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What is differnt with the New Republic and the Old Republic?
Posted: 2002-09-05 04:44pm
by AL
Enlighten me please!!!
and why call it the New Republic? Why not just call it The Republic?
Whats so new about it and why would systems join? Why not remain independant of the Republic or New Republic? THe old Republic wasn't really that good. High taxes no authority easy for one Sith Lord to take over.
Your thought please.
Always questioning..................AL
Posted: 2002-09-05 04:45pm
by AL
sorry about the spelling. I think I have a few keys going bad.
Posted: 2002-09-05 04:59pm
by Mr Bean
Whats so new about it and why would systems join? Why not remain independant of the Republic or New Republic? THe old Republic wasn't really that good. High taxes no authority easy for one Sith Lord to take over.
Ouch realy dissing Papy there, calling it so easy to take down a galatic goverment as if a six year old school boy with a few spare hours could plan and excute such and event?
Anyway is called the New-Rebulic because its new and the Founders wanted to try and present the image it was just back to normal fokes no more Empire because the REBUPLIC is back
Posted: 2002-09-05 10:25pm
by AL
your right i guess i did put down the glorious emperor, i should have refrased that. I should have stated the Jedi were weak and that it demonstrates the superior power of the Sith to blind, confuse, and mislead the oldest and wises jedi.
Posted: 2002-09-05 10:49pm
by Ender
By about 20 years post Yavin, no one called it the New Republic any more, simply the Republic.
Posted: 2002-09-06 04:10am
by Morte
I think they called it the NEW Republic not to say "the Republic is back" but rather to actually distinguish it from both the old Republic and the Empire. In other words they're saying "this is a brand new Republic, none of the corruption of the old republic or the tyranny of the Empire. This time we'll do it right."
Posted: 2002-09-06 09:35am
by Cpt_Frank
But the funny thing is: the New Republic is as rotten and unstable as the Old Republic was only towards the very end, after 25000 years.
They have insufficient and weak jedi and politically correct leaders which obstruct the republic military in executing it's duties.
I tell ya within 100 years at most (after Luke and all those are dead) the Republic will have been replaced by the Empire again.
Posted: 2002-09-06 10:31am
by jegs2
The old Republic seems to be modeled after the Roman Republic, which also had a senate (and became quite corrupt). Coincidintally, the Roman Republic also saw a man seize power and claim the title of Emperor. Rome became very militarily powerful after she aquired the title of "Empire," and she was the unchallenged power for quite a long time.
It is easy to build a mighty military structure for "the glory of the empire," while a bumbling republic must first gain the concent of the people (see the history of the United States).
Posted: 2002-09-06 11:10am
by Stormbringer
I tell ya within 100 years at most (after Luke and all those are dead) the Republic will have been replaced by the Empire again.
It's already gone twenty five years later courtesy of the Vong. I wouldn't be suprised if the Empirial Remanent comes out as a major Galactic power rather than the shadow of it's former self.
Posted: 2002-09-06 11:18am
by Knife
My take is that the NR uses the term republic to recall the great glory of 25000 years. However they insert the New, into it to seperate themselves from the corruption that was just 20 or 30 years ago. People would remeber the final years of the Old Republic and all the problems and be wary. By using the New Republic, they get the best of both, the fame and history of the republic but distent themselves from recent corruption.
Posted: 2002-09-10 05:40pm
by Slartibartfast
I don't think the New Republic was named that as in "new and improved, with 50% more midichlorians".
It's just common sense: the Old Republic was destroyed. It's been called Old Republic since the days of the Empire and the Rebellion. You can't put a *new* republic and just say that it's the same Republic, but with a really long lunch break.
Posted: 2002-09-10 09:37pm
by RayCav of ASVS
Old Republic = cool
New Republic = can suck TOWNMNBS' ass
Posted: 2002-09-11 03:57am
by Lord of the Farce
RayCav of ASVS wrote:Old Republic = cool
New Republic = can suck TOWNMNBS' ass
Well in it's last days (or the years as the Clone Wars begin, if you want to be more literal), the Old Republic was overall even less suited to handling the Yuuzhan Vong threat. Though their higher number of Jedi and their aura of invincibility is still in most citizen's minds.
Posted: 2002-09-15 03:17am
by Corran Horn
Cpt_Frank wrote:But the funny thing is: the New Republic is as rotten and unstable as the Old Republic was only towards the very end, after 25000 years.
They have insufficient and weak jedi and politically correct leaders which obstruct the republic military in executing it's duties.
I tell ya within 100 years at most (after Luke and all those are dead) the Republic will have been replaced by the Empire again.
I just can't wait