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Force theory

Posted: 2002-09-05 12:22pm
by weemadando
I've brought this up in ASVS and am looking for other opinions.

What if there is a limited flow of force, roughly half light and half dark, which may be drawn upon by the Jedi and Sith. It would explain why the very large Jedi order is complaining of losing power, while the Sith remain strong.

Posted: 2002-09-05 04:38pm
by AL
I would say the Sith are stronger no matter how you cut it.

Posted: 2002-09-05 05:00pm
by Mr Bean
Heh Lot easier to remain angrey than calm :P

Posted: 2002-09-05 05:28pm
by thecreech
Mr Bean wrote:Heh Lot easier to remain angrey than calm :P
Agreed. I believe that going to the darkside just gets you stronger quicker.

Posted: 2002-09-05 06:34pm
by AdmiralKanos
Weak-willed do-gooders will always be crushed by the forces of darkness!

Mind you, my severed head is orbiting Cybertron, so I guess I shouldn't talk.

Posted: 2002-09-05 07:28pm
by Admiral Drason
Jedi moderat there use of the force while the Sith use its awsome powers to rule the galaxy. Huhahaha :twisted:

Posted: 2002-09-05 10:00pm
by Solid Snake
The Dark Side is for lazy bastard Jedi. What do you think Yoda meant when he said "no stronger... Quicker, easier, more seductive"
Meaning its as easy as cheese to master the Dark Side, while the Light Side is harder than Chinese Algebra.

Posted: 2002-09-05 10:03pm
by Solid Snake
But the downside of the Dark Side, is that it kills you faster, and disembodiment in the Dark Side is fucking insanity. We heard Palpatine bitch about it a lot in Dark Empire.

Posted: 2002-09-05 10:14pm
by AL
well if luke was your last hope you would do all you can to discourage him from the dark side, and i'm not so sure about this makes you die quicker stuff. Palpatine looks rather old and still very powerful. I would say the dark side could allow one to steal a portion of the life force of another to prolong a sith lords life.

Posted: 2002-09-05 11:20pm
by Solid Snake
The Emperor needed clones to transfer his aura into because his bodies could not support the awesome magnitude of his force usage very long. Palpatine was old when Luke met him again in DE I, so I'm going to assume that one body is good for 10 years, because he died in DE I, too. And DE takes place about 10 years after ROTJ.

Posted: 2002-09-06 01:06am
by Darth Yoshi
6 yrs. actually. I think it has to do with the way you use the Force. Mara Jade says in I, Jedi that the Light Side wasn't as rough on the engine, and I assume constantly being angry is bad for you, physically and emotionally. I wouldn't know; I'm a happy-go-lucky Sith.

The force as a disease

Posted: 2002-09-06 09:43am
by omegaLancer
Hummm from the TPM that fact that the force is linked to micro organisms inhabiting the body of all living things, couple with the fact the higher the amoungs of these organism in a person body the stronger the force one possess, makes the force a disease.. This would explain why the Emperor body decay so rapidily..

There must have been a galactic wide plague that swept thru the SW galaxy, infecting every living creature known.. Races that are more resistance to the disease, would explain why some races are barily effected by the jedi mind powers or have no jedi..