputers and are unable to safely travel beyond the Chiss borders.
Some military juggernaught. Can't leave their own territory.
Gamer 5 wrote:It is believed that the Chiss do not have a starship larger than an escort frigate (about 300 meters in length).
The Chiss can't field
any starship (no reference to warships, only a starships here) even three-hundred meters in length. The United Federation of Planets fields a more lengthy vessel in the
Soveriegn-class battlecruiser
Enterprise-E by over a factor of two.
Three-hundred meter-long battleships at best with inferior analog weapon systems that cannot navigate independently or even leave their territory? How threatening.
Gamer 5 wrote:A significant portion of the CEDF, Syndic Mitth’raw’nuruodo’s Household Phalanx, has taken an extended leave of the rest of the fleet to deal with encroaching threats. While some would call this action secession and treason, the ruling families have taken care not to stir the populace with such inflammatory talk. Thrawn’s Phalanx has teamed with a cell of Imperials to guard the Chiss territory in a much more proactive manner than the Chiss would ordinarily be comfortable with.While the ruling families pretend to be oblivious to such actions, the average Chiss does indeed know.
As Thrawn's "household phalanx" and as such is only one planet's worth of Chiss military might.
I'd like to remind those who wank to the idea of Thrawn's holdouts out in the galactic backwaters that the only demonstrated substance that amounted to a single reinforced stone fortress, a handful of gunships cobbled with TIE parts, and a handful of extremely upgraded Clawcraft for intragalactic work far beyond Chiss territory. That is
Gamer 5 wrote:They have developed technology comparable to the rest of the galaxy, and see no need for trade. Their culturally-encoded contempt for “lesser” aliens also prohibits them from friendly relations with neighboring species.
Wow. A bunch of backward isolationist racists with poor production capabilities and only comparable, not equal technology with galactic norm. I see more in common with holdouts in the wilderness of the American Deep South than I do with some secret cadre of übermensch with hidden shadow fleets.
Since they won't trade or even have friendly relations with Imperials, I don't see much technological transfer going to be happening other than whatever Thrawn might have left in their territory for them to try and copy. Likely not much cooperation from engineers in Pelleaon's dominion though.
Gamer 5 wrote:A hybrid of Imperial and Chiss technologies, the clawcraft resembles a TIE-ball cockpit with an extended twin ion bank.
Thus, the Clawcraft's performance is likely due to the Imperial part of that hybrid, and Chiss attempts to copy it. Not reflective of Chiss technology.
Chiss clawcraft are Imperial-Chiss hybrids. And since the Chiss government is uninterested in trade or relations with “inferiors,” that excludes the Imperials. So, no, it is doubtful the Chiss government does have clawcraft.
The clawcraft is likely an attempt by Thrawn's household phalanx to bolster their own numbers by canabalizing whatever Imperial technology was left behind during Thrawn's campiagns. Seeing as he had to worry about Spaarti cylinders and ancient fleets of slave-rigged frigates in the
Katana fleet, I don't imagine him leaving Sector groups worth of fleets that some seem to delude exist out in the Unknown Regions with little evidence.
Given that the clawcraft is STILL described as lacking a navicomputer or even warhead launchers in the New Jedi Order Sourcebook, IIRC, Jag Fel's squad must be a rare group of clawcraft specially customized and modified and bolstered with Imperial technology that the Chiss couldn't duplicate STILL to produce a mere navicomputer.
here was the last big Chiss debate thread.