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How are they going to tone down the technology?
Posted: 2003-04-23 10:37am
by Trytostaydead
From TPM to AoTC, we've seen a level of technology never feasible or seen in the old trilogy.. how are they going to maintain a level of continuity?
Such as, all the fighters and ships in the new movies seem to be very streamlined, glossy and sleek.. computers everywhere, etc etc..
How do you think they're going to handle that? And also the characters themselves, do you think we'll see the imperial uniforms? Aliens getting toasted?
Posted: 2003-04-23 10:45am
by Spanky The Dolphin
What are you talking about? They're using the same technology. They're in a technological stasis, FYI.
It's just that we're seeing more of the Core, who can afford to have everything look flashy and curvy. It also tends to take about 50 years for trends to travel from the Core to the Outer Rim...
Re: How are they going to tone down the technology?
Posted: 2003-04-23 10:57am
by Knife
Trytostaydead wrote:From TPM to AoTC, we've seen a level of technology never feasible or seen in the old trilogy.. how are they going to maintain a level of continuity?
Such as, all the fighters and ships in the new movies seem to be very streamlined, glossy and sleek.. computers everywhere, etc etc..
How do you think they're going to handle that? And also the characters themselves, do you think we'll see the imperial uniforms? Aliens getting toasted?
Don't mistake form for function. The OT ships had a more untility feel to them while in the prequels we more of a concern over what the thing looks like. But they both, AFAIK, seem to function about the same. Computers were present in the OT as well, the Xwings cockpit is stuffed with MFD and other displays.
Side note: The uniforms of the crew of the Republic cruiser on TPM were extremely close to Imperial uniforms.
Posted: 2003-04-23 11:16am
by Jason von Evil
It's all the same, the graphics and effects were different because they didn't have CGI and crap back in the 70's and 80's.
Posted: 2003-04-23 11:20am
by Spanky The Dolphin
It's also because of the areas that we've seen in each of the trilogies.
Think of the OT as seeing a series of small farm towns in Iowa or Nebraska.
Then think of the PT as seeing huge cities like Tokyo or New York.
Re: How are they going to tone down the technology?
Posted: 2003-04-23 11:55am
by Master of Ossus
Trytostaydead wrote:From TPM to AoTC, we've seen a level of technology never feasible or seen in the old trilogy.. how are they going to maintain a level of continuity?
Such as, all the fighters and ships in the new movies seem to be very streamlined, glossy and sleek.. computers everywhere, etc etc..
How do you think they're going to handle that? And also the characters themselves, do you think we'll see the imperial uniforms? Aliens getting toasted?
What are you talking about with the technology? The Prequel films appear to have flashier ships and things, because they're from the Core worlds as opposed to the Outer Rim, but the technology is the same as the stuff in the OT.
In terms of Imperial uniforms, I would be very surprised if the old set of stormtrooper armor didn't make a re-appearance. I'm not sure how they're going to show the Jedi Purge, but I would think they would like to show aliens "get pasted, too."
Posted: 2003-04-23 03:51pm
Furthermore, the events of the prequels follow main characters that are significant figures in the galactic environment... queens, Jedi Knights (at a time when the Jedi were respected), senators...
In the OT, the main characters were thugs, bums, and whiny punk-ass kids that don't have access to the resources of a galactic government.
Re: How are they going to tone down the technology?
Posted: 2003-04-23 04:17pm
by Darth Servo
Trytostaydead wrote:From TPM to AoTC, we've seen a level of technology never feasible or seen in the old trilogy.. how are they going to maintain a level of continuity?
Such as, all the fighters and ships in the new movies seem to be very streamlined, glossy and sleek.. computers everywhere, etc etc..
I see you've been taken over by the "looks are everything" fallacy. You'd expect things in the capital to be very market freindly. Outer rim areas like Tatooine are exactly the same in TPM and AOTC as they are in the OT.
Re: How are they going to tone down the technology?
Posted: 2003-04-23 05:34pm
by Sea Skimmer
Trytostaydead wrote:From TPM to AoTC, we've seen a level of technology never feasible or seen in the old trilogy.. how are they going to maintain a level of continuity?
Such as, all the fighters and ships in the new movies seem to be very streamlined, glossy and sleek.. computers everywhere, etc etc..
Hun? The functions are the same. Its not surprising that before things really heated up designers tried to make there products look good to attract buyers in a time of peace, while by the time of ANH utility and mass production was more important.
Posted: 2003-04-23 05:46pm
by Admiral Johnason
Actually, the OT is set in a period where ships aren't supposed to look good, like in the new trilogy. It is comparable to the leaps in aircraft design between 1930 and 1950. At least that is the way it was related to me in one of the cross-sections book.
Posted: 2003-04-23 06:07pm
by Darth Servo
Also, remember that the overall appearance varies from system to system. In the OT, Tatooine was very primitive (relatively speaking) while Bespin had many high tech facilities. In AOTC, Kamino's cities have a very slick "high tech" look and feel to them while the Geonosian droid factory and arena are practically carved out of solid rock. Alderaan did have a planetary shield remember. I do hope we can see a little more of of that world in Ep 3.

Posted: 2003-04-23 06:50pm
It is comparable to the leaps in aircraft design between 1930 and 1950.
A better analogy: Automobile design in the 60s, compared to design in the 80s. Specifically, the Ford Mustang. In the 60s, it was a work of beauty... sleek, rounded, wonderful. In the 80s, however, it was a boxy, blocky, sharp-edged POS.
Posted: 2003-04-24 12:43am
by Slartibartfast
SPOOFE wrote:It is comparable to the leaps in aircraft design between 1930 and 1950.
A better analogy: Automobile design in the 60s, compared to design in the 80s. Specifically, the Ford Mustang. In the 60s, it was a work of beauty... sleek, rounded, wonderful. In the 80s, however, it was a boxy, blocky, sharp-edged POS.
Posted: 2003-04-24 03:36am
by His Divine Shadow
SPOOFE wrote:It is comparable to the leaps in aircraft design between 1930 and 1950.
A better analogy: Automobile design in the 60s, compared to design in the 80s. Specifically, the Ford Mustang. In the 60s, it was a work of beauty... sleek, rounded, wonderful. In the 80s, however, it was a boxy, blocky, sharp-edged POS.
I was going to say the Generation 3 Corvette compared to the latter models.
G3 Forever!
Posted: 2003-04-24 04:59am
by Cpt_Frank
SPOOFE wrote:It is comparable to the leaps in aircraft design between 1930 and 1950.
A better analogy: Automobile design in the 60s, compared to design in the 80s. Specifically, the Ford Mustang. In the 60s, it was a work of beauty... sleek, rounded, wonderful. In the 80s, however, it was a boxy, blocky, sharp-edged POS.
It's more like comparing a 60s Ford Mustang with a T-80.
The sleek and rounded vessels we see in TPM aren't military, but civillian.
Posted: 2003-04-24 05:11am
by Sokar
If you read some of the designer diaries on the official site, GL set out to make the pre-Clone War Republic look more refined and decadent than the post war galaxy where military expediency and a decade plus of civil war had given much of the galaxy outside of the Galactic Core a far rougher time than in the preceeding thousand years. The Galaxy and Empire are still on the recovery phase of the post war era in ANH.
Posted: 2003-04-24 05:14am
by His Divine Shadow
Sokar wrote:The Galaxy and Empire are still on the recovery phase of the post war era in ANH.
And with the advent of massive civil war after ROTJ, they never recovered, infact they're at the lowest low point in many thousands of years now.
Posted: 2003-04-24 05:30am
by Sokar
His Divine Shadow wrote:Sokar wrote:The Galaxy and Empire are still on the recovery phase of the post war era in ANH.
And with the advent of massive civil war after ROTJ, they never recovered, infact they're at the lowest low point in many thousands of years now.
Too true, it would account for the massive disparity between the Core and Corporate Sector worlds and the Mid- and Outer-rim worlds. Much of the Clone War. the Rebellion and then the New Republic/Imperial Civil Wars were all fought on or over the Mid- and Outer-Rim planets. essentially this entire area has been a War Zone for the last century, and with SW levels of fire power thats nothing to sniff at.....
Posted: 2003-04-24 06:10am
by NecronLord
The technology isn't toned down, it does in fact improve. The death star in ANH is more advanced than the one in AotC (as it had exterior tanks, probably fuel, indicating an advancement in compression) Instead the galaxy has changed it's design astetics.
Could this be related to Palpatine's New Order? Take communism for example, in the USSR they were keen to be seen to be purging Tsarist decadance. Could the major manufacturers have changed their designs for more Austere forms to show that they have purged the decadance of the Old Republic?
Posted: 2003-04-24 09:10am
by Peregrin Toker
NecronLord wrote:
Could this be related to Palpatine's New Order? Take communism for example, in the USSR they were keen to be seen to be purging Tsarist decadance. Could the major manufacturers have changed their designs for more Austere forms to show that they have purged the decadance of the Old Republic?
This is possible. However, Palpatine is not as much of a communist as he is generically authoritarian. (He did raise taxes, but he did not do anything which even was akin to abolishing private property rights)
Posted: 2003-04-24 11:18am
by PainRack
Dr Reynold,the author for some of the SW TPM books also noted this.
He stated that for SW TPM,the ship designs were made so as to be more artistic,to reflect the freedom and creativitely under the Old Republic.SW ships were designed to resemble hand-crafted vessels,with the inherent style that comes along for such artifacts,whereas vessels in Palpatine age were more "industrial",to resemble the mass production ships,so as to reflect the authorian ideals of that age.
Posted: 2003-04-24 11:22am
by PainRack
Simon H.Johansen wrote:NecronLord wrote:
Could this be related to Palpatine's New Order? Take communism for example, in the USSR they were keen to be seen to be purging Tsarist decadance. Could the major manufacturers have changed their designs for more Austere forms to show that they have purged the decadance of the Old Republic?
This is possible. However, Palpatine is not as much of a communist as he is generically authoritarian. (He did raise taxes, but he did not do anything which even was akin to abolishing private property rights)
However,TESB novelisation makes it plain that the Empire has been consolidating the corporations under state control.What's diffcult about the state of this command economy is the existence of the canon Mining Guilds,this doesn't fit with a communistic state,although if the Mining Guild is more of a union movement instead of a guild in Middle Age times.............
Posted: 2003-04-24 11:59am
by NecronLord
I never claimed Papatine was a communist. It was just an analogy. I could use Hitler's germany as compared to the late Weimar (pre wall street crash) if you want, but it's not as clear.
TESB novelisation makes it plain that the Empire has been consolidating the corporations under state control
Not really a problem, Mussolini did something similar while allowing much control to remain with the owners, they simply got rewarded for meeting economic goals.
Mussolini then fucked the Italian economy during the Spanish Civil War though...
Posted: 2003-04-24 09:45pm
by PainRack
NecronLord wrote:I never claimed Papatine was a communist. It was just an analogy. I could use Hitler's germany as compared to the late Weimar (pre wall street crash) if you want, but it's not as clear.
TESB novelisation makes it plain that the Empire has been consolidating the corporations under state control
Not really a problem, Mussolini did something similar while allowing much control to remain with the owners, they simply got rewarded for meeting economic goals.
Mussolini then fucked the Italian economy during the Spanish Civil War though...
Yeah,but the Empire appears to be nationalising even SMEs,or at least,the threat that the Empire will do so is paramount on both Han and Lando mind.
That fits in more with a command economy than a state economy.
Posted: 2003-04-27 05:18pm
by Kurgan
Compare Jango Fett to Boba Fett... Clone Troopers to Stormtroopers... Naboo Troops to Rebel Troops... Acclamators to ISD's... etc.
Things are very close. I'd say that there is a more "polished" aesthetic in the prequels... things look dirtier, more run down, and utilitarian in the classic trilogy, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's inferior technologically.