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Acclamator BDZ - a question

Posted: 2002-09-03 05:52pm
by nightmare
I was originally looking for references of atmospheric entry for Star Destroyers (More on this subject another time, if I feel so inclined.) as well as female officers in the Imperial Navy, when I found this tidbit:


Acclamator-class Troopship
developed and manufactured by Rothan Heavy Engineering, the Acclamator-class trans-galactic military transport ship was designed in support of the Army of the Republic. Measuring 752 meters in length, the Acclamator could carry up to 16,000 clone troopers, 320 speeder bikes, 80 LAAT/c or LAAT/i gunships, 48 AT-TE walkers, and 36 SPHA-T vehicles. The ship was created for the Republic, rather than the Trade Federation or the Separatists, after several Kuati officials were murdered by the Federation at the Eriadu Conference. The Acclamator-class ship was the first ship produced, and was designed to carry huge numbers of troops and support materiel into battle anywhere in the galaxy. Each of these massive ships was armed with 12 quad turbolaser turrets, 24 laser cannons, and four projectile launchers. It was crewed by 700 officers, and was equipped with a Class 0.6 hyperdrive. The Acclamator was distinguished as the first ship capable of carrying out a Base Delta Zero order, something never seen in the Old Republic until the onset of the Clone Wars. In most design respects, the Acclamator was the predecessor of the Victory- and Imperial-class Star Destroyers.


Now, of course I know about the new ICS, but I don't have the book. The phrase that interested me is "The Acclamator was distinguished as the first ship capable of carrying out a Base Delta Zero order"

Sure, 200 GT Quad TLs should be able to perform a BDZ, but I haven't heard anything about it before, does the AOTC ICS actually state this?

Posted: 2002-09-03 06:06pm
by Master of Ossus
ICS said that a group of them had the capability to BDZ a planet. I don't think they can do it with a single ship.

Posted: 2002-09-03 06:32pm
by HRogge
Master of Ossus wrote:ICS said that a group of them had the capability to BDZ a planet. I don't think they can do it with a single ship.
An Acclamator has no fighters, so it cannot blockade the planet while it destroys the surface... it would be unable to complete a BDZ mission...

Posted: 2002-09-03 06:33pm
by Master of Ossus
Not by itself. In groups they can.

Posted: 2002-09-03 06:59pm
by nightmare
Thank you for your input. While this text implies that just one ship could do it, which was what I found a novelty, it certainly makes sense that a large enough group of [insert any ship here] could do it.

Maybe I should go right along to the other subject then. The Victory is said to be capable to enter an atmosphere, while the Victory II lost the ability. This comes from SWCG, I believe.

But also ISD's and ESD's (Executor-class Star Destroyers) are said to not be able to enter an atmosphere. In the latter case, the Lusankya was unable to take off from Coruscant without a repulsorsled. I believe WEG are responsible for the notion that ISD's cannot enter atmosphere.

But.. In comics, I have seen both a common ISD and the Executor do it. Sure, they are comics, but they are refered to as "graphic novels" and as far as I know, they don't rate lower than the non-graphic novels.

In which case we have to assume that either the Executor was unusual in having repulsors, or that the Lusankya was unusual for lacking repulsors.

To clarify a bit, the ISD was commanded by two of the reborn Emperor's Dark Side Adepts and was tipped off by a control tower operator that Han Solo was on the planet. The ISD tried to catch the MF in a tractor beam, Han dived under the tower. Adepts command maximum power to the tractor just as it lock on to the tower. End result, ISD speared itself and goes down, while Solo speeds away.

Buildings could be seen in that scene, but no cloud cover below the ISD. Sure, SW buildings can be large, but you could see that the ISD was down to a few Km altitude at most from the scale of things, and operating just fine. (It was quite a long time ago I read it, but I'm certain of this.)

So which source takes precedence? WEG sucks in accuracy.

Posted: 2002-09-03 08:54pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
The ability to enter a planet'st atmosphere would also be a tactical advantage. Fighters could be alunched and returned faster, and they can go no longer since they don't have to use any energy escapiung the planet's gravity. Of course, considering the power of these fighters, escaping a planet's gravity wouldn't be too hard.

Posted: 2002-09-03 10:08pm
by Cal Wright
HRogge wrote:
Master of Ossus wrote:ICS said that a group of them had the capability to BDZ a planet. I don't think they can do it with a single ship.
An Acclamator has no fighters, so it cannot blockade the planet while it destroys the surface... it would be unable to complete a BDZ mission...
I'm just gonna pick on you for this thread Jeeves. Nothing personal.

Not only was the ICS for AotC written by Curtis Saxton, I feel the Episode II ICS and VD (being taken straight from the movies.) are a higher reference.

Republic Assault Ship

Supportive Mothership
Each Acclamator cooridinates its forces strategically. Orbital bombardments with high-yield proton torpedoes and surgical turbolaser strikes hit enemy fortifications when capture is not a priority. Armies entrenched deep underground may be subject to a last resort 'Base Delta Zero' fleet bombardment. Such operations reduce the upper crust of a planet to molten slag-a spectacle unseen in the Republic until the Clone Wars

I'm sorry Ms Jackson, woo I am for real!!!

Cargo Capacity
320 speeder bikes
80 infantry & cargo gunships
48 armored walkers

Not only can a single Acclamator turn Starfleet's headquarters into slag, but if they feel they missed anything. the LAAT/i Republic Gunships can finish the rest.

Posted: 2002-09-04 11:28am
by HRogge
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:
HRogge wrote:An Acclamator has no fighters, so it cannot blockade the planet while it destroys the surface... it would be unable to complete a BDZ mission...
I'm just gonna pick on you for this thread Jeeves. Nothing personal.

Not only was the ICS for AotC written by Curtis Saxton, I feel the Episode II ICS and VD (being taken straight from the movies.) are a higher reference.

Republic Assault Ship

Supportive Mothership
Each Acclamator cooridinates its forces strategically. Orbital bombardments with high-yield proton torpedoes and surgical turbolaser strikes hit enemy fortifications when capture is not a priority. Armies entrenched deep underground may be subject to a last resort 'Base Delta Zero' fleet bombardment. Such operations reduce the upper crust of a planet to molten slag-a spectacle unseen in the Republic until the Clone Wars

I'm sorry Ms Jackson, woo I am for real!!!

Cargo Capacity
320 speeder bikes
80 infantry & cargo gunships
48 armored walkers

Not only can a single Acclamator turn Starfleet's headquarters into slag, but if they feel they missed anything. the LAAT/i Republic Gunships can finish the rest.
Yes... but they will be unable to prevent ships from leaving the planet on the other side... they just cannot blockade a whole planet, which will spoil the "no survivor" part of a BDZ.

Posted: 2002-09-04 11:46am
by nightmare
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:The ability to enter a planet'st atmosphere would also be a tactical advantage. Fighters could be alunched and returned faster, and they can go no longer since they don't have to use any energy escapiung the planet's gravity. Of course, considering the power of these fighters, escaping a planet's gravity wouldn't be too hard.
It should definitely be useful for ground support. I guess this means we're in agreement.
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:Supportive Mothership
Each Acclamator cooridinates its forces strategically. Orbital bombardments with high-yield proton torpedoes and surgical turbolaser strikes hit enemy fortifications when capture is not a priority. Armies entrenched deep underground may be subject to a last resort 'Base Delta Zero' fleet bombardment. Such operations reduce the upper crust of a planet to molten slag-a spectacle unseen in the Republic until the Clone Wars.
That's very interesting. Seems a single Acclamator can perform a BDZ after all, but I have to agree with Master of Ossus and HRogge. I can't see the "no survivor" part. But maybe that wasn't even invented yet? It could be the later Imperial interpretation of it. Still, the ability to turn a planets surface to molten slag is rather impressive for a ship that small. The Acclamator is much faster than other Republican ships too. It's defninitely breaking new ground.

Posted: 2002-09-04 11:21pm
by Cal Wright
HRogge wrote:
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:
HRogge wrote:An Acclamator has no fighters, so it cannot blockade the planet while it destroys the surface... it would be unable to complete a BDZ mission...
I'm just gonna pick on you for this thread Jeeves. Nothing personal.

Not only was the ICS for AotC written by Curtis Saxton, I feel the Episode II ICS and VD (being taken straight from the movies.) are a higher reference.

Republic Assault Ship

Supportive Mothership
Each Acclamator cooridinates its forces strategically. Orbital bombardments with high-yield proton torpedoes and surgical turbolaser strikes hit enemy fortifications when capture is not a priority. Armies entrenched deep underground may be subject to a last resort 'Base Delta Zero' fleet bombardment. Such operations reduce the upper crust of a planet to molten slag-a spectacle unseen in the Republic until the Clone Wars

I'm sorry Ms Jackson, woo I am for real!!!

Cargo Capacity
320 speeder bikes
80 infantry & cargo gunships
48 armored walkers

Not only can a single Acclamator turn Starfleet's headquarters into slag, but if they feel they missed anything. the LAAT/i Republic Gunships can finish the rest.
Yes... but they will be unable to prevent ships from leaving the planet on the other side... they just cannot blockade a whole planet, which will spoil the "no survivor" part of a BDZ.
That's just Imperial propoganda. BDZ is basically leveling the planet itself. The Imprial Operation of a BDZ is leaving 'no survivors.'

Posted: 2002-09-05 01:16am
by Master of Ossus
A BDZ involves even more than that. It also requires that all forms of life be eliminated on a planet. That takes an immense amount of energy.

Posted: 2002-09-05 07:30am
by Cpt_Frank
To accomplish a BDZ thou shalt melt the surface, and thou shalt do it up to a depth of 1/2 mile. Thou shalt not melt more than half a mile, or less than half a mile, but thou should melt half a mile deep and half a mile is the depth thou should melt. :P
Seriously, how deep goes BDZ?

Posted: 2002-09-05 10:34am
by Master of Ossus
On an Earth-type planet, at least one half of one mile and probably as deep as a mile or a mile and a half. That is the required depth to eliminate all life and thoroughly sterilize a planet.

Posted: 2002-09-05 10:31pm
by Cal Wright
However deep the upper crust is too.

Posted: 2002-09-05 10:57pm
by AL
this is sort of off topic but an acclamator carries 16,000 troops right and is what 752m long or somewhere in that ball park. Now an isd is over twice that size and carries less troops. I'm wondering if that is truly accurate or not. Sure tha Acclamator doesnt carry fighters but it does carry alot of troops and equipment along with them. Maybe we have all under estimated the troop capacity of an ISD. Then again maybe not.

sorry didnt mean to get off subject but I just find that interesting.

Posted: 2002-09-05 11:05pm
by Cal Wright
The Acclamators do just that. Troop Transport. They have the LAAT/i's and the landing craft plus the walkers. However, an ISD has a full comand crew, full weapons crew. Enginering. They hold shit load more AT ATs, AT STs, the landing barges to get them from orbit to planetside. Also, the wing of TIE Fighters, the TIE Bombers, shuttles. yada yada yada. Really, I wonder sometimes how the cram all that shit in there. Heh.

Posted: 2002-09-05 11:05pm
by Master of Ossus
The Acclamator is not a warship in the traditional sense of the word. It is a large troop transport. ISD's, however, are designed for space combat first and as troop transports second. Note that the ISD's volume is more than three times as great as the Acclamator's, but that it carries fewer troops. This is because so much of its interior space is dedicated to weapons and shields and power. Comparatively, the Acclamator dedicates virtually no interior space to shields or weapons, and far less proportionately to power than the ISD.

Posted: 2002-09-05 11:07pm
by Cal Wright
uh, yeah. that too.

Posted: 2002-09-05 11:08pm
by Master of Ossus
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:uh, yeah. that too.
Sorry, that was kind of a double post between what we were saying.

Posted: 2002-09-07 11:31pm
by Cal Wright