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Who survived from Jabba's palace?
Posted: 2003-04-28 01:52am
by Currald
Who survived the Star Warriors' attack on Jabba the Hutt? I'm writing a comic book that has a scene in Jabba's palace, and I figured that it should take place right as news of Jabba's death gets back. So who lived, and who died?
Posted: 2003-04-28 05:46am
by Boba Fett
Bib Fortuna, Tessek the quarren sceurity chief, Bubbo (or whatever was his name) he was a half-intelligent being crawling on the floor.
They were converted by the B'omarr monks. Their brains were cut out but they still live in their new form.
The other guards -who were left in the palace- were killed by the monks.
Several other person survived the attack at the Great Pit of Karkoon but most of them never returned to the palace.
For more information check the books "Tales from Jabba's palace" and "Tales of the bounty hunters".
Posted: 2003-04-28 06:48am
by Darth Fanboy
The palace was empty for all practical purposes, Picked a bad time to set your scene.
Posted: 2003-04-28 09:51am
by Currald
Huh, well, what about Ephant Mon? Amanaman? They coudn't have fit everyone from the palace into the sail barge.
Posted: 2003-04-28 02:04pm
by Darth Fanboy
EPhant Mon by this time had returned to his home planet, Ammaran im unsure of but for the most part the palace was deserted save for the Monks. sorry
Posted: 2003-04-28 02:11pm
by Lord Pounder
According to Heir to the Empire a lot of Karrade's people came from Jabba's palace. Jabba had a lot of people under retainer due to bad debts etc. Aves was one of them IIRC. I remember this because Karrade had to keep the capture of Luke under wraps because "Skywalker in killing Jabba got a lot of them out of perminant hock"
Posted: 2003-04-28 02:40pm
by Darth Fanboy
Darth Pounder wrote:According to Heir to the Empire a lot of Karrade's people came from Jabba's palace. Jabba had a lot of people under retainer due to bad debts etc. Aves was one of them IIRC. I remember this because Karrade had to keep the capture of Luke under wraps because "Skywalker in killing Jabba got a lot of them out of perminant hock"
They didn'thang arpund the palace very long or probably left before hand. A lot of people there had left the palace for fears of a Rebel Alliance attack on the palace. Fully expecting that, the only people that might have stayed went out to party on the sail barge, and we all know how that turned out.
Posted: 2003-04-28 05:08pm
by Soontir C'boath
The soup monster that went crazy after he couldn't get Jabba's soup.