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Who could play Thrawn?
Posted: 2003-04-23 07:43pm
by Admiral Johnason
If the Heir trilogy were to become the sequal movies that are expected to eventually come, who would you have to play Thrawn.
I personally would choose Russel Crowe.
Posted: 2003-04-23 07:50pm
by Joe
Hugo Weaving.
Posted: 2003-04-23 08:01pm
by Super-Gagme
Tommy Lee Jones or Keanu Reeves (but not for his acting skill, he just would look good)
Posted: 2003-04-23 08:11pm
by Darth Servo
Clint Eastwood when he was younger maybe?
Posted: 2003-04-23 08:28pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Assassin's bullet from Illuminati snipers would prevent this from happening.
If any post-ROTJ EU should've been the Sequel Trilogy, it is Dark Empire.
Posted: 2003-04-23 08:34pm
by Admiral Johnason
Dark Empire would be a good TV series, but not a movie trilogy.
Posted: 2003-04-23 08:35pm
by Superman
I can imagine Keaneu Reeves playing this part:
Officer: "Sir, we are being a rebel Mon Calamari ship is coming about!"
Reeves: "Dude, fire the turbo lasers!"
Officer: "Sir, damage to the hull, we are venting oxygen!"
Reeves: "Bogus!"
Posted: 2003-04-23 08:35pm
by Joe
You really dislike Zahn, don't you...I think, minimalism aside, he can write SW better than anyone else.
Posted: 2003-04-23 08:53pm
by Superman
Actually, the actor who played General Zod on "Superman 2" would be a great Thrawn. Interestingly, he did have a part on "Star Wars: Episode 1" according to his film bio on my "Superman 2" DVD. I don't know which character he played.
Posted: 2003-04-23 08:57pm
by Admiral Johnason
Superman wrote:Actually, the actor who played General Zod on "Superman 2" would be a great Thrawn. Interestingly, he did have a part on "Star Wars: Episode 1" according to his film bio on my "Superman 2" DVD. I don't know which character he played.
No my dear friend.
Prehaps Sean Connery's voice to a CGI body could be cool.
Posted: 2003-04-23 09:08pm
by Superman
No my dear friend? What does that mean? He would be a good Thrawn.
Posted: 2003-04-23 09:08pm
by Enforcer Talen
this topic has been asked.
. . .I think I asked it.
Posted: 2003-04-23 09:09pm
by Stravo
For some reason I see either a young Christopher Lee or Jude Law (One of our finest actors around right now)
Tom Hanks

Posted: 2003-04-23 09:10pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Durran Korr wrote:You really dislike Zahn, don't you...I think, minimalism aside, he can write SW better than anyone else.
Zahn is alright in general. But he's continuity illiterate. And he masturbates to his own characters and on one seems to notice they do and can screw up and they have been wrong. A lot of Zahn's implications have been cast to the garbage and some people are still approaching orgasm reading Zahn's one-upping in VOTF.
But truthfully, Thrawn is too uber, and the TTT is not really connected to the movie trilogies, nor is it very epic.
Dark Empire is epic, well written, well concieved, and wraps up Palpatine and the Empire.
Posted: 2003-04-23 09:16pm
by Stravo
Sorry Primus but I for one DESPISE Dark Empire for the simple fact that it took a big shit on the sacrifice of Anakin Skywalker and essentially regressed Luke's character to the point where he had to exorcise the same demons he already did in ROTJ. IN essence Dark Empire was ROTJ lite. Poor writing, shitty set up and setting. Sucked much ass.
Posted: 2003-04-23 09:31pm
by irishmick79
My two candidates would be Anthony Hopkins and Jason Isaacs. Isaacs would probably be my lead candidate for Thrawn - he definitely would have the look.
Posted: 2003-04-23 09:38pm
Jude Law or Kevin Spacey, I think.
Posted: 2003-04-23 09:40pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Stravo wrote:Sorry Primus but I for one DESPISE
Silly purist.
Stravo wrote:Dark Empire for the simple fact that it took a big shit on the sacrifice of Anakin Skywalker
Palpatine lost his Empire and lost his power. The Empire could never return to what it was--the power of the Dark Side was broken. Anakin Skywalker died to save his son--and nothing more. They would've all died in a few minutes anyway due to some concussion missiles into a certain reactor core. In saving his son, he ensures the future of the Jedi--a thematic point underlined repetatively in DE. Dark Empire is about moving out of the past of the OT and into the future of the Jedi and the New Republic--and in order to do this they must face their demons and unfinished jobs. Palpatine always was the best villian.
Stravo wrote:and essentially regressed Luke's character to the point where he had to exorcise the same demons he already did in ROTJ.
DE Luke was more in-character than any other Skywalker after that. He comes to Palpatine, and he's sitting in Palpy's fortress. Palpatine offers a
Master Skywalker a deal, learn the secrets from Palpatine and attempt to co-opt him from within, or die. He made a gamble trying to save the galaxy and survive. And he won. Palpatine was destroyed. The growth Luke made that allowed him to engage Palpatine as an equal--this is the legacy of the Chosen One. Not to mention Luke traces his father's steps as Anakin Skywalker truly--Palpatine utterly failed. Skywalker betrayed him the whole way through, and then together with the other Skywalker, destroyed him. Vader made it possible.
Stravo wrote:IN essence Dark Empire was ROTJ lite. Poor writing, shitty set up and setting. Sucked much ass.
Poor writing? Its a comic. The dialogue seemed on mark to me. And the descriptions and places it took us were fresh and dynamic--like the films. Zahn brought us lackluster Rishi and another forest world with anti-Force salamanders.
Vietch took us to Solo's origins, a war-torn capital, the secret lair of the former Emperor of the Galaxy, and a moon of heaven-reaching pinnicles where the good of the galaxy awaited the confrontation.
The setting was perfect. War-torn galaxy.
I agree with George Lucas. It was great.
Posted: 2003-04-23 09:45pm
by Alyeska
You need someone with an older look. They need a level of intensity that can portary both emotion and cold intelect at the same time. My vote goes for James Woods.
Posted: 2003-04-23 10:03pm
by Death from the Sea
Durran Korr wrote:Hugo Weaving.
I agree Hugo Weaving would be a good choice. In my head I always imagined Thrawn speaking similar to Agent Smith (even before I saw the Matrix).
Posted: 2003-04-23 10:07pm
by Sokar
I like the idea of Jason Issac's as Thrawn, though hes going to be busy playing Lucius Malfoy for a bit, though he dosent re-appear in the books until "The Goblet of Fire", but seeing as GoF is probaly going to be a two parter...
Posted: 2003-04-23 10:57pm
by weemadando
Jeremy fucking Irons.
Posted: 2003-04-23 11:00pm
by Cal Wright
It has been asked. I asked it. I still say Jeremy Irons. Agent Smith would be fairly close, but the way his mouth moves just pisses me off.
Now to hijack this thread. Primus, Stravo, settle down. First off, I have read only parts of DE. It's pretty bad ass, and nice and Star Wars über like. I don't like the fact that the Emperor returned for any reason. This is probably were TTT and DE should be melded together. TTT is good, but it's not wholey great. It was astonishing the first time I read it. AFter that it loses something. Mainly the shock factor. The Hand duology is sort of the same way, but still has enough nail biting action to be a good read. Everything seemed so lackluster in TTT after you re read it. I mean come on. The biggest letdown of Thrawn's death is were it happened. The Battle of Bilbringi. Hell, it should have been a battle that would spell certain DOOM for everyone. Oh well, at least us Warsies can wank to the fact that cloking doesn't mean shit. LoL.
Posted: 2003-04-24 01:04am
by DPDarkPrimus
What about a much younger Peter O'Toole?
Posted: 2003-04-24 01:32am
by Trytostaydead
DPDarkPrimus wrote:What about a much younger Peter O'Toole?
That's a pretty good suggestion.. but Peter O'Toole in his Lawrence of Arabia age never had that dominanting presence in my mind that Thrawn had.. that steel persona.
Jeremy Irons if he buffed up a little..
In my mind the character should look very much like Thrawn from the covesr of the thrawn trilogy and comic books and his voice should be very educated. Not necessarily English per se, probably more of an American West Coast dialect. Somewhat bland but very forceful and cultured like.
BTW, who the f

ck chose that live picture of Thrawn on the star wars homepage??