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Just bought Force Heretic II
Posted: 2003-05-01 09:52pm
by Darth Fanboy
So far so BLAH! But im only 1/4 of the way through. I won't put any spoilers in this post but I will tell you this is so far running boring along the lines of the first few NJO books, despite one or two interesting revelations regarding the Ssi Ruuk.
Posted: 2003-05-01 10:11pm
by Captain tycho
Force Heretic II is out?
Posted: 2003-05-01 11:11pm
by Darth Yoshi
Hasn't it been out for a few days now? I noticed it earlier when I went to Borders during lunch.
Posted: 2003-05-01 11:26pm
by Darth Fanboy
WEll its out, It wasnt supposed to be out until either today or later this week but oh well.
At EIther rate, this book was not nearly as entertaining as Remnant, and the Bakuran/Ssi Ruuk Portion of this story might have been better written as a sequel to Truce at Bakura taking place in the short time after the corellian Trilogy. there were a few decent twists with that story but for the most part. BLEH!
Anyone who wants details can PM me because im not going to post spoilers.
Posted: 2003-05-01 11:51pm
by Joe
Damn. I can't find it at my local Borders.
Posted: 2003-05-02 12:09am
by Darth Fanboy
I got mine at Waldenbooks
edit: btw thats a beautiful sig pic, aI always stop and admire it whenever I read your posts

Posted: 2003-05-02 12:09am
by Darth Yoshi
Durran Korr wrote:Damn. I can't find it at my local Borders.
Wierd. Fanboy may be right; release date might be tomorrow. Anyway, I'm not that confident with borders. The one I went to put Love Hina 9 on the shelf like 2-3 weeks late.
Posted: 2003-05-02 01:07am
by Darth Fanboy
IIRC it wan't supposed to be until May 5th, I waled into the Waldenbooks at the mall today with the sole intention of reading every comic book in the place then going to my night class when suddenly that popped out at me. And my class ended up being cancelled to boot.
Posted: 2003-05-02 01:10am
by Joe
You ought to admire it, your creation.
Hmm, Waldenbooks...I have one of those at the mall, will have to try it.
Posted: 2003-05-02 01:29am
by Darth Fanboy
Durran Korr wrote:You ought to admire it, your creation.
Hmm, Waldenbooks...I have one of those at the mall, will have to try it.
that it is that it is
The price isnt too bad though, $7.00 and I got another dollar or so knocked off with my preferred readers card. SO at least I didn't pay much, unlike the travesty that is "Balance Point"
Posted: 2003-05-02 03:43pm
by Connor MacLeod
I picked it up ath the locaal B&N.
Waldenbooks tends to have books out alot earlier than other stores, I noticed. Apparently not all bookstores release books at the same time.
Posted: 2003-05-02 04:07pm
by Joe
The Bakura/Ssi-ruuk stuff is lame so far. The only interesting stuff is taking place on Corsucant with Nom Anor, and with Luke and company in Chiss Space.
Posted: 2003-05-02 06:10pm
by Darth Fanboy
Durran Korr wrote:The Bakura/Ssi-ruuk stuff is lame so far. The only interesting stuff is taking place on Corsucant with Nom Anor, and with Luke and company in Chiss Space.
I agree that the Nom Anor stuff is the most entertaining portion, but wouldn't you maybe have liked to a the book have a lot MORE Yu'Shaa content and a lot more of his exploits against Shimmrra?
Seems we disagree though on wether the Bakuran or Chiss storyline is more interesting. maybe its just me tho
Posted: 2003-05-02 06:12pm
by Joe
I'm almost finished, and the Bakura/Ssi-ruuk story got entertaining. I just found the first half dull, I was basically skimming over parts at random.
Posted: 2003-05-02 06:32pm
by Darth Fanboy
Well the part with the chiss is gonna get boring in a hurry.
Posted: 2003-05-02 06:43pm
by Joe
Darth Fanboy wrote:Well the part with the chiss is gonna get boring in a hurry.
Agreed, I just finished it. It was an enjoyable read, much better than I was expecting it to be based on the first half, but still not quite in the same league as the last five NJO books.
Posted: 2003-05-03 01:17am
by Kuja
I saw Force Heretic on the rack and the picture on the cover irked me because the artist forgot the Ssi-ruuk's beak.
Posted: 2003-05-03 01:19am
by Joe
I should also add that that androgynous-looking Jedi Knight on the cover is Jaina. She is the only brown-haired Jedi to come into contact with Ssi-ruuk in the book.
Posted: 2003-05-03 01:21am
by Kuja
Durran Korr wrote:I should also add that that androgynous-looking Jedi Knight on the cover is Jaina.
You have GOT to be kidding me.
Posted: 2003-05-03 01:25am
by Joe
IG-88E wrote:Durran Korr wrote:I should also add that that androgynous-looking Jedi Knight on the cover is Jaina.
You have GOT to be kidding me.
Either that or they just seriously fucked up with the cover art and put the wrong Jedi on it (Jaina also does not have a blue saber, IIRC).
Posted: 2003-05-03 02:34am
by Darth Fanboy
IG-88E wrote:I saw Force Heretic on the rack and the picture on the cover irked me because the artist forgot the Ssi-ruuk's beak.
Technically, on Raptors like that the snout is refferred to aas a beak, but they did make it look too much like a true velociraptor and not the alien it really is.
Thing is, that Jedi has got to be Jaina because the only other alternatives are Tahrir and Leia. tHere were no human male Jedi on Bakura IIRC.
Posted: 2003-05-04 12:31am
by Kuja
Darth Fanboy wrote:Technically, on Raptors like that the snout is refferred to aas a beak, but they did make it look too much like a true velociraptor and not the alien it really is.
Except that Ssi-ruuk have a TRUE beak, not a metaphorical one.
Posted: 2003-05-04 06:43am
by Darth Fanboy
IG-88E wrote:Darth Fanboy wrote:Technically, on Raptors like that the snout is refferred to aas a beak, but they did make it look too much like a true velociraptor and not the alien it really is.
Except that Ssi-ruuk have a TRUE beak, not a metaphorical one.
Not in any picture I've seen, care to enlighten?
Posted: 2003-05-04 08:28pm
by StarshipTitanic
Darth Fanboy wrote:IG-88E wrote:Darth Fanboy wrote:Technically, on Raptors like that the snout is refferred to aas a beak, but they did make it look too much like a true velociraptor and not the alien it really is.
Except that Ssi-ruuk have a TRUE beak, not a metaphorical one.
Not in any picture I've seen, care to enlighten?
They have one in the essential guide to species.
Posted: 2003-05-04 10:28pm
by Kuja
Darth Fanboy wrote:Not in any picture I've seen, care to enlighten?
The pictures of them in the Essential Guide to Planets and the Essential Guide to Aliens show them, and they are backed up by text:
Essential Guide to Alien Species:
They have strong tails, three digits on their claws, and a sharp beak and talons for rending prey.
Truce at Bakura:
She wanted to throw it at him, but resisted. She might cause more effective damage later. "I hope you can add a set of Ssi-ruu teeth soon." She tried to sound cool.
"Yes interesting that they have beaks with teeth."
Emphasis mine.